Chapter 100 Deathly Hallows!!

The Doorless Bar, which has always been a meeting place for wizards living in New York, is in the secret room of the bar, where small trade fairs are held from time to time, allowing wizards to trade magical items with each other.

And the magic potion that Tom refined has always been a sought-after item here.

Ten minutes later, the various magic potions that Tom was carrying had been snapped up by the enthusiastic wizards.

However, what disappointed him a little was that he did not exchange any useful information for that, since learning that his father’s ‘fiancée’ Blood Queen was sealed, he had been trying to find the sealed place of the ‘Blood Queen’ and rescue her.

Unfortunately, as the most powerful dark wizard of the year, the information about the Blood Queen’s seal was highly confidential and difficult to listen to.

Until the end of the fair, Tom slowly walked out of the secret room with the basilisk Bazrisk, and there were more than ten items containing magical power on his body.

These magical items were given to Tom by the wizards to exchange for magic potions.

Walking back to the bar, Tom found a seat and sat leisurely.

Since my father left the earth with Lingling’s eldest sister, the three brothers were completely unrestrained and immediately released themselves.

Tom spends his days hanging out with these wizards, and in his spare time he goes to the lab to refine new magic potions.

And his eldest brother, Orochimaru, went to the headquarters of the Shokai.

His younger brother Kira Yoshikage went to Egypt and received news that the local auction house was auctioning an antiquity that was said to be a stone mask salvaged from a shipwreck on the seabed.

Tom ordered two cocktails, one of which was naturally for his beloved basilisk Bazlisk.

He stroked the huge snake head of Bazlisk, his gaze swept unconsciously in the bar, and suddenly, his gaze stopped, and his gaze fell on a bounty announcement on the mission wall.

The mission wall is where wizards issue tasks, and the tasks on it are varied, varied, from buying all kinds of magic drugs, to forming teams to go on expeditions, and offering rewards for exorcism…

And the task in front of you is a hunting order!

The reward is for a little girl.

The bounty list itself is a magical item, which looks like an ordinary piece of paper, but the portrait of the little girl printed in it can move, as if an image has been sealed inside.

The girl in the picture is dressed in black, her expression is cold, her eyes are all strong and unyielding, she looks ahead coldly, and a black fog looms behind her.

Tom notices that the name of the girl in the bounty list is Ariana Grindelwald.

And under the bounty list is a dense surname.

“This is a bounty announcement jointly issued by the Holy Twenty-Eight Wizard Family, as long as this girl is found, these wizard families are willing to pay a bounty of more than fifty million, and the bartender in the bar noticed Tom’s gaze and opened his mouth to explain.”

“Interesting! Unexpectedly, he was hunted down and killed by eighteen wizard families! ”

A smile tugged at the corner of Tom’s mouth.

He wasn’t interested in the bounties, and what really caught his attention was an accessory hanging from the neck of the girl named Ariana Grindelwald in the bounty announcement.

That accessory consists of a vertical line, a circle and a triangle, which looks like a triangular eye with a vertical line in the pupil.

Tom is no stranger to this peculiar symbol, and he once heard about the history of this symbol from his father.

This symbol represents the ‘Deathly Hallows’, which consists of an elderberry wand, an invisibility cloak and a resurrection stone, which is a token of death, and when you combine the three items represented in the symbol, you can see the real Grim Reaper.

Balkans, Bosnia, ‘Hydra’ European base.

At the top of the heavily guarded castle, Baron Strack is furious with his men.

His robotic arm slammed heavily on the tabletop, instantly leaving a clear handprint on it.

“Abominable! That damn crazy woman! ”

The woman cursed by Baron Strack was naturally his former subordinate, the ‘original sin’ Cynthia Schmidt who rebelled.

Since the last time, the desperate fighters sent to raid the opponent’s base have been completely destroyed, and the contradictions between the two sides have directly become white-hot, and the subordinates on both sides have repeatedly exchanged fire, causing panic among ordinary people and even attracting the attention of the security agencies of various countries.

In order to calm the situation, the Hydra Elders sent messengers to tell the two sides to immediately cease fire and not to continue to worsen the situation.

However, this decision could not eliminate Baron Strack’s anger at all.

The public defection of ‘Original Sin’ Cynthia Schmidt not only took away a large number of armed forces that were originally loyal to him and weakened his strength, but more importantly, this time the defection of his subordinates disgraced him and greatly fell in the prestige of the ‘Hydra’ organization.

For Baron Strack, who was bent on ascending to the highest throne of ‘Hydra’, this was simply unbearable.

“I must kill Cynthia Schmidt!”

Baron Strack said through gritted teeth.

“But, my lord, the senate has already ordered that we must stop the exchange of fire, and a subordinate opened his mouth to persuade, but before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted.”

“Shut up!”

“I don’t care what the Senate’s decision is, I just want Cynthia Schmidt’s life!”

Baron Strack clenched his mechanical arm, and a clicking mechanical sound came from the steel fist.

“How long will it take for the new ‘Centipede Armor’ to be developed?”

Baron Strack turned his head to look at Dr. Zola not far away.

“It will probably take another month…”

Dr. Zola manipulates the mechanical body to make electro-synthesized sounds.

“A month… It’s been too long… I can’t wait so long, I need an army now! ”

Baron Strack said in a deep voice.

Then he turned his gaze to Dr. Lister, who was sitting on the other side, with gray hair.

“Have those mutants finished training?”

Baron Strack asked.

“Not yet…”

Dr. Lister replied with some trepidation.

He has been in charge of running the Mutant Warrior Program, responsible for training mutants to become killer agents.

“Those mutants aren’t quite ready yet, they can’t fully manipulate their powers yet…”

“I can’t wait.”

“Get those mutants ready, it’s their turn to play!”

“Especially the girl who has the magic of Chaos.”


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