People In Pirates: Get The Aizen Template At The Start!

Chapter 39 Meeting The Whitebeard Pirates

Chapter 39 Meeting the Whitebeard Pirates

The waitress lying on the front desk blushed involuntarily

so hot!

And so gentle!

It's my type!

After just one meeting, the waitress was completely smitten with Murphy, and it was love at first sight.

Of course, in layman's terms it means "greedy".

the other side

Soon the store manager had already counted the treasures on board and made accurate calculations.

However, at this moment, suddenly from the end of the coastline ahead, a flag gradually enlarged in front of him.

People who live near the sea naturally know that this is a sign that a ship is coming.

And this side of temperament is really familiar to the surrounding store managers.

On the high-hanging pirate flag, there is a crescent-shaped skull.

Others may not recognize this flag, but it is absolutely impossible for him not to recognize it!

The reason is simple, because this flag itself is the flag that protects his shop - the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Of course, it would be fine if it was the pirate group flying the Whitebeard flag, but this is not the case. The one flying the Whitebeard flag in front of it is not some other pirate group, but the main ship of the Whitebeard pirate group— — Moby Dick!

In other words, Whitebeard himself was on board the ship in front of him at this moment.

"Whitebeard Pirates? I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence, or is the other party already targeting me?"

At this moment, Murphy walked out of the store and walked to this place without knowing when.

Compared with seeing with eyes, Murphy pays more attention to his own sensory nerves and Observation Haki.

Although his Observation Haki is not as good as those special abilities that can predict the future, the range of perception is extremely huge. Perhaps this is Murphy's talent on Observation Haki.

Shinigami's sensory nerves combined with Observation Haki's sensory ability, Murphy's sensory range is stronger than that of Enel, who used the thunder fruit and Observation Haki to explore the entire Sky Island in the original book.

Murphy can not only perceive the situation within an entire island, but can even extend out to a distance of ten nautical miles.

It is precisely because of this that Murphy left the store and arrived at the coast ahead of time to visit Whitebeard on the Moby Dick.

"Hey hey! Aren't you joking, but are you really going to visit Whitebeard?"

Seeing Murphy's appearance, the store manager's eyes widened in disbelief.

He originally thought that Murphy was just talking about it, after all, no one would know his whereabouts after leaving here, and even if he didn't visit Whitebeard himself, I'm afraid no one would say much.

After all, it's Whitebeard, you know!

"Isn't this a very simple and easy to understand thing?" Murphy asked the store manager so rhetorically.

Then he walked directly to a small wooden boat next to him.

Then directly use Reiatsu to push the wooden boat to start heading towards Moby Dick.

"Brother, although we never swallow other people's money here, there is nothing we can do if the person dies. Are you sure you want to do this?"

The store manager was still a little worried.

As Whitebeard's enemy, and also a Marine, no one in the room felt that Murphy would be able to leave Whitebeard's ship alive.

After all, as long as your hands are stained with the blood of Whitebeard's sons, it already means that you and Whitebeard will never die.

"I won't bother you, manager, to worry about this matter, and I won't die here." Murphy responded lightly.

As for death?

Sorry, he has no such plans now.

"Interesting. Are you sure you can retreat even in the face of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Seeing this, the store manager also narrowed his eyes.

He doesn't think Murphy is looking for death by himself, can a fool kill so many pirates in the entire city of sin? Those were tens of thousands of pirates, all of them were slaughtered within a month.

"Whitebeard Pirates, I've wanted to meet them for a long time. The biggest ruler of this New World outside of Marine." Murphy witnessed the approaching pirate ship in front of him.

The flag of the pirate ship can be seen from the store manager just now, which is enough to show that the Whitebeard pirate group is not far from here.

in the blink of an eye

A small wooden boat so small that it could be ignored finally collided with the Moby Dick.

And standing on the small wooden boat, Murphy couldn't see the whole Moby Dick even if he looked up.

The size of the hull alone is probably enough to deter most ordinary pirates.

"There are quite enough of them, Whitebeard, on board."

Murphy thought silently.

In terms of numbers, the Whitebeard Pirates are indeed the largest.

But in terms of average combat power, it is also the worst.

Because it is too short-sighted, for those guys who want to be pirates or have no way to turn back but are afraid, the Whitebeard Pirates is definitely the best place to go.

Because the Whitebeard Pirates protect their weaknesses and are united, and there are a large number of people, almost no one dares to provoke this behemoth, especially considering the power of Whitebeard, which is extra reassuring.

In addition, what Whitebeard wants is family members, not powerful subordinates, and he has almost no requirements for the people below. It can be said that the threshold is quite low.

On the deck of the Moby Dick

"It's really that Marine! He dared to come to the front of the Moby Dick on his own initiative. He's an interesting guy." An extremely rough voice came from the deck.

It was a very strong and burly man.

There are black hairs like animals on the body, a big knife in his hand, and very clear tattoos on his arms.

If other people see it, they will be able to recognize that the person in front of him is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates!

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