Chapter 74 I refuse

"come yet?"

Although it is said that it is still at the bottom of the prison, Murphy's Observation Haki has already noticed the World government from a distance. Haha, the people from the Marine side have already landed.

Glancing at the void below that had disappeared to the point that there were no spirit particles left, Murphy put the Hōgyoku in his hand into his pocket, and walked out like a scientific researcher with his hand in his pocket.

He is quite familiar with this kind of inspection, so it is better to take the initiative to attack than to stay here.

after a while

A trail just west of the Marine branch.

Murphy had been waiting here against the wall early, until a man in a baggy white coat came here.

"This should be a more suitable place for your CP people to talk! If you have any questions, you can ask them quickly. I will go to He Vice Admiral later. The same goes for the presentation.

Although Murphy's current strength can use Kyōka Suigetsu to directly hypnosis the opponent, and then simply solve this matter.

But after exposing Kyōka Suigetsu, it is inevitable that the world government will respond, for example, put a monitor or bug on this CP 530

He can hypnosis people, but he can't hypnosis machines.

Of course, there are other kinds of methods.

So he didn't intend to take the risk of going directly to the CPO in front of Hypnosis. Anyway, Xu in the prison had already been beheaded, and it was impossible for them to find out what was going on.

"Abel Vice Admiral, the government has read your report before, but we still want to verify some of the details you said." The masked man at the CPO said calmly.

If you just come to ask some questions, then the government will not send people from the CPO, but will send some ordinary officials to take a look and finish.

"Verification?" Murphy frowned, he probably saw the meaning of the person from CP0, and then asked back: "What if I say no?"

"It's not up to you whether you refuse or not." The CPO's meaning was very clear, he just wanted to experience Murphy's strength firsthand, no matter whether Murphy agreed or not, he would personally verify it.

Moreover, it is very likely that they intend to go all out to start!

"Sure enough, the way the government guys do things is still annoying," Murphy said, frowning.

Even within Marine, there are many people who are dissatisfied with the government's way of doing things, especially among Marine senior management.

And the CPO in front of him seemed to be used to Marine's attitude towards him, so he didn't say anything.

"Is it okay not to fight?" Seeing the opponent's actions, Murphy already had a judgment in his heart.

The CPO in the CP organization is a very special existence. It is an official of the World government and only serves the Celestial Dragons. It has a combat power comparable to that of the Marine Admiral.

Although Murphy doesn't know which of these CPOs is strong and who is weak, but since they were sent to test him, they must be the top group.

If it is a weaker guy, in front of him, he is just a character who has been instantly killed.

Therefore, the guy in front of him is most likely the "Strongest Shield" who is responsible for the safety of Celestial Dragons!

"Tempest Kick!" Suddenly, the tall CPO threw his foot out, and the white Tempest Kick swept towards him like the sword energy of a great swordsman.

However, Murphy didn't take a step back, but just stood straight in front of him.

"Since I said no, the answer is also very clear. Your level is not enough to test me."


The giant Tempest Kick landed directly in front of Murphy.


Then the CPO's eyes widened, he never imagined that Murphy could (bced) block his attack with such a simple way.

I saw that Murphy just raised his left hand, and grabbed the slash of his Tempest Kick with his bare hands.

With a sudden grab, he crushed CPO's kicked foot with his bare hands.

"Gunfinger! 【Dancing Wildly】!"

But in just a split second, the CP0 immediately reacted and aimed a gun at Murphy's neck.

"At first, I wanted to keep my hand a little bit, since that's the case." Seeing the opponent aiming at his neck, Murphy's eyes also became cold.

"Then I don't have to show mercy! Hadō-Ninety-Nine·Five Swirling Dragons of Destruction!"

At this moment, an indescribably huge Reiatsu suddenly rose, and then poured out.

The huge Reiatsu circled in the air and turned into five huge dragons hovering in the air.


The five giant dragons roared to the sky at the same time, and the sound of the dragon's cry resounded through the sky in this space.

Even if they are several kilometers away, they can still clearly see the five giant dragons circling and flying in the air.

No matter what it was, it was all blown away under this force, and the mighty Reiatsu directly blew the CPO in front of him into the building next to him.

Even if Armament Haki and Iron Body are used, the same is true, not only the CPO in front of him, but the entire surrounding buildings are beginning to collapse in pieces.

"Although I've heard about his abilities before, the Hadō of Ninety-Nine!"

The CPO who was blown away by Reiatsu looked at Murphy in disbelief. He had also learned about Murphy's abilities before, such as some tricks of Hadō and Bakudō.

Although it is said that it will not be used, according to their intelligence, it has also been analyzed that the larger the number, the stronger the power will be.

The strongest Kidō used by Murphy before is nothing more than Black Coffin on the 90th and Senju on the 91st.

Unexpectedly, now Murphy has directly used the Kidō of number ninety-nine.

Just the aftermath of these five dragons, this CPO is almost overwhelmed.

PS: 【3】

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