People In One Piece: Almost Exposed That I Am Better Than Roger

Chapter 41: Really deserves to be the world's No. 1 swordsman!

  Mr.1 Both eyes stared big, and my heart was extremely shocked.

   He never dreamed that the navy in front of him would kill himself with only one move.

   What's even more terrifying is that he didn't even see Solo's movements clearly!

  How could there be such a scary guy in this world...

   His strength, I'm afraid it's not already infinitely close to Hawkeye.


   At the moment when Mr.1 fell, he not only thought of the man sitting on the throne of the world's number one swordsman!


   A man with such terrifying power is just a warrant officer.

  What is his ambition and conspiracy?

   mr.1 panting heavily, trying to raise his arm and grab Solo's ankle.

   However, the distance between them seems to be close at hand, but it is far away.

   mr.1 I gradually felt that breathing became more and more difficult.

   The body does not have the power to stand up or crawl forward at all.

   Even consciousness is becoming more and more blurred.

   Just ten seconds of effort.

   His heart stopped beating.

   The body becomes stiff in the sun.

   Looking at the corpse in front of him, Solo sighed softly.

   He really didn't want to participate in the fight at all, but since leaving Rogue Town.

   It's like walking wherever I go, wherever I go in trouble.

   is often encountered strange guys.

   After leaving Alabastan this time, I really have to plan carefully.

"never mind."

   Solo took a deep breath, didn't stay here for a long time, turned and left.

   Now Krokdal is no longer there.

   As long as Vivi and Kosha meet, this war can be over.

   Thinking of this, Solo is already drifting away.

   About half an hour later.

  Eagle Eye and Bucky the clown also rushed to the capital Albana, and settled the mr.4 and mr. Merry Christmas of the Baroque Job Club.

   Then he was in the city, looking for Solo's figure.

   As for those rebels, Hawkeye is not interested.


   Soon, the corpse lying on the flat road attracted his attention.

"that person……"

  Hawk's eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked over in three steps in two steps.

   When Bucky saw this, he had to follow him silently.

   When he saw mr.1's death, the corner of his mouth couldn't help taking a breath.

   What a strong man, he was cut into two pieces.

   is really miserable.

   However, Bucky suddenly noticed Hawkeye's eyes.

   Judging from his reaction, Hawkeye seemed to know the man.

"You know him?"

   Bucky couldn't help asking.


   Hawkeye thought for a moment, and then nodded, "His name is Bowness, and he is a bounty hunter from Xihai."

   In order to fight Shanks, he once ran to the other side's hometown, Xihai.

   is also at that time, I met Mr.1.

   He can turn any part of his body into a blade, and he can make his skin as hard as steel.

   Although he can't be called a swordsman, his own strength is very impressive.

   Otherwise, Hawkeye would never remember his name.

   "On Bowness's body, there was no second wound left..."

   Hawkeye muttered to himself, "And judging from the fall, the opponent should have shot in front of him."


   Based on the information on the scene, Hawkeye quickly inferred two things.

   The opponent is not a sneak attack, but a head-on confrontation.


   only used one move to kill Bowness in seconds.

   "It's the navy."

  Solo's figure suddenly appeared in Hawkeye's mind with such exquisite swordsmanship.

   It must be him.

  He is in Albana!

   Once confirmed this, the passion deep in Hawkeye's heart finally cooled down, and it boiled again.

The key is……

   According to the changes in blood stains, Mr.1 was resolved by Solo within half an hour at most.

   shows that he has not gone far.

   If it goes well, I might fight him today!

   On the contrary, Bucky had an ominous premonition in his heart.

   It seems that the pirates who have something to do with Solo have no good end.

   If it weren't for letting Hawkeye take him.

   I am afraid that I will hide in the sea.

   This guy is a **** of death!

   Thinking of this, Bucky couldn't help holding his head in his hands, wishing to disappear where he was.


   Just when Hawkeye was about to turn around and leave, searching for Solo.

  Smogg led the navy team and ran into Hawkeye again!

"you again……"

   Seeing Hawkeye again, Smogg frowned, and then noticed the corpse at his feet.

   Judging by Smogg’s many years of experience.

   He was very convinced that this man was beheaded!

   "Is it... Bowness?"

   Suddenly, Da Siqi beside Smoge couldn't help but exclaimed. She blinked her eyes vigorously, seriously wondering if she had any delusions.

   Bowness, who is offering a bounty of up to 75 million Baileys, turned out to be...

   just died like that!


   After Dasqi's reminder, Smogg also reacted.

   The guy who died at Hawkeye’s feet is not a little pirate!

   If such a guy is put in the East China Sea, it is definitely a boss-level existence!

   "Hawkeye Mihawk, what do you want to do?"

  Smogg couldn't help asking.

   Who is he fighting with in the desert?

   Why are they here to solve Bowness?

   For a time's heart can't help but a lot of questions popped up.

   And with years of experience, he seriously suspects that there is a conspiracy in it.

   As for Smogg's conjecture, Hawkeye naturally didn't bother to explain anything.

   On the one hand, he has no obligation to help the Navy understand the truth.

   On the other hand, his character has always been this way.

  I am the world's most magnificent swordsman, why explain to the navy colonel?

   "You don't need to know."

   Hawkeye stared at Small, leaving a cold sentence, and then left here without looking back.

   Seeing Hawkeye's lofty attitude, Small also clenched his fist.

   "It's really unpleasant, these Qiwuhai."

  Smogg couldn't help but vent his complaints.

   Then, he glanced at the corpse on the ground.

   Although he has great resentment towards Qiwuhai, he has to say...

   Killed Bonis of 75 million Bailey in one move.

   I am afraid that only a strong person like Qiwuhai can do it.


   Terrible swordsmanship.

   "The world's number one swordsman..."

   Da Siqi couldn't help rolling her throat, swallowing nervously, not only shocked by Hawkeye's swordsmanship.

   realized his insignificance even more.

  The gap in strength...

too poor!

   And the sea soldiers behind them turned their worshipful gazes toward Hawkeye.

   "It is true that he is the world's number one swordsman, and he solved the pirate Bowness with a single sword."

   "It's horrible, when will I have that kind of strength."

   "Eagle Eye, I am afraid, is the strongest one among the Seven Wu Hai."

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