Chiba Sotaketa.

It is a high school with a high deviation value in Chiba City.

Kitahara Shiraaki and Yotsuya Miko are students of Sotakeka.

In addition, he is also a classmate of the A class of the first year of Sobu High School.

“Now, Miko, did you go to confess to Kitahara’s classmates yesterday?”

At this moment, the two young girls are also on their way to school.

Among them, the cute girl with short orange hair asked curiously to the black long straight beautiful girl on the side.

“Table, confession? How can it be! ”

When Miko Yotsuya heard Yuri Kawakawa say, she was directly shocked and retorted with a clear red halo on her face.

“Huh? Isn’t it? Yesterday, no matter how you look at it, it seems like a confession, right? That’s what everyone thinks. ”

Yuri Kawawa was a little surprised to hear this, and pointed his finger on his lips, and said with some distress:

“Speaking of which, when I was in class, I remember that Kitahara’s classmates always came to talk to you, right?” I originally thought that Kitahara’s classmates were chasing you, but I didn’t expect that it was Miko who confessed first. ”

When Miko Yotsuya heard Lily Chuanhua’s words, her face stiffened, and she danced with a red face, “Aaaah, it’s not a confession, Xiaohua, don’t think about it, yesterday… I have a special thing to look for Kitahara Jun! ”

As Yotsuya spoke, she still had some wailing in her heart.

Yesterday, when she was looking for Kitahara Jun, had it already spread in the class? And it has become such a rumor.

Obviously, she was the one who had the courage to find Kitahara Jun, who was a serious matter about her life.

As for Kitahara Jun, he always came to talk to her.

That’s all because she was haunted by a ghost, and Kitahara Jun came to help her break the siege!

But then again.

Kitahara Jun, do you really believe that there are evil spirits and supernatural beings in this world?

“Believe… Right? ”

Recalling Kitahara Hakuaki’s vague answer yesterday, Yotsuya Miko was troubled.

She really wanted to ask Kitahara Baiqiu whether she believed it or not!

Miko struggled with this problem yesterday and did not sleep all night.

But Miko was also afraid that Kitahara Baiqiu actually did not believe in her heart, and the reason why she said this was to comfort her.

After all, no matter what, the possibility of comfort is still extremely high, right?

I don’t know if Kitahara Jun regarded her as a strange person.

As soon as he thought about it, Miko Yotsuya covered her face a little.

“Miko, Miko, did you hear me?”

Yurikawa saw that Shitani Miko did not pay attention to herself, and there was a little emotion on her face, and she asked back dissatisfied.

“Heard heard heard…”

Miko Yotsuya replied perfunctorily, but when she came back to her senses and looked at Yurikawa again.

The expression on his face was suddenly frozen.

Because she saw that there was an extremely terrifying and distorted black and gray face, which appeared next to Lily Chuanhua at this moment.

The owner of the big face was more than two meters high, and the eyes of the black hole hole were looking at the two people at the moment, as if they were constantly observing something.

“Can you see?”

“Can you see?”

“Can you see?”

Ghosts, ghosts!

Yotsuya was so frightened that she almost exhaled, but she couldn’t help it.

No, you can’t scream, you can’t expose yourself.

Even so, the fear in Miko’s heart still spread.

Miko Yotsuya stood with a stiff expression, her small hands clutching her short skirt, her legs trembling uncontrollably, tears in the corners of her eyes, and she kept praying in her heart that this ghost would leave quickly.

It just backfired.

The ghost did not leave at this point, but it may have sensed something strange about Miko Shitani.

Directly abandoned Yuri Chuanhua and came to Miko to look curiously.

“Can you see?” Can you see it? ”

North, Kitahara Jun…

Miko Yotsuya had tears in the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, I couldn’t help but think of the man who had saved himself from fire and water many times.

“Huh? Yotsuya Classmate, Yurikawa Classmate, why are you standing in the hallway and not going to the classroom? ”

At this moment, a voice also suddenly sounded, making both the demon and the four valleys stunned.

“I don’t know, Miko suddenly stood here and didn’t move, Kitahara classmate, good morning, hehe.”

Immediately afterward, Yurikawa Hua’s laughing voice also sounded, answering the previous voice’s question.

That’s right, it was Kitahara Hakuaki who came.

The demon stopped whispering and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

After seeing the North Plains White Autumn, its pupils were constricted, three or two steps, and it was even separated from the North Plains White Autumn.

Seeing the evil ghost’s actions, Yotsuya was stunned and did not know why.

It was as if she saw fear in the eyes of the devil.

But…… That’s a ghost, why are you afraid? Obviously there didn’t seem to be such a situation before?

Before Miko Yotsuya could react, she heard her friend Yuri Kawaka continue to speak.

“I originally wondered why Miko stopped, but I wasn’t surprised to see Kitahara’s classmates, it must have been Miko who just saw you, so prepare to wait for Kitahara’s classmates!”


When Miko Yotsuya heard this, her face instantly turned red.

For a moment, who had the heart to think about what had just happened?

“That… This one…… I…”

Kitahara saw Miko’s panic and smiled and said, “Good morning, classmate Yotsuya.” ”

“Good morning, good morning.”

Yotsuya Miko’s mind was dizzy, and she responded with a red face.

Kitahara saw that Miko Shitani was still in a panic, and simply said, “Then I will go to the classroom first, two.” ”

With that, Kitahara Baiqiu left here.

As I walked, I was still thinking.

I have to say that Miko is really cute.

After learning to destroy ghostly ghosts, let’s save the cute little miko who is born in the depths of the sea, right?

Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles.

Where did he know that after being enhanced by the simulator once, his life energy was now simply stronger than before, and he didn’t know how much.

Just like Lily Chuanhua in the original work, because of the powerful life energy, ordinary ghosts can’t enter Lily Chuanhua’s body at all, and only powerful ghosts can entangle Lily Chuanhua.

And now the life energy of Kitahara Baiqiu was even stronger than that of Lily Chuanhua.

It is no exaggeration to say that most of the ghosts in this world have not dared to enter the body of Baiqiu of the Northern Plains.

After all, those ghosts in “Visible Girl” are really not strong enough.

The short board of Kitahara Baiqiu is only that he can’t see the ghost.


Miko Yotsuya looked at the back of Kitahara Hakuaki’s departure.

The mood has also calmed down a little.

I remembered that just now Kitahara Baiqiu had once again inadvertently saved her, and the evil ghost was afraid to advocate for escape.

There was a warmth in Miko’s chest.

Merely…… The former Kitahara Jun really did not have the ability to scare away evil spirits, so why is this happening now?

Miko Yotsuya had some doubts in her heart, and subconsciously asked Yuri Kawaka on the side:

“That, Xiao Hua, do you feel that there seems to be something different about Kitahara Jun?”

“Yes!” Yuri Kawawa answered in the affirmative.

When Yotsuya heard this, her eyes lit up and she looked expectantly at Lily Kawakawa with a look of anticipation.

Yuri Kawaka was full of momentum and said:

“Today’s Kitahara classmates are more handsome than ever!”

Miko Yotsuya: “…”

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