Chapter 62 Hadō-Ninety-one Senju

"If you dare not approach, then let me come!"

A light touch of air with his right foot, and in the next second, Murphy shot directly in the direction of the Golden Lion at an extremely fast speed.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the two confronted each other, they could only hear deafening bombardment sounds, and everything around them was torn apart under the fighting between the two.

The Pirates and the Marines stared blankly at the close-range confrontation between the two, and their eyes almost couldn't turn around.

too fast!

Murphy is way ahead of Golden Lion in speed.

Shunpo's speed is no slower than Golden Lion flying in the air with Lion Fruit, and it can even be said to be terrifyingly fast.

Golden Lion can only use its Observation Haki to predict Murphy's attack trajectory in advance, and then resist it.

"Damn it! To be beaten on the head by such a brat." Being constantly attacked by Murphy, Golden Lion also seemed a little upset.

It was obvious that he came here to provoke him, but now he can't beat the opponent 12.

Golden Lion, one of the three great pirates, can't beat a freshly graduated kid, it's ridiculous to say this.

But soon Golden Lion discovered a problem. His proud air combat ability seemed to become his weakness in front of Murphy.

Normally, when using Lion Fruit, the enemy can only fight with him through Moonwalk, not to mention the exhaustion of physical strength, and it is also quite inconvenient.

But at this time, compared to Shunpo used by Murphy, his Lion Fruit ability made him fall to the waist in this air battle.

Thinking of this, Golden Lion pushed Murphy away without saying a word, and then landed on the ground very quickly.

Both feet stepped on the ground with a bang, and the ground of the port collapsed instantly, and the huge force spread out tens of meters.

"Want to entice me to fight on the ground? Interesting idea! But, strong is always strong, no matter where you stand."

Regarding Golden Lion's approach, Murphy is not so stupid as to give up the airspace advantage directly.

Neither Slash White Hits nor Kidō are weak at all.

"I don't know how to use a sword." Facing the Golden Lion, Murphy still had a calm expression on his face, his deep eyes drooping slightly.

Facing the Golden Lion that had already reached the ground, Murphy slowly raised his hand and began to chant softly.

"The edge of Senju, the noble hand that can't touch the darkness, the sky shooter that can't be reflected, the road where the light shines, fan the wind of the fire, gather together without being confused, follow my instructions

"Light bullets, eight bodies, nine articles, heavenly scriptures, disease treasures, big wheels, gray turrets, bowed to the distance, and dissipated away brightly."

"Hadō's Ninety-One Senju 照天断炮!"

As the voice fell, the next moment, everyone was attracted by the countless blazing white light balls in the sky.

Obviously still get rid of it, but it suddenly makes people feel like a flash of starlight.

But soon, they understood what the starlight-like thing they saw was exactly.

whoosh whoosh...

Countless white beams of light appeared behind Murphy.

In the next second, all the beams of light turned into meteors and flew across at high speed, aiming directly at the Golden Lion not far in front of them and bombarding them.



In an instant, the entire ground seemed to be crazily cleaned by bombers. Countless light beams hit the ground directly. Accompanied by the terrible bombing sound and violent flames, the sky was filled with scorched black smoke and dust. crumbs.

And the Golden Lion below is covered with Armament Haki all over his body, covering his eyes with his clothes, the forehead of the veined arm can be seen the solemnity he thought of at this time.


I saw that the port closest to the sea that Golden Lion was stepping on suddenly collapsed, flowing down into the sea like a landslide.

Because of the battle between the two, even the periphery of the port has collapsed.

Murphy stood high in the sky, letting the sea breeze blow his white hair, and from the corner of his eye, he looked at Golden Lion, and murmured softly: "Golden Lion, is it only this level? The so-called three-day sea thief."

He didn't even use Kyōka Suigetsu yet, but simply used Reiatsu and Kidō to make Golden Lion, one of the so-called three great pirates, look like this.

The moment the words fell

Suddenly, out of the smoke


A terrible loud noise suddenly sounded here.


Suddenly, countless dense and loud sounds came from among the smoke and dust.

"Lion Majesty: Earth Coiling!"

That's the sound of the ground shaking

Earth shakes

It seems that there is a huge and terrifying beast on this land that is about to unseal and break out of the ground.

The smoke will dissipate soon

What immediately appeared in front of Murphy was a completely changed landform. On the small island where the G2033 branch is located, the uplifted highlands continued to gather together, forming the appearance of three huge lion heads.


Like a living lion, a huge roar erupted from the mouths of the three lions [forming a very strong shock wave and air waves that over-voltage towards them.

Seeing this scene, Murphy's eyes narrowed slightly, and the smile on the corners of his mouth slowly narrowed, replaced by a cautious expression.

"Have you finally become serious? The captain of the Flying Pirates, the great pirate Golden Lion!"

After all, he is also known as the figure of the Three Great Pirates. Naturally, it is impossible for Golden Lion to be eliminated so easily.

The battle just now was just a preliminary test for Golden Lion.

And now!

This is the true strength of the three great pirates, the Golden Lion!

PS: 【2】

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