People In Pirates: Get The Aizen Template At The Start!

Chapter 22 Inquiring About Rayleigh's Sword Skills

Chapter 22 Asking Rayleigh for Sword Skills

"Although it's not very good to say this, it seems that you Roger Pirates invited me to board the ship, right? I should be the one to ask this question, shouldn't I, Mr. Rayleigh."

Facing Rayleigh's vigilant look, Murphy immediately showed a gentle smile, and directly looked into Rayleigh's sharp eyes, confident and firm, neither humble nor overbearing, with a strong aura of gentleness.

Coupled with the bookish square-frame glasses, the whole person looks very different.


Facing Murphy's confident and firm gentle eyes, Rayleigh suddenly realized that it was indeed his side who took the initiative to invite the other party on board.


Seeing the unreliable captain beside him, Rayleigh also sighed helplessly.

"However, if I have to say it, I have a purpose for coming here." At this moment, Murphy said suddenly.

This made Rayleigh and Roger and the rest of the active crew members a little curious.

"I heard that Pluton Rayleigh not only has great attainments in physical arts and Haki, but is also a great swordsman. I would like to ask you about your sword skills."

Murphy looked at Rayleigh ahead, a gleam in his eye.

There is no doubt that the deputy of the One Piece in front of him is much stronger than himself, and it is impossible to beat him with only unlocking less than 10% of Aizen's strength.

If you can't beat your opponent, you won't be able to gain experience points to unlock templates.


After finally meeting a great swordsman, Murphy also wants to try one of Shinigami's basic abilities - Zanpakutō! That is the beheading technique!

Although it is said that Aizen's slashing technique is shown very few times, each time it is quite amazing and fatal. Facing other captains and members of the Masked Legion with mercy, Aizen is easily and seriously injured.

Even the third Espada Hurley Bell's steel skin, Aizen almost killed it with only two blows.

It can be said that except for White Hits, all of Aizen's performances are quite high.

However, the opponents Murphy faced before were too weak. Basically, they used Reiatsu to suppress them a little and killed them directly, or they could not move and let others slaughter them.

It is also quite difficult to find someone who can communicate in swordsmanship.

Although the energy system in the Shinigami world is stronger than that of Haki, it is much ahead in the world of Taishu Pirates.

Especially the profound meaning of swordsmanship, which is similar to the realm of cutting steel, is quite wonderful.

These are purely technical abilities.

And Shinigami's slashing basically relies on the powerful Reiatsu to fight.

If the two can be combined, the combination of skill and strength will not be a simple 1+1 level in the end.

"Oh! Do you want to ask me about swordsmanship?"

Now Rayleigh is also interested, and he is still very interested in the exchange of swordsmanship.

"But I won't show mercy. If you want to discuss swordsmanship, we have some swordsmanship masters on board who are similar in strength to yours." Rayleigh reminded very kindly.


The sound of Zanpakutō being pulled out sounded.

"Since it is asking for advice, it is natural to ask the person who should ask for advice, and ask someone who is suitable to be a teacher."

"Heh! He's really a very likable guy!" Hearing what Murphy said, Rayleigh snorted lightly. From his appearance to his temperament, he could feel that Murphy was a very likable existence.

And the fact was true, even though Murphy was provoking him, he couldn't bear the slightest feeling of disgust. Instead, he wanted to teach the other party's swordsmanship seriously.

"Then I won't be polite!" After saying that, Murphy suddenly disappeared in place, Zanpakutō in his hand was covered with a layer of blue Reiatsu and waved directly in Rayleigh's direction.

"Interesting!" Seeing Murphy's movements, Rayleigh said softly, and then rushed forward with his sword in hand.

At the same time, the sword in Rayleigh's hand is also covered with a layer of jet-black armor, which is different from the ordinary armed color. Rayleigh's Armament Haki seems to have a powerful coercion.

"Amazing Armament Haki." Opposite Rayleigh, Murphy's brows couldn't help but frown.

Although it is known that the other party is the deputy of One Piece in the future, this level of Armament Haki is too scary.


Whether Rayleigh is using his full strength is still a big question.

Years of Pluton! The strength is indeed somewhat terrifying.

"Don't be distracted."

Rayleigh spoke.

The next second, Rayleigh slammed backwards!


The deck of the entire hull and even the ship itself began to shake.

The powerful force formed by the reaction made Rayleigh's figure strike directly at Murphy like an eagle.

The speed is so fast that he doesn't even have a chance to use Shunpo to dodge.

Without thinking too much, the extremely thick Reiatsu was all gathered on the Zanpakutō in his hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A direct collision between Armament Haki and Reiatsu, nothing technical, just a pure collision of power.

"Huh? Is this the so-called Reiatsu? You can block my blow without Haki!" Rayleigh was also a little surprised to see Murphy block his sword.

Originally seeing Murphy directly raised the weapon in his hand and arrived without using Haki, he thought he would directly cut off Murphy's sword.

But I didn't expect that it was covered with a layer of Reiatsu that couldn't be seen.

"My Zanpakutō will not be cut off easily." As if guessing what Rayleigh was thinking, Murphy slowly raised the corners of his mouth and replied with a smile.

But seeing the traces of being pushed out under his feet, Murphy's heart sank.

Although it is said that Zanpakutō is not easy to be broken, it is not impossible to be broken at all. If this continues, the Zanpakutō in his hand will eventually be broken.

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PS: [2/4]

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