Chapter 10 Target Kaido

"He has already learned two-color Haki, and at this learning speed, one month, no! In ten days, I'm afraid he can learn what others need to learn in a year! I think the elite camp may not be suitable for that kid gone."

Garp looked at Zephyr and said very seriously.

To be honest, Garp was a little moved, and he also wanted to accept Murphy as a student.

And with Murphy's talent staying in the elite camp, what other people spent a year learning might be able to learn it in ten days.

What he lacks now is real experience, a life-and-death fight outside.

So Garp wants Murphy to come and fight on his ship.

As long as he's around, even the Whitebeard monsters can't do much with Murphy.

Moreover, although Murphy is growing fast, the problem is that the growth is too fast, and they are also afraid that Murphy will have some slack or arrogant thoughts.

So Garp also wanted Murphy to go directly to New World to see those monsters, to suppress Murphy's spirit, so that Murphy would not lose himself.

Of course, if Murphy knew what Garp and the others thought, they would probably laugh out loud. Although the world of One Piece is not weak, it is still worse than those guys who can destroy the world or even destroy a galaxy or even rival the universe itself. a lot of.

Now that he got the system, it is impossible for him to stay in this world.

"Okay, I'll give him some basic knowledge in the past two days, and then I'll leave it to the people on your boat to teach him about the sea." Zephyr nodded after thinking for a while.

It is really inappropriate to put a monster like Murphy together with other people in the elite battalion, so he plans to spend two days to give Murphy some unique skills and important experience. As for some ordinary basic knowledge, Garp will be on board It's almost enough to find two people at random.


Time passed so quickly

In two days, Zephyr handed over almost all of his experience to Murphy, including some hole cards and key information.

Especially some key information that is rarely known. If Murphy is captured by some forces, these information can be used as bargaining chips in exchange.

It can be said that in order to ensure Murphy's safety, Zephyr has completely reserved nothing.

And in these two days, Murphy also played against the people in the elite camp one after another.

Counting the previous experience of defeating Sakazuki, his Aizen template has been successfully unlocked to [4.16%] at this time.

This is almost three times the experience value of his previous ten years of penance.

I have to say that the elite camp is indeed a good place. Most of the people here will hold important positions in the future, and there are even two Marine Admirals among them.

Sakazuki and Polusalino alone give him close to 1.6% experience. In addition to counting the experience points given by other important Vice Admirals in the future, it has reached this point.

Coupled with mastering the two-color Haki, it can be said that he has the ability to deal with most situations in the New World. Unless it's that lunatic from the Golden Lion Pirates.

As for other pirates with a bounty of more than 10 million, they are basically instantly killed in front of him. Only pirates with a bounty close to 100 million can slightly compete with Murphy.

You must know that the 100 million rewards in this era are considered relatively powerful pirates, and within the scope of New World, the number of pirates at this level is relatively large.

If you go alone, the more troublesome thing is that the other party is a pirate group with more people.

If there are multiple high bounty pirates, it will still be a tough fight.

But generally speaking, as long as you don't encounter the three big pirates, basically there will be no accidents.

What's more, he is now on Garp's boat, even if the three big pirates want to touch him, it is probably unlikely.

But only if he's on Garp's boat!

"Is it as expected?" Murphy smiled calmly looking at the small wooden boat under his feet.

That fellow Garp would not protect him obediently like a personal bodyguard, but after leaving Naval Headquarters and stepping into the range of New World, he directly gave him a sloop for him to roam freely.

Reminiscent of Garp's attitude with Luffy when he was a child in training, Murphy also felt that it was expected.

"However, presumably Garp is still paying attention to my movements! Besides, even Hōgyoku has not been unlocked yet, it is still too early to cultivate your own power. The most important thing now is to improve your strength." Confirmed that there is no one around through Observation Haki After that, the smile on Murphy's face seemed to be a little deeper, but it was different from the gentle and elegant smile in the past.

This time, the smile on his face showed more of the evil charm Haki and the aura of looking down on the world.

"In addition to basic training, the system can only gain experience by defeating famous and powerful guys in the original book. If you can defeat Whitebeard, you may get a lot of experience, but it is too early to focus on Whitebeard now."

Murphy thought.

Although Whitebeard can bring him a large part of the template unlocking level, and there is not much danger in challenging Whitebeard, but the possibility of defeating Whitebeard is completely zero percent!

And in this system, if you don't defeat the enemy, you can't get the unlock experience.

"Kaido of the Beasts? If it's that guy, he'd be a good candidate."

Soon, Murphy has identified his first target, the future Four Emperors Kaido of the Beasts!

But at this moment, Kaido of the Beasts has only shown a strong potential, not as strong as Whitebeard, and he can handle it temporarily with his strength.

But the most urgent task for Murphy now is to find a place to replenish some supplies, and to inquire about the whereabouts of some pirates in New World.

After all, that jerk Garp only left Murphy with a week's worth of food when he let him go off on his own.

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PS: [10/10]

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