The days of getting together are always short, and Ye Bai didn’t stay in Asgard for too long.

Two days later, Ye Bai said goodbye to Hela, opened a portal, and returned to his manor.

As soon as he returned to the manor, Ye Bai learned that the plot of the reunion was already happening.

In the news, on the roof of Stark Tower, Loki’s narration is a device using the Rubik’s Cube.

As long as Loki activates that device, Thanos’ Chitauri army will kill it.

“With the strength of the Avengers, it should be enough to handle these.”

Ye Bai thought to himself, he has sufficient confidence in the Avengers.

In addition, his manor is quite a distance from the city center, so it should be unlikely to be affected.


The Avengers Alliance is indeed as Ye Bai said, its strength is much stronger than in the plot~.

Thor awakened the divine power in his body ahead of time, and became the most powerful force in the current Avengers.

It’s just that they, the Avengers, were defeated miserably by Loki’s trick.

Loki grasped the fact that the Avengers didn’t trust each other very well, and set up a trap, which not only severely damaged the internal unity of the Avengers Alliance, but also bought enough time for his own plan.

This man who is the most prodigal in the Marvel universe finally succeeded once.

At this time, Loki was easily activating the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube device with a winning attitude.

Soon, a thick blue light was released from the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

And above the Big Apple City, a huge space passage was opened.

On the other side of the space channel, the endless Chitauri army is in action and will soon arrive on Earth.

At this moment, someone finally arrived to stop Loki.

“Thor, you are late!”

Looking at the person coming, Loki smiled proudly.

In Loki’s eyes, Thor is a simple-minded guy with a whole body of muscles but no brains.

If it weren’t for Odin’s fancy to Thor, Thor would have been played to death by him long ago.

It’s all right now, Odin is dead, and he’s not afraid of Thor anymore.

“Loki, you make me very angry!”

Thor was also completely irritated by Loki’s various behaviors, and he couldn’t wait to beat up this stupid stinky brother when he came here.

Purple thunder filled Thor’s body, and the powerful divine power was hidden under the muscles, ready to try.

Loki was not easy to mess with, and he was also holding the spiritual scepter to kill Thor.

The two brothers have been in love and killed each other for so long, it’s time to decide the outcome.

However, in the space channel above the head, the Chitauri army has already descended.

The huge Leviathan ship that looks like a whale, and countless individual airships like a swarm of locusts poured out of the space channel in dense numbers.

in the mediaRecorded by the camera, this scene is being broadcast live around the world.

“Aliens have invaded!”

After watching the scene above their heads, all the residents of Big Apple City had only one sentence left in their minds.

The Eagle Sauce Country is very interested in movies about alien invasion, but that doesn’t mean they are willing to see this scene actually happen.

Immediately, Yingjiang Country fell into the highest level of combat readiness.

Countless fighter jets took off directly, heading towards the Big Apple City.

As one of the most important economic cities in the Yingjiang country, the Big Apple City is definitely the heart of Yingjiang.

The Eagle Sauce Country naturally cannot tolerate such an important city being destroyed by aliens.

Even the entire earth, all countries are taking action in this one, no one knows whether the Eagle Sauce country can stop this alien invasion.

If it can’t be stopped, the alien crisis is likely to expand to the entire earth.

On Earth, human nations may fight constantly, but when facing alien races, human beings can unite.

Ye Bai also came to the outside of the manor, looking at the Chitauri army that was constantly spreading above his head.

“It seems that the movement is a bit too loud.”

Ye Bai thought with some anxiety.

At this time, the number of Chitauri legions coming out of the space channel is far more exaggerated than in the movie.

The warships and individual airships of these alien civilizations did not land in the Big Apple City immediately, but continued to spread in all directions.

This shows that these Chitauri legions are not satisfied with a big apple city, their goal is the whole earth.

Only a small part of the Chitauri Legion’s troops rushed towards the Big Apple City directly below.

In an instant, the Big Apple City was in danger of being destroyed. Explosions and flames filled the entire city.

Many streets were blown up the moment these Chitauri legions rushed down.

Everything shows that the real alien invasion is definitely not a child’s play in the movie.

(:『,: this, group;; every. day: ‘more!.new’: fly;? Lu: small,. said;’,,『? Ruo! “Water? ‘group.’』? Six” five;,six,:six,,one’;eight:;eight:nine.six..6!;5;.6’6!?1.8!8!9’6?.) Meanwhile, those trapped in large People in Apple City were horrified to find that all means of communication had lost their effect.

Not long after the arrival of the Chitauri Legion, they attacked human communication methods.

The global network was disconnected, and all mechanized equipment was directly scrapped.

This is a dimensionality reduction attack, and it is the ravages of lower civilizations by higher civilizations.

Human beings, babies who have not walked out of the cradle planet, were severely beaten by the bully civilization of the universe, the Chitauri Legion.

The war has not even had time to start, and everything seems to be coming to an end.

When the fighter jets that took off were about to reach the sky above the Big Apple City, they were swept by an electromagnetic wave. All the internal devices of the fighter planes failed, and they fell from the sky one by one.

The planes that fell down made all the witnesses feel hopeless.

There’s no way to fight back, not even a chance to struggle.

This is the true strength of the Chitauri Legion. In a very short period of time, the human civilization on Earth almost lost its resistance.

“Things seem to be getting bigger.”

Ye Bai was also dumbfounded, this scene was beyond his imagination.

Didn’t you agree that a superhero would save the world? Didn’t we promise that the Big Apple would never be destroyed?

Movies are indeed deceiving.


“Natasha, you organize the evacuation of the personnel to a safe place.”

“Hawkeye, you and I block the attacks of these people and buy time for the masses.”

On a street in the Big Apple City, the American team Steve said to the two companions beside him.

The moment the Chitauri army descended on the Big Apple City, they had already arrived.

It’s just that with their abilities, they can’t stop anything at all. They can only act as temporary commanders on the street and lead the survivors to a safe place.

And above their heads, Iron Man Tony Stark easily wiped out several Chitauri individual airships.

“Captain, I leave this place to you, I will clean up the bugs in other places!”

There was no frivolity in Tony’s words in the past, and it seemed very solemn.

After leaving such a sentence, he flew across the block and rushed towards the other Chitauri.

Looking at Tony’s busy figure, the US team’s real name system envied him.

Like Tony, he also wanted to play a bigger role and repel more enemies. However, he can’t do it.

The same is true for Hawkeye and Natasha. Looking at Tony Stark flying around like a fairy, his heart is full of bitterness.

We are all veterans of the Avengers, why do we all have different styles of painting.

How do you feel, the two of us came to the Avengers to make up the numbers?

Although they thought a lot, they were not slow to do more. They led the survivors into a safe place in an orderly manner.

At this moment, a strange high-pitched cry sounded, and then a huge Leviathan ship, with an unstoppable momentum, destroyed a whole block of buildings and rushed towards Captain America and the others.

This overwhelming posture seemed to smash the three of the US team to death.

Captain America and the others also looked serious, without any confidence in their hearts.

You let them deal with other Chitauri minions, they’re okay, but it’s really too difficult to deal with this kind of big guy.The cards of the Avengers actually have little to do with the three of them.

To a certain extent, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are just ordinary people with better physical fitness.

There is neither powerful high technology nor mutated superpowers.

Faced with this scene, he was naturally powerless.

Fortunately, when Captain America and the others were helpless, a green figure soared down from the sky and landed in front of them.

Hulk, the Hulk, protected the three of the US team at a critical moment.

The broad shoulders and strong muscles gave the three of them a sense of security.

Black Widow’s beautiful eyes are full of splendor, and Hulk is really too manly.

Hulk also lived up to the expectations of Captain America and the others. After beating his chest angrily and roaring, he took the initiative to rush towards Chitauri’s Leviathan giant ship.

At the moment of the collision, Hulk punched the head of the giant Leviathan ship.

The giant Leviathan ship with a length of more than 100 meters and a weight of more than several thousand tons stopped its rampage as if it had encountered an impenetrable obstacle.

With his own strength, Hulk stopped the giant ship.

What’s more terrifying is yet to come.

·······Ask for flowers··· 0

Under the action of kinetic energy, the tail of the huge Leviathan ship that was suddenly forced to stop raised high.

Then, under the incredulous eyes of many survivors, they turned somersault directly.

From the original unstoppable dive posture, to now hitting the ground, like a tortoise with all four feet in the sky, it is difficult to turn over.

The next moment, Hulk rushed out from under the giant Leviathan ship, holding two unlucky Zeta Swiss soldiers in his hands.

“Bang!” “Bang!” Hulk slammed the two unlucky bastards on the building beside him, blood splattering.

Then he rushed towards other places without looking back, without even looking at the three of the US team.

“Let’s continue to save the survivors.”

After a moment of silence, Captain America said, his disappointment could not be concealed in his tone.

Looking at the other members of the Avengers, killing all directions like gods descending from the earth.

It is impossible to say that I am not envious.

It’s a pity that they are all mortals, not gods.

On the other side of the Big Apple City, Thor has already defeated Loki, and now he is dealing with the Chitauri’s army.

Countless thunderbolts were summoned by Thor, and under Thor’s control, they rushed towards the Chitauri army.

These lightning and intertwined grids brought a lot of damage to the Chitauri army.

Countless Zita Swiss soldiers fell from the thunder like dumplings.

The area where Thor is located is almost becoming an ocean of thunder.

But no matter how powerful Thor is, he can only affect this area. As for the other areas of the Big Apple City, they are powerless.

. . . .

In fact, it’s definitely not just members of the Avengers that are fighting in the Big Apple.

The well-known Fantastic Four are also transformed into superheroes at this moment, active in the Big Apple City, trying their best to resist the attack of the Chitauri army.

Some of the mutants who are not favored by the human society also spontaneously joined the battle to defend the earth.

It’s a pity that the situation that human superheroes can change is really very small.

Even these Chitauri in the Big Apple City are difficult to clean up, let alone those outside of the Big Apple City.

Nick Fury came to the outskirts of the Big Apple City and looked at the hellish Big Apple City with determination in his eyes.

He knew that the only way to win this battle was to close that huge space channel.

Otherwise, the Chitauri army will continue to flow, and no one can stop it.

Just when Nick Fury planned to still go to the most dangerous city of the Big Apple and go to Stark Tower to close the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube device.

With a “squeak”, the communication means that had been abolished by the Chitauri Legion had been restored.

Then, a crisp female voice came.

“This is Wakanda. We have restored the means of communication on Earth.”

“Superheroes fighting in the Big Apple, listen carefully to what I have to say. The key to winning this war is to close the device of the Rubik’s Cube.”

“Only by closing that huge space channel, can we protect our home, the earth. Superheroes, please.”

These words were not only heard by Nick Fury, but also heard by the entire Big Apple City.

The superheroes who were fighting stopped for a moment, and then all looked at Stark Tower.

The key to determining the outcome of this war is where it is.

But in contrast, the vicinity of the Stark Tower is also where the Chitauri army has the most troops.

This is a war destined to be very difficult.


Ye Bai has not made a move yet, he believes in the superheroes of the Avengers.

And after seeing Gu Yi’s strength, Ye Bai knew. It is impossible to capture the earth with these Chitauri armies alone.

He just needs to wait, wait for those real bosses to take action.

But no matter what, Ye Bai never expected that he would suffer an unreasonable disaster.

A passing Leviathan ship fired at Ye Bai’s manor without warning.

It directly blew up Ye Bai’s originally luxurious manor into ruins.

Ye Bai sat blankly in the middle of the ruins, looking extraordinarily quiet.

But the next moment, Ye Bai’s eyes were filled with anger.

Damn it, ghostI know how much Ye Bai spent on this estate.

And there are so many fond memories of Ye Bai and Hela in this manor.

As a result, it was blown into ruins.

Originally, Ye Bai really didn’t intend to make a move, but at this time he changed his mind.

If he doesn’t take revenge, he won’t be able to vent his inner anger at all. talent.

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