The eye transplant was very successful.

The ninja girl’s regeneration speed surprised Dr. Stephen.

After changing into a new eyeball, before the gauze was wrapped, the girl sat up from the operating table and opened the door without saying a word.

Only the stunned Stephen was left in a daze.

“I… I’ve had anesthetics…”

“According to common sense, she can’t wake up…”

Stephen pointed to the closed door and said with a look of horror, today’s operation is simply alive!

Judging by the girl’s performance, I’m afraid that from the beginning, the anesthetic had no effect!

That is, she endured the pain from the beginning and underwent the entire operation!

This is crazy!

“That kid is from the Baltan clan, born a cold-blooded warrior…”

“Only to this extent, she must be used to it.”

“Thankfully, Dr. Stephen…”

Baxter people removed their medical gloves and cleaned up the site.

“She… What kind of monster is she…”

“Baltan… Could it be that she is an alien? ”

Stephen anxiously wanted to stop it, after all, the girl had just changed her eyes with her, in case there were problems such as infection…

That “clown” Mr. will definitely blame him!

He doesn’t want to die here!

“Don’t worry, Dr. Stephen.”

“This child has super regenerative ability, as long as it is not fatal, it can heal quickly.”

“At first, she wanted to change it herself, but the owner felt sorry for her, so she thought of you.”

“The reason why I left in such a hurry is probably to let the owner see it.”

“In your human words, it’s probably an obedient dog who has changed into a collar newly bought by its owner, and can’t wait to show it off.”

“Huh… What a cute little guy…”

The Baxter Star covered his mouth, like a little devil, and told the terrifying truth.

“Oh my God…”

“I don’t want to stay in this place for a moment…”

Stephen, who felt insulted, angrily took off his mask and walked towards the operating room.

But at this moment, Baxter said again.

“Dr. Stephen, it’s a kind reminder…”

“Karma Taj is in the west of China, the highest mountain, in the village below.”

“As long as you go there, there will naturally be someone to show you the way, and it will be a good journey.”

The Baxter people waved their hands and gave full play to the fine traditions of the race.

There are questions to answer, there are things to say…

“Thank you…”

Stephen turned his head and bent over with a complicated look of thanks.

After that, Gu couldn’t change this clothes, so he was ready to leave.

He wants to say goodbye to his girlfriend first, then go buy a ticket for the day and fly directly to that ancient country!

Shortly after he left…

“Artificial Intelligence: Gilbalis” was sent to Wu Sheng, a short video that interested him.

It was a private account on a certain push.

In the picture, a black boy just lifted a truck weighing more than a dozen tons, floating in the air, slowly flipping.

The video has just been uploaded for about a few minutes, and it hasn’t even caught the attention of many people.

But Wu Sheng immediately realized!

This scene is the plot of “Thor: Dark World”!

The nine dimensions are about to be connected into a line, and the “Reality Gem” sealed in an unknown place has now affected the “Reality Latitude”!

“Tell me, where are the coordinates!”

Wu Sheng asked excitedly, this is the power of the “Reality Gem”!

And the “Reality Gem”, which complements his abilities, is the most suitable infinity stone for him!

At all costs!

He wants it, no matter what the cost!

“Gilbalis: The coordinate point has been detected, an abandoned factory in “Lundun”.”

“Gilbalis: Master, do you need to notify Task Force X?”

Gilbalis, accurately provided the coordinates and asked intimately.


“I’m worried that if there are too many people, there will be problems.”

“Let “King Shark” and “Frost Killer” come with me.”

Wu Sheng thought for a moment, then gave an order to Gilbalis.

Unlike other Infinity Stones.

Reality gemstones appear as “etheric particles”, with no solids, like a pool of erratic liquid.

It cannot be destroyed, and it is unusually cunning.

Although it does not have a sanity, it chooses its own host.

He is free to rewrite reality according to the user’s will, and can even be stacked with other “Infinity Stones”!

As long as he can master the “Infinity Stones”, Wu Sheng’s strength will get a qualitative leap!

“Gilbalis: The two have been notified and ready for battle.”

“Okay, time to go!”

Wu Sheng took out the “Space Gem” and opened the two portals.

A frost killer in a black trench coat, and King Shark chewing a leg of ox, come out from the inside.

“Boss, has something happened?”

Catherine asked suspiciously, having learned to read words and look at things during the month-long relationship.

This mysterious big boss has never been so happy.

“Catherine, Nanase, you have only one mission.”

“Upon arrival at your destination, kill everyone who tries to approach, whoever it is!”

Wu Sheng showed a cruel smile, he wanted to get the “Reality Gem” no matter what!



Catherine and the humble Nanase immediately responded.

Another “portal” opened, headed by King Shark and supplemented by Catherine, and the two took a vigilant posture and walked into the portal.

“This is the fourth…”

“There are only two left…”

Wu Sheng murmured expectantly, put his hands behind his back, and entered the portal with a light smile.

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