The fruit of elimination can nullify all attacks and is a very powerful fruit.

  It is precisely because of the power of this fruit that Red Beard doesn't care about provoking public anger and feels that no one can kill him.

  "Xiaoxiao fruit? I didn't kill him, I just let the heart and blood that motivated him explode!"

  Asura heard the words suddenly, then quietly took a fruit from the table and put it into the robe, and then a powerful devil fruit was born in the hands of Asura.

  "This ability is domineering, enough to train a master of kendo!"

  Ashura thought with satisfaction.

  In fact, as Rox said, the elimination fruit is not invincible, and some special devil fruit abilities can hurt its ability.

  For example, Bigu Mum's Soul Soul Fruit can pull out the lifespan of Red Beard.

  The petrification ability of the female emperor of the future daughter country can also hurt the person who has the ability to eliminate fruit.

  And the ability to eliminate the fruit can only negate those attacks that can be seen and touched, and many masters have a way to deal with them.

  Of course, this red beard's own strength is also very strong, three-color domineering or something, not weak, plus the elimination fruit, so he can become a big pirate.

  However, when the content of the next section is more exciting, xbJs sees Asura, which is unlucky for the red beard.

  No matter how powerful a guy is, as long as he is caught by Asura's Soul Eater, he cannot survive. Everyone present now knows that.

  "Hahaha, what a weird method! With your powers joining in, let's plunder those Tianlong people who have accumulated 800 years of wealth tomorrow!"


  Yes, this time, Rox was able to gather so many powerful monsters on the sea, using this temptation.

  The wealth accumulated by the Tianlong people for 800 years.

  How rich the Tianlong people are, no one knows, and no one even dares to imagine.

  But every pirate knows that even if they try their best to imagine, they can only imagine one percent of the wealth of the Tianlong people.

  Even Ashura could not imagine the wealth accumulated by the Tianlong people in this world with endless resources for 800 years.

  Asura only remembers watching "One Piece" in his previous life, where there is a pillar of the Eight Treasures of the Flower Country, 'Green Pepper'.

  Their Eight Treasures Marines have accumulated fortunes for hundreds of years, under a layer of ice on the Baoyu Continent.

  Looking down from the top of the ice layer, it is densely packed with gold, which is an endless amount of treasure.

  The family in this West Sea country alone can accumulate so much wealth.

  So what about the Tianlong people who hold the power of the world for 800 years and don't even breathe the same air as others?How much wealth will each of them have?

  How about all the dragons added up?How many are there?

  Asura is really unimaginable.

  So this time, Rox used people's greed to give a temptation that all pirates, including Asura, couldn't refuse.

  This brought together so many rebellious monsters.

  Rocks promised that his Rocks Pirates would be the main attack, to withstand the naval masters for others, and others would just go and snatch the Tianlong people directly.

  The letter that Ashura received three months ago was written on this condition.

  After the gathered pirates had negotiated on Hive Island, Lox's lair, a huge team of nearly [-] people went straight to the Red Earth Continent, and they have been sailing for seven days and seven nights.

  Tomorrow morning, you will be able to reach the nearest and last island, the 'Island of the Gods'.

  The Island of the Gods is located in front of the Red Earth Continent. It is said that if you want to see the 'God', that is, the Tianlong people, you must pass through this island, so it is called the Island of the Gods.

  Because of the news received in advance, there are already nearly [-] navies stationed here, ready to resist Locks' attack.

  "No matter how they deploy, it is impossible to resist us. The end of the dragon people has come, and I, Rox D. Jibek, will come to put an end to this group of crap with my own hands!"

  "From now on, we are the real kings of the world! Hahahahahaha!"

  Rocks laughed wildly, and the others became more confident when they saw this, and gave out a hideous smile.

  The dialogue between Locks and Asura made everyone remember Asura, a strange powerhouse, in their hearts.

  Next, everyone started eating, drinking and chatting normally again.

  Redbeard's death didn't make any waves at all.

  (Yesterday's four chapters have been completed, let's have a meal and start coding today's five chapters!).

Chapter 46

  The next day, the sun rose, and hundreds of pirate ships had sailed into the front of the island of God. The pirates could even see the naval fleet and coastal artillery fortifications in front of the coast of the island of God.

  "Finally, it's time to start!"

  "Come on! Hahahaha!"

  "The looting has begun!!!"

  As the pirates reverberated in the sky and the earth, the naval fortifications and battleships of the island of God began to fire at full blast, as if they wanted to put a hundred pirate ships on a huge scale before they landed on the Rocks side. The fleet sank.

  "Newgate, give them a big gift first!"

  Rocks said casually with a smile on his face.


  With a strange sound, the atmosphere in front of him shattered. With Whitebeard's shot, countless shells in front of him exploded in the air, and the monstrous ocean waves rolled backwards and rushed towards the Island of God.

  "Those forts are so annoying! Elbaf's gun, Guowei!"

  The three-cornered hat 'Napoleon' on the aunt's head turned into a giant sword and was swung out by the aunt in her hand. A huge sword energy that rushed straight to the island of God instantly cut off the fort above.

  "A little bit of final acceleration, we land right in the middle of the island of the gods, and the war begins!"

  Locks couldn't wait.

  "Simple, I prepared it yesterday! Hahahaha, World Government, here we come!"

  The golden lion's fingers moved lightly, and under the shocked expressions of the navy, the entire black-pressed invincible pirate fleet flew directly, crossed the coast, which was already full of troops, and soon landed in the center of the island of gods.

  "Damn, they crossed our blockade!"

  "Oh my god, it's impossible to stop, we're done!!!!"

  "Faced with such volume and intensity, we can't have a chance to win!"

  On the side of the navy, one by one murmured in disbelief, full of despair, in their hearts, this was an impossible attack.

  "It's not over yet, cheer up!"

  "We are righteous, and justice will definitely prevail!"

  "It's useless to be afraid, we have no way out, we can only fight!"

  "If even we are afraid of evil, then the world is helpless!"

  Four voices sounded, and countless navies were awakened to justice in their hearts, the flames in their chests were ignited, and morale began to return.

  "Yes, it's the marshal and the three generals!!!"

  "And the lieutenants!!!"

  "Come on, you bastards of the sea, our justice will prevail!"


  With the fall of hundreds of huge pirate ships, the entire island of God has been in a mess, and the battle has begun in the ruins.

  "Hahaha, it's finally here today, let's spread out first, the main force will follow me to tear open the opening into Marlene Joya!!"

  Rocks jumped off the boat first, and looked confidently at the marshal, the three generals, and several lieutenant generals ahead. These are the high-end combat power of the navy.

  "Come on, little ones, rush to Malenjoya, destroy the Tianlong people, and snatch the wealth they have accumulated over the years!"

  Rocks laughed, and then took the lead in rushing towards the high-end combat power of the Navy. Behind the high-end combat power of the Navy was the entrance to Marlene Joya.

  Afterwards, the soldiers met, and as soon as they touched, the entire island of the gods began to hear countless sounds throughout the day.

  The battle where so many terrifying Devil Fruit fighters and domineering masters gathered together, in just a moment, the sky and earth were torn apart, countless weak people died, and the masters continued to fall.

  The blood stained the entire sea red, and the violent energy made it unsteady to even stand on this broken island of gods. Even the most powerful people could only defend themselves desperately.

  Three days

  After three days of battle, the navy has retreated to the entrance, and the island of God has been completely wiped off the map.

  However, in any case, the entrance to Marlene Joya was impossible to break through. Two of the three generals of the navy had already died, but the figure of a navy was like a solid city wall, stubbornly resisting there.

  "Kapp, too strong!!!"

  Sitting in the distance, covered in blood, Asura, who had already killed many navy soldiers, and how many wounds he had on his body, looked at the stalwart figure in shock, unable to calm down for a long time.

  Although in Ashura's view, many strong men such as Whitebeard, Aunt, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, and Silver Axe did not exert their full strength, and they all reserved their strength to cope with the treasure battle on Marlene Joya.

  A day earlier, they had already begun to guard against each other.

  But even so, there is no doubt about the power of Garp, who also started to break out yesterday, to be able to keep them out.

  Standing next to Garp, there are also golden, but scars and blood everywhere, a warring state that has been crumbling, and cranes who are also about to die.

  At this time, Garp was 40 years old, Sengoku was 41 years old, and Crane was 38 years old.

  At the beginning, Rocks was unparalleled, and the person who resisted Rocks was always the Admiral, but since yesterday, after Garp broke out, facing Rocks who had been fighting for two days, Garp also barely resisted.

  As for the three major naval generals and the naval marshal, after three days of fighting, all but the general 'Kong' died.

  This battle is simply extremely tragic and despairing.

  That is the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters!

  "Ha, what a sea soldier, what a pair of iron fists, but you are doomed to fail!"

  "Lingling, Shikey, Newgate, what are you waiting for, just rush over in a fit of rage, they simply don't have the ability to stop you any more!"

  Rocks grinned.

  "Zeus, go, go straight to Marlene Joy! Mmmmmmmmmmm!"

  "Hahaha, there are still five big ships that are good. If you want to go up, you can sit on it, and I will take you to plunder!"

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