If it is a big pirate, hide his treasures in his later years, then draw a map, divide the map into several parts and scatter them all over the place for later generations to find.

  If the treasure left behind is big enough, it will be remembered by the world.

  Unlike when Roger became the Pirate King, the strongest treasure that had been in existence for [-] years, everyone aimed to get that treasure and wanted to become the second Pirate King.

  At present, with the destruction of Lox, the navy will definitely start to try to expand its control over the new world after the repair. This time, the powerful pirates in the new world have suffered too many casualties and are destined to be silent for a while.

  When the pirates in the new world slow down, new pirates continue to appear, and powerful ones such as Whitebeard, Aunt, and Golden Lion begin to expand, the new world will become chaotic.

  At that time, the navy's control over the new world will weaken, and that is the best time.

  If Asura wants to compete for hegemony, all he has to do now is to accumulate strength.

  Waiting for the changes in the new world pattern in the future, find the right time to make a decisive move, and start the road to hegemony.

  The current strength of Asura is not enough, and Asura knows this very well in his heart.

  Of course, in fact, Asura did not have any desire to dominate, and Asura always had only one goal.

  That is to reach the limit of power in this world, to allow oneself to have the invincible strength to defy the world, and to achieve absolute freedom.

  Strength, this is what Asura is after.

  This is the world of pirates. Although it has endless natural resources and does not worry about eating and drinking, the lives of ordinary people will be threatened at any time.

  As for why endless resources, the reason is simple.

  On the giant island of turtles and snakes, those beasts, no matter how the indigenous hunters kill, can't kill them, and the number has never decreased.

  Those trees could not be cut down no matter how hard they were. After cutting one piece, that piece grew again.

  The same is true for those who go out to sea to fish, and there are always so many fish around, no less.

  This is not just this one island, but many islands are like this, the world is extremely rich.

  In addition, there are various flour islands, wheat islands, egg islands and so on in this world. . . . .

  The resources of this world are in fact inexhaustible.

  In this kind of world, if you have unparalleled strength, then congratulations, you will live a better life than an emperor.

  At least Asura knew that the ancient emperors of his own country in the previous life would be troubled by all kinds of food, disasters, etc., but in this world, it is completely simple for people on an island to eat enough.

  The most important thing is whether you have the strength to protect this island from being plundered and bullied by others.

  Therefore, strength is the ultimate pursuit of Asura.

  . . . . . . .

  Half a year later, Asura drove a boat and returned to the giant island of turtles and snakes.

  And the ship that Asura drove back was carrying the spoils of war that Asura had brought back from participating in the treasure battles in the lair of the great pirates in the past six months.

  Asura didn't care about ordinary gold and silver jewelry.

  What can make Asura fancy, are some precious things.

  Devil fruits, famous knives and swords, rare ores, rare treasures, filled a whole ship, it can be said to be full of rewards.

  As soon as the ship docked, Alice, who received the news, brought someone to greet Asura, and by the way, helped Asura unload the cargo, and at the same time told Asura a good news.

  "Master Ming, the construction of the dojo on the island has been completed. According to your requirements, it can accommodate tens of thousands of people to live and practice, and a group of children under the age of 8 and over the age of 6 have been sent over, waiting for your choice!"

  Alice reports to Ashura Exchange.

  Alice no longer calls Ashura 'Master Ashura', but directly calls Ashura 'Master Ming Wang'.

  In fact, the name of Asura's 'Ming King' has been passed down the world in the Battle of God's Island and the subsequent treasure battles.

  Some people also call Ashura the 'King Ashura', but it is Ashura's real name, because Ashura's powerful strength has gradually been forgotten by people.

  In the past six months, Ashura has played against Whitebeard, Bigu Mum, Golden Lion, Silver Axe, Captain John, Roger, Garp, Warring States and so on.

  Even the newly-rising Kaido, the trainee pirate of the original Rocks Pirates, known as the 'Hundred Beasts', has fought against Asura.

  Of course, Kaido is still relatively young now, and his strength is also straight, he has suffered many losses in the hands of Asura, and was almost killed once.

  (Forget it, make up these three chapters for the five chapters that are missing, and when you wake up at noon, add today’s chapters, and write seven more chapters, and you’re done!).

Chapter 49

  Kaido is an animal type, dragon dragon fruit, phantom beast species, and blue dragon fruit ability, with rough skin and thick flesh.

  It's okay to meet those who use fists, blunt weapons and the like.

  Even the shock wave of the Warring States period, and other offensive abilities can also be hard to resist.

  And Kaido's armament color is not weak, it's still very strong.

  But when you meet a big swordsman like Asura, you can't prevent it at all.

  Swords are inherently easy to break defenses, and with the addition of Asura’s various attributes and sword energy, it is easy to break Kaido’s tough scales and thick skin.

  And not only Asura, there are still some great swordsmen in the sea who can break Kaido's defense.

  However, in several fights, Asura felt that Kaido's strength was growing rapidly.

  The scales harden again, and the skin thickens and hardens.

  Strength, speed, endurance, etc., are growing rapidly.

  It is no wonder that in the future, he will be able to become the 'strongest creature in the sea, land and air' among the Four Emperors.

  "All the things on the ship are put into the treasure house. Tomorrow, put these children at the foot of the 'Xinjian Peak' and let them climb to the 'Xinjian Palace' to meet me!"

  Ashura explained to Alice.

  Heart Sword Peak, the sword-shaped peak towering into the clouds in the center of the giant island of turtles and snakes, is the mountain where Ashura lives.

  The 'Xinjian Palace' is the palace where Asura has always lived.

  "Yes, Lord Ming! But the Heart Sword Palace is above the clouds, and even I have to work very hard every time I go up and down. Those children are so young, I am afraid it is impossible to do it!"

  Alice said worriedly.

  "Arrange people along the road, and record where the children can climb! If you can't even climb the mountainside, just go back directly. I don't accept waste!"

  Ashura said casually.

  "Yes, I see!"

  Alice agreed, and then went to work.

  Asura, on the other hand, returned to the Heart Sword Palace, took a good bath, and fell asleep with peace of mind.

  Even if Asura's body is not tired, the high-intensity treasure hunt for the past six months and the life-and-death battle with major masters have also exhausted Asura physically and mentally.

  At the same time, Asura was also anxious.

  Because Asura discovered that not only Kaido, but many other people's strengths are also growing rapidly, and their strengths are growing.

  And Asura is still standing still because he has reached the bottleneck, which makes Asura feel more and more difficult in the battle.

  This time, Asura decided that as long as his strength did not break through, he would not leave the island.

  This sleep, Asura slept very sweetly. Asura has regarded this place as his home, so he slept very peacefully, which was completely different from sleeping outside and being vigilant at all times.

  When he was outside, Asura deeply understood that no matter how powerful he was, there would be challengers, and he would be overshadowed at some point.

  So Asura has always been very careful.

  Asura slept for three whole days in this sleep, and on the second day, those children had already begun to climb the peak of Xinjian.

  It wasn't until three days later when the results came out that Alice woke up Asura, who was still sleeping.

  "Is there a result?"

  Asura stretched his waist and made a crackling sound all over his body, which made Asura almost groan out of relief.

  "After three days of climbing, 2000 of the 500 children went up the mountainside, 50 went under the clouds, and 5 went up above the clouds. In the end, only one child reached the heart before losing consciousness. Outside the Sword Palace!"

  Alice's meticulous reporting.

  "Is there so much?"

  Asura was a little surprised, but when he thought that the vitality of people in this world is relatively tenacious, he was relieved.

  "The 500 children on the mountainside and the 50 children under the clouds are all sent to Baijian Peak, and the 50 children manage ten people each to manage the 500 children! They will handle the affairs themselves! Keep the supplies Just supply!"

  "Since then, they have been practicing there, and I will teach them four hours a day!"

  Asura had decided what to do yesterday, so there was no hesitation.

  As for Baijian Peak, it is the second peak of the island, just after reaching the clouds, that is, the mountain peak where the dormitory for ten thousand people and the training platform have already been built.

  The two peaks were named by Asura, and Asura plans to change the name of the island again.


  Alice nodded, then waited for Ashura's next words.

  "The five children who have gone up to the clouds can live in Xinjian Palace, and arrange for them to have sundries for a certain time every day, and I will teach them at other times!"

  "As for the one who came to the door, what was his name?"

  Ashura asked.

  "His name is Herring!"


  "His name is Herring, Lord Ming!"

  Alice wanted to laugh a little, looked at Ashura's unbelievable look, and said with a closed mouth.

  "What's this name?"

  The corners of Asura's mouth twitched. Damn, he was going to accept him as a big disciple, so he was called this name?What will others say when you go out?

  'Ah, you are the disciple of King Ming, swordsman Herring? '

  Asura did not dare to think further down.

  "He is the child of the fishermen on the island. These fishermen have never learned any writing, and their names are very arbitrary!"

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