Chapter 60 Wounding the Golden Lion

"It's really underestimated." Murphy took a half step back, with a deep disdainful smile in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the same blue sword light shone.

The fierce and powerful sword light burst out from the blade, centered on Murphy, and spread outward like a crescent moon.

As well as its terrifying speed, it tore through the air and arrived in front of the Golden Lion in an instant.

The dazzling blue sword aura completely filled his entire field of vision.

"This kid!"

Seeing this scene, Golden Lion's pupils suddenly shrank, and he could clearly feel the severity of this slash. Seems to be able to tear right through his Haki defenses, and even his soul!

Relying on instinct, at that moment, Golden Lion's whole body burst out with speed, and his body turned slightly to the side.


The violent blue slash directly passed by his side, and the fierce and terrifying momentum made his body tense up instantly.


The slash flew directly through the air, and blasted far into the distance.


Accompanied by a loud bang, a pirate ship behind was cut neatly in the middle, and the fluctuations brought by the aftermath even spread to the entire sea surface, making the originally peaceful sea surface instantly become choppy. .

hiss... hiss... hiss...

The golden robe on Golden Lion's body was also torn apart under this force.

There were streaks of blood even on the body, and the bloodline began to overflow from the surface of the skin, making Golden Lion look even bloodier.

Although it was just a little bit of insignificant skin trauma, it still surprised Golden Lion!

"Is it just the aftermath that has this kind of power? This guy's slashing and destructive power is not so strong!"

To be honest, if it didn't happen to Golden Lion himself, he would never believe this kind of thing.

Only Yu Bo has achieved this level, and it is obvious that he has opened a long distance.

The destructive power of this kind of slash is simply unimaginable!

And on the pirate ship in the rear, the whole ship has become a mess at this time.

Countless corpses were randomly discarded on the ground in a disorderly manner, and some of them were even mutilated.

The smell of blood was introduced into the nostrils of the living people along the sea breeze, and the pungent smell made them recover from the shock.

Even the Golden Lion couldn't withstand the aftermath of the slash, let alone the ordinary pirates on these ships.

Some even didn't have time to react at all, and were directly cut in the middle the moment the slash came, and the whole person was split in two from the middle.

Even if one was lucky enough to avoid a direct slash, he would still be torn apart by the aftermath of the slash.

There were still many people on the boat just now, and now there are less than one-tenth of the people left.

The trace of the incomparably ferocious sword energy.


Many pirates couldn't help swallowing, and looked at the white-robed boy in front of them with some fear.

The atmosphere on board was even more eerie.

"How is it possible! Even the boss of the Golden Lion has to avoid it!" The remaining pirates said with a trembling voice, their throats a little dry.

The strength shown by the opponent is really terrible. I thought that the newly appointed Marine Vice Admiral, who was less than twenty years old, in the G3 branch was a soft persimmon, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Even the Golden Lion had to avoid the edge, this strength is probably very close to the hero Garp guarding the G1 branch. .

They don't know what the final outcome of the battle will be, but what is certain is that the life and death of cannon fodder-like pirates like them depends entirely on luck.

The extremely fierce slash just now is the best evidence.

If they were unlucky, they would be the ones lying on the ground now, without any choice.

"The boss of Golden Lion seems to have been injured by the aftermath of the sword energy! Damn it! Are we actually going to fight this kind of monster?"

Seeing the Golden Lion covered in blood, the pirates felt even more terrified.

Golden Lion is their biggest reliance. Even Golden Lion is injured, even if it is only a little bit of skin trauma, but it is quite a bad thing for them.

"Is this guy really just a fresh graduate? He can't be an old monster who uses some strange Devil Fruit ability to rejuvenate his youth!"

Many people began to question Murphy's identity, and it was so unreasonable that they couldn't help but happen in front of them.

"Did you avoid it? You really deserve to be the Golden Lion!" Looking at the tragic image in front of him and the unstoppable sea, Murphy slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Are you on the same level as me?" Golden Lion's eyes widened, and his bloodshot face was particularly ferocious.

Coupled with the bloody appearance, the whole person seems to be as terrifying as a ghost crawling out of hell.

"But! I'll let you know that even among the same level, there are strengths and weaknesses! If you don't wipe out a marine genius like you, there will be endless troubles! Even if Garp comes, I will definitely kill you today! "Golden Lion's undisguised killing intent raged majesticly.


Suddenly, a huge pirate ship that was directly cut by Murphy violated the law of gravity and flew directly into the sky, and less than 10% of the remaining pirates on the ship all fell into the sea.

There are also many fragments of things on the ship that fell in all directions, killing many pirates directly.

But Golden Lion didn't care about these casualties at all, and now he only has Murphy in his eyes! As long as Murphy is killed, it will be worth everything!

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