People in One Piece are so good-looking

Chapter 193 Akainu’s appointment! 【4440 words】

The person who made the noise was tall and thin, like a bamboo pole, and looked out of place among a group of strong and tall pirates.

But no one in the entire cave dared to underestimate him.

Because his name is Arno, he has the animal-type mantis fruit ability and has a bounty of 775 million beli.

He joined the group earlier than Du Galileo and has a higher status. He is the absolute number two figure in the Beast Pirates.

"Are you going there?"

Kaido finally put down his wine gourd and glanced up at him, his eyes looking deep in thought.

"That's fine, but I don't know yet who is responsible for escorting..."

Before he finished speaking, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came from outside the cave, and soon a tall pirate stumbled in, shouting in panic:

"It's not good, Lord Kaido! It's not good!"

"There's something going on over there in Wano. That guy, Black Carbon Orochi, broke his promise without permission, which made Kozuki Oden furious. He began to assemble his subordinates and declared that he would attack you!"

The entire cave suddenly fell into silence.

Kaido, who was about to get angry because his subordinates broke in, was slightly startled, and then his eyes showed fear and his brows furrowed deeply.

"Kozuki Oden..."

Didn't that guy, Black Carbon Orochi, even know to discuss it with me in advance? What a mess.

Kaido got up from the animal skin seat, walked to the entrance of the cave, looked at the howling wind and snow outside, and after a long time, he said with a gloomy face:

"Put Galileo's matters aside for the time being, pass on my order, mobilize all combat forces, return to the country of Wano, and prepare for the war!"

Have you left Captain Dugalile alone?

Many pirate cadres who were directly under Drought looked at each other with unsightly expressions.

But they also knew in their hearts that the situation was different at the moment, and they could still distinguish the importance of the situation clearly. They could only follow the other partners around them and respond loudly:

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"


the other side.

After crossing the red continent and entering the new world, Nuo Xia took a speedboat and finally arrived at the G1 branch after several days of sailing.

He will carry out supplies here, and at the same time receive a warship and a boatload of temporary subordinates, and go to the Paja Kingdom to meet with Shia.

The overall strength of the soldiers of the first branch of Xihai is too weak. Naturally, it is impossible to bring a group to the new world to undertake escort work of this level.

Both manpower and warships have to be transferred from the G1 branch.

"Phew, it's finally here!"

Moored at the naval port, looking at the majestic war fortress of the G1 branch from a distance, Nuo Xia wiped the seawater on his forehead and sighed, "It is indeed a branch built in the new world. It is quite impressive."

The military strength of the G1 branch is even higher than that of the G2 branch where he once interned.

Near the military port, there are many forts, nearly a hundred standard warships, and a naval force of more than 20,000 people. In addition to Akainu, who is the commander, there are also two lieutenant generals of the headquarters serving here.

In terms of overall strength, it is definitely the top among all naval branches below the headquarters.

In the future comic timeline, after the war, the G1 branch switched status with the main branch and became the new Malinfando.

He strode into the G1 branch base and showed his identity to the sentry at the door.

Soon, a beautiful staff officer in her twenties with the rank of major came in a hurry and took the initiative to lead the way and receive the guests.

"Let me go to the living room to have tea and a meal?"

The major staff officer's attitude was too enthusiastic, which made Nuo Xia a little uncomfortable. Hearing this, he turned his head and frowned slightly:

"No need. The headquarters should have informed you before my mission. I'm in a hurry, so just take me to the prepared warship."

"The warships and soldiers have been prepared for a long time, Rear Admiral Noxia."

The staff officer had been secretly looking at Nuo Xia's side face. As soon as the latter turned back and looked into each other's eyes, she immediately blushed and her heart beat. She looked away in a panic and stammered:

"Yes, yes...Mr. Commander, he requested this. He said that you must stay for lunch. After he has finished his official duties, he will come to meet you..."

Akainu wants to see him?

Nuo Xia was slightly startled and asked curiously: "Don't Lieutenant General Sakaski also have an escort mission? Why are you still staying with the branch?"

"It does exist. Logically speaking, Commander-in-Chief should be on his way to the Holy Land by now..."

The beautiful major blushed and said:

"No...but because of your deeds some time ago, his mission was temporarily canceled by the headquarters. He was ordered to stay with the branch and keep an eye on the Beasts Pirates' movements 24 hours a day..."

So that's what happened.

Nuo Xia finally came to his senses.

Also, if Drought is sent to prison by himself, the situation in the New World will definitely be affected.

Akainu is the strongest combat force stationed in the second half of the navy, and the burden on his shoulders has suddenly increased a lot, so he naturally has no time to leave.

But speaking of it.

Garp has completed the task of escorting Drought into Impel Down City, but in the intervening ten days, the Beast Pirates have been doing nothing, which is quite strange.

Could it be that he knew in advance that it was Garp who was responsible for escorting?

Well, that shouldn't be the case.

Although Ship King Jack is still a kid playing in the mud, there are many seniors like him who are reckless and fearless in the Beast Pirates.

He couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't bother to think about it. Nuo Xia followed the beautiful major all the way to the reception room inside the fortress building. After simply ordering some tea and desserts, he sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and admired the view outside the window. Sea view, waiting leisurely.

time flies.

More than two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and finally there were steady footsteps, coming from near and far outside the corridor, and then a deep and magnetic man's voice sounded:

"Sorry, I went to the headquarters before, and I have a lot of official work on hand when I come back, so I kept you waiting for a long time."

After hearing this, Nuo Xia put down the teacup and turned back.

What appeared in front of him was a middle-aged man in his early thirties, with a resolute face and a calm and serious temperament.

Wearing a dark red suit, with a rose pinned to his chest, a navy peaked cap on his head, and a white justice cloak draped behind him, it rustled with the sea breeze blowing in through the window.

"It's okay. Just think of it as a vacation to relax for a while. G1's snacks taste good, I quite like it."

Nosha stood up and smiled at Akainu, "Although this is the first time we meet, I have heard of your name for a long time, Lieutenant General Sakaski."

This was the first time he met Akainu.

Compared to the first time he met Ao Pheasant and Yellow Monkey, his attitude now was neither humble nor arrogant, and his speech was relaxed and casual.

It is completely different from the previous two times where he completely placed himself in the position of his junior subordinates.

After all, times have changed.

He is no longer the unknown recruit. Today's Nuo Xia, in terms of strength and status, seems to be on par with the three future generals. He is roughly in the same echelon, and there is no need to lower his profile too much.


Compared to Aokiji Kizaru, who is easy to get close to, Nosha's impression of Akainu is also the worst among the three future generals.

Kill Ace with your own hands in the battle at the top.

Nosha had no objection to this. They were in different camps. Akainu was just abiding by his duties, including the execution of deserters in that war, and there was nothing to blame at all.

But it was hard for him to agree with the other party's order to indifferently fire on civilian refugee ships during the O'Hara incident a year ago.

As soon as he saw the other party, he would inevitably think of the souls of the innocent victims who died under gunfire... and felt a little uncomfortable.

To sum up, Nosha agrees with Akainu's moral character and thinks that he is a qualified professional soldier, but he is not suitable for making friends.

Such a guy may be... destined not to be the same person as him.

"I heard about you defeating the drought."

However, Akainu didn't notice the strangeness hidden in his expression. He sat down on the sofa opposite the glass coffee table and looked at Nosha without hiding his admiration.

"Well done, that guy Kaido of the Beasts. In recent years, more and more powerful pirates have defected to him, causing a lot of trouble to several branches of our New World."

"This time, you have vented your anger for us and relieved a lot of pressure on our heads..."

Relieved stress?

Nuo Xia's eyes are weird, it's obviously doubled the pressure on your shoulders, right?

"It's just a matter of duty."

He smiled politely, a little distant in his politeness.

"Speaking of which, I have been interested in you for a long time. Ever since you defeated William Shichibukai, there have been rumors that you are the strongest disciple trained by Teacher Zefa since the elite camp was established."

Akainu poured himself a cup of black tea, then filled the empty cup in front of Nosha, and said calmly:

"I scoffed at this at the time, but soon you defeated the drought, which was a slap in my face. After seeing you with my own eyes, even I had to admit that these rumors were indeed reasonable. "

Noxia was a little surprised. He really didn't expect Akainu to think so favorably of him. This initial favorable impression was simply higher than when he met Kizaru in the G2 branch.

Probably because my own charm was so terrifying, it also affected the other party invisibly.

"You are flattering, Lieutenant General Sakaski."

Nuo Xia picked up the teacup and took a sip, then casually said, "The disciple that Teacher Zefa admires most is obviously you. When I was still in the elite camp, he used your achievements as examples many times to inspire us..."

"That's all in the past. The most outstanding graduate of our elite camp is you. There is no doubt about this."

Akainu shook his head slightly, looked directly at Nosha, and said calmly:

"In the future, your achievements will most likely far exceed mine, Kuzan's and Porusalino's, but before that, I'm also curious about how big the gap is between you and us now. …”

What does this mean?

Nuo Xia narrowed her eyes slightly and suddenly laughed: "No wonder you insist on waiting here for a while. So you want to have a discussion with me?"

"When the escort mission is completed, you will return to the West Sea. I don't know when we will meet next time." Akainu shrugged, "This opportunity is rare, so naturally you can't miss it."


Akainu looked into Nosha's eyes and added, "If you don't want to, that's up to you. I have already prepared all the warships needed for the escort mission. You can just go and take over. No one will make things difficult for you." .”

He spoke frankly, and Nuo Xia no longer hesitated and readily agreed:

"Okay, let's have a fight!"

Akainu was curious about his own strength and couldn't help but want to test it, but why didn't he have the same idea?

After defeating the drought, his strength has improved again. He has long wanted to know how far behind he is compared to the top experts in this world!


Behind the towering fortress building, there is an extremely large training ground for the newly recruited soldiers who have recently joined the army to practice and gather.

And at this moment.

The training ground was deserted. Under the setting sun, Nosha and Akainu stood on both sides, looking at each other from a distance.

"I'd like to say something upfront. Although some large-scale killing moves are not suitable for use here, I will still try my best and won't be merciful. Please be careful."

Akainu stood with his hands behind his hands and spoke in a deep voice.

"In a duel, you should go all out."

Nuo Xia smiled slightly and held the sword at his waist with both hands. "I won't hold back either, Lieutenant General Sakaski, be careful."

The moment the words fell.

The two looked at each other, as if they had reached some kind of tacit understanding, and suddenly stepped on the ground, and their figures disappeared without a trace at the same time.


The next moment, the two of them were walking on the moon, and their figures appeared dozens of meters high in the sky.

"Big fire-breathing!"

Akainu let out a low drink, and his arm instantly turned into dark red hot lava, blasting straight towards Nosha with great force.

"Just in time!"

Nuo Xia showed no fear on his face and did not dodge or evade. He directly drew his sword, and two magnificent white sword energies struck out at the same time!


There was a violent air current all around, and countless sand and dust rose from the ground and spread in all directions, just like a sandstorm at the end of the world.

Some of the training equipment that were closer to each other were directly shattered into pieces by the impact of the sword energy and lava, turning into wreckage on the ground.

The two of them were shaken backwards by the force of the aftershocks, landing on the broken ground. After looking at each other, they struck again and collided fiercely.


As the fight between the two became more intense, the commotion became louder and louder, and the continuous roars finally alerted many nearby sailors.

These elite recruits of the new world had just finished dinner and were about to take a shower and rest. At this moment, they were walking out of their respective barracks one after another, following the sounds and looking for them curiously.

"So, is that Lieutenant General Sakaski?"

There was a young red-haired marine who finally recognized Akainu's figure in the interplay of light and shadow, and couldn't help but be surprised:

"Commander, isn't he very busy lately? How come he has time to come to the training ground?"

"It seems like I'm sparring with someone."

Someone next to him said uncertainly, "Mr. Sakaski is the strongest person in our G1 branch. It seems that he has never seen him before. Could he be the lieutenant general from the headquarters?"


At this moment, another tall and thin navy recruit saw clearly the handsome profile of the black-haired boy, and couldn't help but screamed:

"I've seen that guy in the newspaper. He's the major general of Xihai Branch, Mr. Noxia!"

"real or fake?"

"Hey, hey, you read that right, right?"

"Mr. Commander, are you dueling with that Major General Noxia?"

These words were like a stone thrown into the lake, causing large ripples in an instant.

Many people became interested instantly and crowded over. Curious, they lay on the wall separated by barbed wire, trying to get a clear view of the fighting in the training ground.

No wonder they are like this.

After all, after two major incidents were reported, Nuo Xia's name is now getting louder and louder throughout the naval system.

And these elite navies who were far away in the New World were also full of reverence and admiration for this young major general.

He is only twenty years old and has such strength. This is the true pride of their navy!

Akainu on the other side, not to mention, the commander of their G1 branch, a natural lava fruit ability user, has been in the navy for more than ten years and has made great achievements and is famous far and wide.

He is undoubtedly one of the strongest among the younger generation in the entire navy today!

How could such a peak showdown between top experts not fill them with excitement and anticipation?

I went to watch the game in bed. Good night, everyone.

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