People In Pirates: Get The Aizen Template At The Start!

Chapter 15: Reiatsu Suppresses The Audience

Chapter 15 Suppresses Reiatsu

At this time, Kaido was not drunk yet, and spoke very seriously.

Being targeted by Golden Lion, who is also one of the three great pirates, Whitebeard may not be able to get away for a long time.

This time is the best time for him to grab the territory. Of course, Kaido of the Beasts will not do too much, lest the Whitebeard pirates retaliate in the future. He just intends to seize one of the richest islands here.

"Is that so? Whitebeard and the Golden Lion are about to go to war, but what a coincidence, you're going to mess with Whitebeard, and I'm already messing with the Golden Lion."

At this moment, Murphy had walked tens of meters in front of Kaido of the Beasts without knowing when, looked at the guy with an unusually huge body in front of him, and said with a sunny face.

"Who is it!" Sensing someone suddenly barging in, the captains of the three affiliated pirate groups in front of Kaido stood up at the same time, glaring at Murphy's direction.

But at the same time, a few people were still a little shocked. They have been in New World for so long, and they are all masters of two-color Haki, and many of their cadres have also mastered two-color Haki.

But no one noticed that Murphy had come so close to them.

But they weren't too worried, because there was only one person in Murphy, and there were nearly 400 people here in total, so it was very easy to deal with one person.

As long as the opponent is not a monster-level guy like Marine Admiral, relying on the number advantage, they will not be afraid of each other.

"It seems that you are very confident about the number of people." Looking at the relaxed faces of these people, Murphy smiled very casually.

"What an unpleasant tone. A good guy like you can't survive in New World. Do you want to hang out with me?" After hearing Murphy's tone, the nearest alcoholic shook his head Move closer to Murphy.

As if Murphy didn't see the other party at all, he still said to himself: "The number of people is useless in many cases."

Hearing this, Kaido of the Beasts sitting in the center suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

That's right, the number of people is meaningless in many cases, especially some miscellaneous fish.

As far as Kaido is concerned, as long as he releases his Conqueror's Haki with all his strength, at least one-third of the people present will fall down directly.

Although he is very young and his strength is not strong, Conqueror's Haki has little to do with strength, basically it is a person's innate strength.

As far as the single-round Conqueror's Haki is concerned, his Conqueror's Haki is also ranked in the top ten in the entire New World, and Kaido also knows other guys who are stronger than him, and Murphy in front of him is definitely not included.

"Boy, are you here to find fault? Do you think our Kaido of the Beasts pirate group is empty?" Hearing Murphy's somewhat unfriendly tone, the gang of pirates gathered around, His complexion also gradually became more ferocious.

How could someone in New World not even know about Conqueror's Haki.

But many of them have experienced many battles, so they can't even bear a little bit of Conqueror's Haki. Even the Conqueror's Haki of the three great pirates, there are quite a few people here who can bear it.

"It's just mastering Conqueror's Haki. We haven't seen users of Conqueror's Haki in New World. If you have the guts, try to stun us!"


More and more members of the Kaido of the Beasts came up with unfriendly faces.

"Conqueror's Haki? Why bother to deal with you..." Saying this, Murphy shook his head slightly, and said with a relaxed expression, "Just use Reiatsu to defeat you directly!"


An unbelievably large Reiatsu crashed down.

Like a heavy rain, it was almost visible to the naked eye and exerted an extremely heavy pressure on this area.

bang bang bang...

In just a split second, starting with the gang of pirates surrounding Murphy, everyone fell down in unison.

Including their so-called combat members and ordinary cadres, at this moment, even thinking was directly deprived.

With a blank mind, I can't think about everything, I can only feel the roar in my ears, and my consciousness seems to be separated from my body.

Not to mention these people, even the captains of the three pirates under Kaido, felt tremendous pressure under the powerful Reiatsu, and couldn't even keep standing.

"Interesting, didn't you kneel down directly? It seems that people who have experienced in New World are better than Sakazuki Polusalino at this time."

Seeing the three pirate captains who still didn't kneel down, Murphy slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

After all, they are the ones who have learned Haki, and at this time, Sakazuki and Polusalino don’t even know Haki, so their resistance is naturally not at the same level.

"What exactly is this!"

"Conqueror's? Impossible, even a Conqueror's of Whitebeard's level can't do this."

"What kind of power is this? I can't even stand up."

The captains of the three pirate groups panicked and tried their best to resist the pressure without kneeling down. But behind them all seemed to be held by an invisible big hand, wanting to press them down directly.

Only Kaido, who was sitting in the middle, looked normal, faintly exuding a Conqueror's Haki used to resist Murphy's Reiatsu.

"But it seems that just this is not enough to make you surrender. But there is only one opponent I need, so..."

After finishing speaking, the Reiatsu that erupted from Murphy doubled directly.

This time, all of them, including the three captains, were directly lying on the ground, as if they were bearing tens of thousands of times the gravity, and they couldn't even move a single finger.

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PS: [1/4]

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