Chapter 50 Singles Zephyr

Of course, this is just a graduation test, and Zephyr naturally cannot go all out.

The current Zephyr has probably suppressed his strength to the level of Vice Admiral, which is a bit weaker than Murphy who is close to Admiral.

"Growing up so fast!" Zephyr thought in surprise, and in the next second, Zephyr felt a very dangerous aura.


In the next instant, a terrifying slash directly split the entire training ground into two from the middle.

The fusion of the blue Reiatsu and the sword energy ruthlessly tore the ground apart and roared towards Zephyr.

"I can't resist!"

Zephyr made his choice immediately, jumping away to the other side.

buzz buzz...

The extremely powerful sword energy directly penetrated the field and even the fence of the training camp, and hit the large forest on the back mountain. The scene that seemed to be swept away by a hurricane made people feel shocked.

Thick dust filled the field of vision like winter morning frost.

After a long time, a gully about one meter thick that was torn open on the ground was displayed in front of everyone, shocking everyone's hearts.

"Although I heard that this kid has stepped into the realm of a great swordsman, I didn't expect to be so strong!" Zephyr also looked at Murphy in shock, unable to calm down for a long time.

Although he had learned from Garp that Murphy had broken through the realm of a great swordsman and was able to defeat a powerful opponent like World Destroyer, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he still felt that it was a bit too exaggerated.

"Good... so amazing! No wonder Sister He commented on him like that!" Zhiyuan, who was outside, murmured in shock after seeing this scene. He finally understood why He commented on Murphy like that!

"Could it be boy, although the power is pretty good, but such an attack won't get points." Zephyr reminded Murphy.

Although the great swordsmen's slashes are indeed terrifying and extremely astonishing, if they follow the test rules, their evaluation scores will not be very high.

"No! From the very beginning, I didn't think about getting a high score. I just wanted to know my current strength!" Murphy said slowly, not paying attention to the surprised expressions of others.

To be precise, Murphy wants to know whether he can defeat Zephyr in the water state, and whether he can get enough experience points!

This is the most important thing for him.

As soon as the voice fell, Murphy's figure disappeared instantly.

"This kid! He's really good, it's too much! It even makes people feel a little out of reach." Seeing Murphy rushing up, Zephyr glanced at Sakazuki and Polusa next to him with uncertain faces. Lino.

How could Zephyr not understand how these two felt?

Facing such an outstanding peer, the two geniuses more or less had the idea of ​​competing against each other. Both of them failed to get a bargain from Zephyr, and Murphy even gained an advantage against Zephyr in singles.

Of course, out of surprise, Zephyr also became more cautious.

Fighting against the current Murphy, I'm afraid they will fall into a bitter battle.

But it's impossible for him to fully reveal his strength because Murphy's strength is too strong, otherwise, it would be unfair for the exam to fight with different levels of strength.

So Zephyr can only bite the bullet and continue fighting.

Seeing that Murphy had rushed forward, Zephyr could only cover Armament Haki on his arm, and charged towards Murphy.

Bang! ! !

Armament Haki's fist collided with Zanpakutō, and the sharp blade collided with the fist as hard as steel.

"Hadō no. 4 · White Thunder!"

And at this moment, Murphy's left hand suddenly raised, aimed at Zephyr's neck, and a white thunder shot out directly.

Faced with Murphy's merciless blow, Zephyr could only squat down immediately, and then quickly backed away.

"Hadō's Thirty-One Red Cannon!"

As soon as Zephyr's figure stopped, a huge flame blasted towards Zephyr.


Zephyr crossed his arms directly in front of him, and directly blocked the huge flames with Armament Haki.

"What a powerful power!" Sensing the power of this Kidō, Zephyr said in surprise.

But immediately, Zephyr also adjusted immediately, raised his fist and swung it down!

boom! ! !

Armament Haki's covered fist flew quickly, like a black shooting star passing by at noon, roaring down towards Murphy.

Like a hurricane, a layer of air waves was set off, and the wind blew so hard that people couldn't keep their eyes open.

But Murphy didn't dodge, but just stood there

"The proud son of heaven, the iron wall, the dragon's walk, the lion's roar, the tiger's roar, the wolf's run, cut off the sky and the earth before it collapses, Bakudō's eighty-one·Splitting Void!"

Just as Zephyr's attack had just arrived, Murphy's chant had ended.


A huge translucent protective film suddenly appeared in front of Murphy out of thin air.

The pitch-black fist slammed directly on the wall, making an astonishing explosion.

"how is this possible!"

The dust dispersed, and seeing that the defense made by the Splitting Void in front of him hadn't been breached at all, Zephyr's pupils shrank, and an expression of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

Although he has restrained his strength to the level of Vice Admiral, Vice Admiral's strength is not as bad as imagined. There are only a few Vice Admirals in the whole world, which can be said to be second only to Admiral's combat power.

Usually Admiral is not suitable for handling or has no time to deal with things that are done by Vice Admiral.

Although there is a big gap with Admiral, its strength is still quite worthy of recognition.

However, under such circumstances, his full blow was so easily blocked.

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PS: [2/4]

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