Chapter 94 See Five Elders

"But it's too simple to agree to that guy's request so simply. What's the face of the government when it cooperates with an organization like the Hunter's Guild, which is as opportunistic as it is opportunistic?


The bald Five Elders with a birthmark on the front of his forehead said, frowning.

Although bounty hunters are not excluded by the Marine system, they are often engaged in sneaky things, especially as human traffickers.

Therefore, the probability of bounty hunters becoming bounty pirates is quite high, which is one of the most important reasons why this type of people cannot be organized together to form a force

"Bounty hunters are really not worthy of attention, but the guy called Golden Lion in the Hunter's Guild alone is enough to attract attention. Being able to come and go on Whitebeard's ship freely and even kill people, this guy's strength is definitely still there The one and only pirate."

"Lonely Red? Indeed, even if the Hunter's Guild is not worth mentioning, if the leader's own strength is of that level, it is indeed a big force." 457

Hearing this, Five Elders, who had a knife scar on his face, nodded.

Although the nature of this organization may not be very good, a strong leader can already decide many things.

"But the other party also wants to use our hands to deal with the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates, right? After all, it is a newly established organization. Even if the leader of the Hunter Guild surpasses Whitebeard in strength, it is still difficult to deal with so many pirates. Impossible. As long as the Hunter Guild can start this battle, I am afraid that in the future, there will be a neutral force that surpasses the three big pirates."

"Since it is a neutral force, it can be said that the existence of the Hunter's Guild is also of great help to the stability of the world.

A Five Elders said without haste.

What they pursue has always been stability, and the rise of the Hunter's Guild will bring many benefits to the stability of the world, at least it will not be the extreme confrontation between the pure Marines and the Pirates.

Once the three-party forces are formed, the forces on the sea will contain each other, and there will be only benefits and no harm to their rule.

"In that case, let that guy who claims to be the Golden Lion come here, and we'll talk to him in person."

Soon, the Five Elders also reached a unified understanding.

However, they still need to think a little bit about how to cooperate.

"Then let the CPO guys do it!"

Sabaody Archipelago

Inside the Marine Base

Apparently, Marine has nothing here to entertain the Golden Lion.

He simply made him a pot of tea and asked Golden Lion to wait for a while.

Of course, Golden Lion is also quite patient, he knows that neither the Marine nor the World government will make a quick decision.

It's been about half a day

Three CP0s of different shapes, wearing a mask and wearing a white cloak with suits and leather shoes inside came here.

The pure white masks make it impossible for people to see through their identities.

"We are officials sent by the World Government. Your Excellency is the person who calls himself the Golden Lion, right? Five Elders, after hearing about your case, would like to talk to you about cooperation matters in detail.

"In front of Golden Lion, the CPO agent stood there straight, with a very solemn expression.

Although I can't see the other party's face clearly, I can feel that the strength of this CPO member is also quite terrifying.

Of course, Golden Lion did not refuse, and directly followed the CPO's people towards Mariejois.

soon (bcfj)

Before the Five Elders

Golden Lion sat opposite Five Elders, while two CPOs stood beside him, looking at Golden Lion as if they were guarding a prisoner, fearing that the other party would suddenly violently attack Five Elders directly.

After all, Golden Lion has already shown to everyone that he possesses strength no less than that of Whitebeard, and if he takes action against Five Elders, the outcome will be equally difficult to predict.

That's why the two CPOs stood beside them so nervously.

President of the Hunter Guild, Jin..... Jin. Lion, right! Tell me about the goal of cooperation you want to achieve!" When the title of Golden Lion was mentioned, even Five Elders, who were already old fritters, were stunned. for a second.

"The Hunter Guild, as the name suggests is very simple, it is a neutral organization established in Sabaody Archipelago.

"Hmph! Neutral, it's easy to say, but it's not that easy in reality. I heard that you dare to take on the missions of pirates, marines, and even world governments. Aren't you afraid of our revenge?" A Five Elders was quite upset snorted.

It's easy to say neutral, but the Hunter's Guild is doing murder, and revenge will definitely be inevitable.

"Our hunter guild is nothing more than a knife of the client. Whoever issued the mission, if you want revenge, go to him. As for those who want to trouble us, we will solve it ourselves. And our hunter guild does not participate in any For turf wars, we only need the lawless areas in the Sabaody Archipelago." Golden Lion said bluntly.

They naturally have the confidence to resist such things as revenge.

"And for your World government, it is very helpful to have a way to integrate some bounty hunters and those guys who become pirates for no reason. Those guys who yearn for the sea can completely join as members of the Hunters Guild. Sailing the seas, not joining the ranks of pirates."

"Of course, we can also help the world government hunt down bounties, can't we? As long as you can afford the money, there is no pirate we dare not kill. The Hunting Shadow of the Whitebeard Pirates should be an obvious example Right? Being able to deal with such a guy, I believe the value to your world government is far more cost-effective than a part of Pele."

PS: 【3】

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