Chapter 80 Do you dare to take it?

"Three billion Baileys! It's really impressive. But the head of a shadow hunter doesn't need to go through so much trouble, does it?"

Golden Lion was also stunned for a while, but then asked with some interest.

Hunting Shadow is indeed very strong. As Whitebeard's deputy, Hunting Shadow's strength is already close to the Admiral level.

But for the current Golden Lion, it would only take half an hour or less if he wanted to kill Hunting Shadow.

"Of course Hunting Shadow alone is not worth that much money. Most of it is the value of provoking the monster Whitebeard Pirates. If you only pay Hunting Shadow's money, I'm afraid you won't accept it!" Hei smiled. said with a smile.

Hunting Shadow is naturally not worth 3 billion, but the background of the Whitebeard Pirates is worth so much!

To provoke the Whitebeard Pirates, if the price is not higher, then the Hunter's Guild will not be able to continue.

"How about it? Do you dare to take it? Or did you hear that the opponent is Whitebeard, so you dare not do it in order to keep the organization under you?" The tone seemed to be provocative, which aroused everyone's nerves.


The Hunter's Guild sounds powerful, but no one has seen how strong the Hunter's Guild is. Most of the bounty hunters who come here are drinking and gathering information.

As for the mission on the bulletin board, they were all skeptical.

Now is finally a chance to see the strength of the Hunter Guild.

They also want to see if the guy on the second floor dares to accept this task to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, the Whitebeard Pirates are notoriously protective of their weaknesses, not to mention that the goal of the mission is still Captain Hunter.

If the Hunter Guild really dares to accept this mission and block the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates, then these bounty hunters may really have to consider the value of this Hunter Guild.

"Yes! I've accepted this task. However, the Hunter's Guild needs the client to hand over the money here in advance for safekeeping. Three billion Baileys, are you ready?"

After the words fell, everyone involuntarily looked in the direction of Golden Lion.

Actually accepted it! Accepted this seemingly incredible task.

"Bailey is on the Marine warship, you can send someone there now, and I will notify the people on the warship to hand over three billion Baileys to you." Murphy replied.

Three billion Baileys is not a small number. He only collected more than five billion Baileys after destroying so many pirate groups in New World.

But to him, Bailey is not very useful in itself, not to mention, throwing the money in the Hunter's Guild, the money still belongs to him.

Hearing that Murphy said that the money was on Marine's warship, this group of bounty hunters began to carefully observe Murphy's appearance, because Murphy didn't know how to wear a Marine coat at all, so these people didn't recognize Murphy's identity for a while .

After Murphy mentioned Marine, they took a closer look and discovered the problem.

"Didn't this guy kill Golden Lion's Murphy Vice Admiral a few days ago? Isn't he guarding the G3 branch? How could he appear in Sabaody Archipelago, and it's still in this place.

Many bounty hunters are a little surprised!

"It's no wonder that guy is eyeing the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. It turns out he's from Marine."

"Even Marine has to entrust the Hunter's Guild to do things. It seems that this Hunter's Guild is a bit unusual!"

Those present were basically bounty hunters. Even if some people had dirty hands, at least they hadn't been discovered, nor had they been offered a bounty by Marine, so they didn't have much fear of Murphy.

If it was a pirate group, I'm afraid they would have been frightened and fled.

"Stella, go to the warship and bring the money back."

"Yes! President!" Stella nodded, and then ran outside.

At the same time, Murphy also took out the phone bug to contact the warship, called directly and said: "A woman named Stella will come over later, you take all the Baileys next to my warehouse Curry, and come with her .”

After giving the order, Murphy hung up the phone bug.

about an hour later

During this period, more and more people gathered at the Hunter's Guild. Many people heard that the Hunter's Guild had a big deal of 3 billion Baileys, so they ran over curiously to see what happened. what.

ask for flowers...

Soon, several Marines and Stella came here together.

More than a dozen large suitcases were separated by several people and thrown in front of everyone. When they were opened casually, there were at least two to three hundred million Baileys piled up inside.

More than a dozen add up to three billion.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of everyone around shrank sharply! Their eyes became extremely hot.


It's so simple in front of them!

It seems easier to steal the money now than to anger the Whitebeard Pirates, right?


At this moment, everyone had some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

"Hmph!" Seeing the greedy eyes around him, Jin Zi snorted a little unhappily.

At the same time, a wave of Reiatsu mixed with Conqueror's Haki spread out directly to the surroundings.

The incomparably domineering aura immediately made many people break out in cold sweat.

Only then did they notice how terrifying the president of the Hunter's Guild was!

"No wonder you dare to take on this kind of mission, but I'm afraid this aura is not weaker than Whitebeard himself, even more terrifying!" A bounty hunter looked at Golden Lion with some trepidation.

He was also in the New World, and was lucky enough to meet Whitebeard from a distance.

He was quite impressed by the aura of Whitebeard.

And the aura exuded by the Golden Lion in front of him is even more terrifying than that of Whitebeard.

"Since you're not here to be a guest! Then get the hell out of here!" Golden Lion glanced at the malicious guys around him.

PS: 【2】

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, ask for evaluation, ask for rewards of 100,000,000.

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