Chapter 47 Arrive

the other side

Naval Headquarters

"It's finally over!"

After arriving at the coast, the students of the elite camp also breathed a sigh of relief!

Compared with the purgatory-like place in New World, Naval Headquarters can make them feel more at ease.

After all, not everyone has the strength like Sakazuki Polusalino. The vast majority of pirates facing the New World can be easily defeated. Even if they encounter strong ones, there will be no danger.

For many people, the New World journey is quite dangerous, and they will lose their lives if they are not careful, even with Zephyr watching over them, but for them, it is still very important to concentrate on the battle.

After a two-month internship, they were also exhausted. After arriving at Naval Headquarters, the tight nerves were finally loosened.

"But after the internship is over, it's time for that guy to come back, right?"

Among the crowd, someone suddenly mentioned something.

All of a sudden, this made everyone's thoughts drift to the day when they just entered the elite camp a year ago.

Successfully won the first place with a posture that almost crushed everyone, and then showed a stunned super talent, and instantly learned the two-color Haki.

Then they were sent directly to New World to practice in a special case. Even if they were in the elite camp, they heard a lot of news from New World.

Especially the news about Murphy.

World Destroyer, City of Sin!

Two world-shattering events instantly made Murphy one of the biggest names in the New World and made Marine's rising star all the rage.

Even Whitebeard can't help but want to poach the corner of his worst enemy Marine, which is enough to explain everything.

"That guy?"

And Sakazuki's mind also emerged the scene of that year, he was directly suppressed by Murphy's huge Reiatsu and couldn't move.

That feeling is still deeply engraved in his mind until now.

The kind of strength that is as powerful as a monster!

"But! Mine is completely different now!" Sakazuki's face was very serious!

How can it be so easy to become a Marine Admiral? During this period of time, Sakazuki's strength has also improved a lot, and after the experience of New World, now Sakazuki's control over the two-color Haki has become like a fish in water.

"You're really attached to that guy, but I'm afraid the gap is getting bigger and bigger?" Polusalino looked at Sakazuki, who was full of fighting spirit, with a lazy look.

Although I was a little reconciled at first, Polusalino is also a self-proclaimed genius after all.

But with the passage of time, he also slowly looked away from this matter.

Don't look at Polusalino's lazy and indifferent appearance, but when he actually meets a stronger opponent than himself, the unique competitive psychology among geniuses will still be aroused.

Otherwise, without that strengthened heart, Polusalino would not have become so powerful.

It's just that he has already seen through that Murphy is not at the same level as the geniuses of their level, and that is a level that must be looked up to.

"I will catch up with this gap!" Sakazuki replied very unwillingly.

What he disliked the most was Polusalino's lazy look. Naturally, it was impossible for him to collude with Polusalino.

"Don't be too leisurely! You have been resting on the ship for several days! Start preparing for the final assessment immediately." As soon as he came to his senses, Zephyr non-stop began to prepare for the final test on these people.

After all, his time is also very tight. After the test of this batch, he still needs to prepare for the next batch of students.

"Teacher Zephyr? Don't wait for Murphy? He didn't come back with us." A student from the elite camp asked at this time.

"Don't worry, that guy has already left the branch of New World, and now it is estimated that he should be almost at Naval Headquarters." Zephyr replied.

The road from Naval Headquarters to the Marine branch is naturally impossible and dangerous. Not only is there no bad weather, it can even be said that there are no pirates, and through the special eddy current of the Marine, Zephyr can be sure that Murphy will arrive here in a short time.

"No! It's already here!" At this moment, from the back of the port, the figure of a young man in white slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Aizen pushed his glasses and looked at the people in front of him who had been separated for a year, with a gentle smile on his face as always.

Murphy arrived at Naval Headquarters one step earlier than Zephyr et al.

And Zephyr also set his sights on Murphy.

A year has passed, as if nothing has changed, the boy is still the same as he saw a year ago.

That young man who is approachable and gentle, who can't find any faults, who can't raise the slightest smoke, is excellent, humble, intelligent, respects his teachers, and has lofty ideals. The boy who once said in front of him that he wants to be a hero!

He is also very concerned about Murphy Zephyr. He knows what Murphy did during the New World period. Everything is just like what Murphy said before, and he is approaching the direction of the word hero.

"Okay! It's all here."

Soon, Zephyr also came back to his senses, interrupted the noisy crowd with one sentence, and then said: "Since all the members are here, we can start. A group of three will be teammates. Come and fight me directly. I will use the most direct and simplest method to determine what level your strength is. Whether you can graduate or not, and the distribution after graduation are all subjective judgments by myself!"

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