
Snap the tower! Snap the tower! Snap!

Hurried footsteps sounded,

A two-hundred-strong Sand Hidden Force quickly broke through the borders of the Fire Nation.

Then, like a sharp knife, it pierced directly into the territory of the Fire Nation.

“Captain Sanddou…”

“There are two people blocking directly ahead…”

“They all have very large Chakra fluctuations on their bodies!”

A sentient ninja in front of the Sand Hidden team, after sensing Morning and Jiu Shinnai, quickly reported to the big back beside him.

“Two people??”

Sand Bucket frowned, his voice a little puzzled.

“Yes, the Chakra on the two of them is extremely large!”

The sensing ninja is next to the sandhopper, responding while running.

“Huh… Chakra is huge, how can it, can two people still want to block our two hundred people? ”

A young man with purple tattoos on his face sneered with disdain.

And the sand ninjas behind him also looked like they agreed.

The two faced two hundred people, and the gap between the teeth was not enough for them to stuff.

“It’s better to be careful, cheer me up!”

Seeing that his companions were all disapproving, Sandou hurriedly reminded him loudly.

To be the leader of the advance team, his personality is naturally much calmer.


The other side.

“The Shinobi are almost here!”

The morning Kagura Shingo has been locking and following the movement of the sand ninjas.

As they were about to approach, Morning turned his head and reminded Jiu Xinnai beside him.

Tekuno had already been persuaded to retreat in the morning after laying the trap.

So here and now, there are only two people left, Morning and Jiu Xinnai.


Getting the morning warning, Jiu Xinnai exhaled with a solemn face.

After all, in the face of an enemy a hundred times your own, it is false if the heart is not heavy.

But at this moment, she can no longer retreat,

Because not far behind the two of them, it was the people of Loulan Kingdom.

“How… Are you scared? ”

“Who just swore frankly to face the enemy?”

Seeing that Jiu Xinnai’s face was heavy and did not say a word, he couldn’t help but ridicule in the morning.

The two of them have been used to each other these days, so they come with their mouths open.

“At this time, can you not say something superfluous!”

Jiu Xinnai was a little annoyed and speechless, and turned his head and glanced at the morning.

I didn’t expect that the big war was imminent, and I was still interested in squeezing myself.

That’s a dozen people!!

“Don’t worry…”

“With me, I won’t let you have trouble…”

Seeing that Jiu Xinnai was in a heavy mood, he suddenly laughed in the morning.

He deliberately took Kuno away,

It’s just to be less cumbersome,

It can make yourself better protect Jiu Xinnai.

So naturally he won’t let Jiu Xin. Risky.

Hearing the morning words, Jiu Xinnai turned his head with a strange expression.

This sentence…

How do you feel weird?

Snap Tower ~ Snap Tower ~ Snap Tower~

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps was getting closer and closer.

Jiu Xinnai also put aside the strange thoughts in his mind, and his expression became serious.

“Stop coming!!”

Morning drank loudly, and suddenly pulled out the autumn water around his waist.

At the same time, the Chakra on his body also “boomed” and suddenly burst out.

For a while, a gust of wind blew on his body in the morning.

The scene around him became a little flying sand.

Snap… Snap… Snap…

The sound of hurried footsteps gradually stopped,

The sand ninja were separated by tens of meters and stopped in front of the two in the morning.

“Sure enough, it has a very large Chakra!!”

Sunato’s face was a little shocked, and he looked at the Konoha ninja who was blocking the way.

The sand ninjas behind him also had similar expressions.

However, it was only shocked, and there were no other emotions.

Because in their opinion, how can these two people block themselves and wait for two hundred people.

“Huh… You Konoha are really arrogant…”

Sand Shinobu, who had purple lines on his face, looked at the morning mockingly and said, “Two people, dare to come to the mantis as a car?” ”

“You Shayin Village, are you preparing to start a war!?”

In the morning, he spoke to himself, completely ignoring Sha Yin’s ridicule.

Although the reasons for the war have long been known to him.

But pre-war shouting is still necessary.

“I see your knife seems to be quite good, otherwise… Just leave it to me as a trophy!! ”

Seeing that he was deliberately ignored, the purple-faced sand shouted angrily.

Then he pulled out the ninja knife on his back,

Out of the ranks,

Rushed directly towards Morning and Jiu Xinnai.

“Sand Tree!”

Seeing that the purple sand endured arrogant person rushed up, the leader of the sand bucket couldn’t help frowning and drinking.

“Don’t worry…”

The impatient voice came from the mouth of the running sand tree.

The strength of the two of them was originally not much different,

However, when the top management assigned the leader, they chose Sandou instead of him.

So in the past two days, he has been thinking about it.

At this time, hearing the sound of the sandpipe, his anger also welled up a little.

“Let me come…”

“Didn’t you see anyone who wanted my knife…”

Seeing that Jiu Xinnai stepped out in one step, he actually wanted to take the initiative to fight, so he quickly reached out to stop her in the morning.

Bell –

Put weapons into their sheaths in the morning.

Then step by step, he greeted the rushing Shinobu.

“Hey… You look for death! ”

Seeing that in the morning, the weapon was actually sheathed and greeted him.

The corner of Sha Shu’s mouth couldn’t help but tear a hideous smile.

Sou! Sou!

As the two sides approached,

The two suddenly accelerated at the same time,

Then he shot straight at the other party.


A blade burst out from the scabbard, the scabbard of the black knife Qiushui.

Morning and Shinobu also staggered past each other at this time!

Time froze at this moment, and the atmosphere of the scene could be heard.

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they wanted to know the outcome of the battle between the two.


A gentle breeze blows.

It makes the scene seem even quieter.


The sound of weapons being sheathed sounded from the waist in the morning.

At the same time, a faint voice also came out of his mouth.

“The knife you want…”

“I… Already given to you…”


The moment the words fell.

A red pillar of blood, with a huge head, slammed into the sky from behind him in the morning!

“Sand Tree!!”

“Lord Shashu!!”

The voice of horror and confusion roared from the team of Shinobu.

But at this moment, the sand tree can no longer hear anything.

He only felt that the heavens and the earth were spinning,

He also saw a somewhat familiar figure.

But that figure had no head.

And above the neck, it seems to be like a fountain, spraying blood everywhere.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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