Chapter 52: Vice Admiral

Seeing many students lying on the ground moaning, Zephyr didn't say anything.

Although he didn't feel that it was a shameful thing for him to be defeated by Murphy, but he was more or less concerned about it, so he accidentally took it a lot more seriously in the following battles.

The end result is that nearly half of the people are lying on the ground.

"Everyone, assemble!"

Zephyr's loud voice came out immediately.

As soon as the voice fell, those students who were still able to move quickly stood up, and then everyone helped those who had just been hit by Zephyr and couldn't move, and walked to the front of Zephyr together.

The same is true for Murphy, he is supporting a guy who is biting a cigar and smiling all over his face. This guy is the future Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral burning volcano. Like Murphy, this guy always has a smile on his face, and everyone The relationship is quite good.

But the difference with Murphy is that this guy looks a bit naive, while Murphy looks like a humble gentleman.

"Sorry to trouble you, Murphy." Shao Huan said to Murphy apologetically.

"We are all comrades in arms at the same time, and we should support each other." Murphy also responded with a smile, that kind of confident and sure temperament made people feel quite comfortable.

"Murphy..." Looking at the young man in front of him, Shao Huan looked a little dull and didn't say a word.

"Let's go! After today, there won't be so many people who can be together." Murphy chuckled, looking in Zephyr's direction with some deep eyes.

And Zephyr above was a little emotional when he saw this scene.

For these students, they will go their separate ways, and for Zephyr, their first batch of students will also leave.

The first time is always unforgettable, especially for Zephyr. What's more, the standard of this elite camp can be said to be terrible.

Murphy, a monster who already has Admiral's back-up strength, and the other two Sakazuki and Polusalino are candidates for Marine Admiral in the future if there is no accident.

And other people will basically be able to achieve the position of Marine Vice Admiral in the future!

"Okay, the test is over. I will arrange your military ranks based on your test. As for the transfer of positions, I will wait for the next arrangement at the headquarters." After speaking, Zephyr also came over and took Out of the roster.

Long ago, Kong had given Zephyr the qualification to arrange the ranks of these elite battalion cadets. Of course, higher military ranks cannot be arranged directly by Zephyr.

The authority Kong gave to Zephyr is that the ranks below Marine Commodore can be placed arbitrarily.

After all, as soon as you reach the general level, you have the qualification to learn some core content. Naturally, this right cannot be released casually. The reason why Zephyr can be directly assigned to the position of Commodore is because Zephyr is a Marine Admiral after all, and he will not be too old to be blinded. .

"Dauberman, Mole, Burning Volcano..." Zephyr read the names of a large number of people in a row, except for Murphy, Sakazuki and Polusalino.

After reading almost everyone in the elite battalion, Zephyr said: "Based on your performance and strength, you are now awarded the rank of colonel in the Marine branch! The position is tentative, waiting for the follow-up arrangement of the headquarters."

After listening, the people who had just been read, even those who had just been hammered half to death by Zephyr and needed someone to support them, forcibly cheered up, saluted respectfully, and then replied with the loudest voice: "Understood!"

Seeing everyone like this, Zephyr nodded in satisfaction, and then turned his attention to Sakazuki, Polusalino, and Murphy next to him.

"Sakazuki, Polusalino, you two, I will now grant you the rank of Commodore of the Marine branch! The position is tentative, waiting for the headquarters to arrange!"

"Understood!" Sakazuki and Polusalino just saluted casually, as if they didn't particularly care about such cumbersome etiquette.

Geniuses are always maverick and don't like to be restrained. Usually, these two guys don't even fight against Zephyr, and now Zephyr is very satisfied with being obedient.

"As for Murphy..."

Hearing that Zephyr was going to say Murphy, everyone in the elite camp stood up with great interest, including Sakazuki and Polusalino.

They also felt it from Zephyr reading their names, and Murphy's position was definitely higher than them, including Sakazuki and Polusalino.

Otherwise, when I just read Sakazuki and Polusalino, I must have read Murphy's position by the way.

"Although it is said that Marshal Kong gave me the highest authority that can only be granted to Commodore, but before you arrived at the headquarters, the branch of New World sent a joint letter to Marshal Kong."

Zephyr did not directly mention Murphy's military rank, but first mentioned the joint letter to Murphy.

"Joint letter?"

Hearing this, Murphy was also a little surprised, but he quickly realized what happened.

And the other people below are also in a mess, rubbing shoulders and whispering, not knowing what happened.

I sent a joint letter to Kong, and everyone is very curious about the content.

"Ahem!" Seeing the commotion below, Zephyr coughed twice, and immediately quieted down below, as if a teacher was teaching junior high school students.

Then Zephyr looked at Murphy and said: "Looking at your expression, you should have already guessed what happened. So the military rank awarded to you was determined by Marshal Kong himself. The position is Vice Admiral of the New World Marine branch! And as the branch chief Staff!"

As soon as the voice fell, everything below exploded in an instant.

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PS: [4/4]

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