Boys must protect themselves when they go out.

Looking at the content of the simulation, Kitahara Baiqiu subconsciously thought of this sentence in his mind.

At this moment, it is even more so.

He was very impressed by his dedication to feeding the tiger and bearing the burden of humiliation in the simulation.

Cough, it’s not worth it!

In order to achieve the goal, it is possible to do this step.

It’s so enviable… Admire!

Kitahara Hakuaki always believed.

A man of high moral character, kindness and purity like him.

If it weren’t for the fact that Oni Mai Tsuji was no more miserable, even if Oni Mai Tsuji was beautiful and tempting, he would never have been able to accept such a thing.

In the simulation, he must have endured a lot in silence before he finally made up his mind.

And all this is also for world peace!

In the face of world peace, personal honor and disgrace are nothing at all, and he can bear it.

Well, the subject is suddenly sublimated.

Kitahara Baiqiu had tears in the corners of his eyes and was completely touched by his own selflessness.


[The next day, when you wake up, Maitsuji has disappeared, through memory, you know, Maitsuji this is “going to work” to go, although there are countless grooves in your heart for the ghost king “going to work”, but you are not surprised by this. 】

[You came to the market, bought a good knife with Maiji’s money, and wanted to learn the sword technique, because you know that in the Ghost Blade, the sword method, the breathing method, are extremely powerful beings.] 】

[Even if the Ghost King Ghost Maiji is not miserable, he was once almost killed by Ji Guoyuan using the breathing method, you have long had a longing for this, but the first two times you crossed to the Spider Mountain, and you did not have the opportunity to learn the breathing method, and now, as a human being, you who have not become a ghost naturally cannot let go.] 】

[The sun had just set, Maitsuji, who had gone out to “work”, came back, and she was a little surprised to see that you had bought a knife, and asked out loud, and you told her that it was because you suddenly felt that the samurai was very handsome recently, so she wanted to see if she could become a samurai too. 】

Since you had already said yesterday that you wanted to find something to do, Maitsuji was not surprised by this, but just looked at you silently, as if thinking, and finally, she nodded and agreed. 】

[You are very stressed when you stay with Maitsuji, and when you see Maitsuji agree, you take this opportunity to propose to Maitsuji to leave home for a while and go out to study.] 】

[Your goal this time is also very clear, that is, to prepare to worship the master Skata Taki Shōji, the original protagonist Tsutomu Tanjiro and the current master of Tomioka Yoshiyuki, the former Mizuki of the Ghost Killing Team, you know, Kamaki Tsutomu recently lived in seclusion in the Narrow Mist Mountain, so it is not difficult to find him. 】

[Maiji heard your request, but she was silent again, and then, rejecting your request, saying that the master’s affairs, don’t worry about you, she will arrange it.] 】

[Another day, you see Maiji coming to you with the first of the twelve ghost moons, Black Death Mu, and you learn that this is the master she found for you.] 】


“Cough cough! Cough! ”

“Sleeper! One on the string? Black Death Mou? ”

When Kitahara Baiqiu saw this, he was directly dumbfounded, and his mood was very delicate.

Oni Mai Tsuji went so far as to find Black Death Mu as his master.

You know, aside, the identity of the Black Death Mou Ghost aside.

In the world after the death of Guoyuanyi, he could even be said to be the strongest swordsman in the Ghost Annihilation, and there was no one.

Not to mention, the moon call represented by Black Death Mu is second only to the breathing method of the sun call.

The gold content of this master that Oni Mai Tsuji had found for him was really too high.

At least, it was much stronger than the scaly taki that he had originally prepared to worship.

I don’t know how Wu Xian would feel if he knew that he was learning the breathing method to eliminate him.


[Black Death Mu looked at you and was very disdainful of you as an apprentice, but looking at Maiji’s face, he still agreed to accept you as an apprentice and began to teach you the breath of the moon.] 】

[In the days to come, you will learn breathing indoors with Black Death Mou during the day, accompany the dance at night, and from time to time you have to pay the public food, and you tell yourself that this is only tuition, and there is no choice.] 】

During the days of guiding you, Black Death Mu’s impression of you slowly changed from the initial disdain and was very surprised by your performance. 】

[He never imagined that as a human being, your physical strength was not only different from ordinary people, but also seemed to be incomparably in line with his breathing method and moon breathing, and you were making rapid progress in cultivating the moon breath.] 】

Seeing that you are so talented, Black Death Mou finally admitted that you were an apprentice, was very satisfied with you, and began to teach carefully. 】

[Maitsuji was also very surprised to learn about your performance from Kurokamu, she originally thought that you wanted to become a samurai just on a whim, and calling Kurokamu was also to perfunctory you, but she didn’t expect you to really work so hard and be so talented.] 】

[Although there were some accidents, Maiji didn’t care too much, and even began to have the idea that maybe it would be good to find a time to turn you into a ghost later.] 】

[The teachings of Black Death Mou have made your strength grow by leaps and bounds, and you have successfully learned the first twelve types of Moon Breath, but unfortunately, there are still several forms in the back that you have not learned, and Black Death Mou is not surprised.] 】

[On this day, at the end of the practice, when you and Maiji were visiting the night market, a teenager suddenly burst out of the crowd and shouted out the name of Oni Maitsuji without misery!] 】

[You subconsciously look at the teenager and recognize him, who is the protagonist of the original book.] 】

[Tanjiro Stove Gate.] 】

Tanjiro looked at Wuhao’s face full of hatred, but for your existence, he was extremely surprised, and it was full of disbelief to see you and Wuxian standing together. 】

[In order to get rid of Tanjiro’s entanglement, Oni Mai Tsuji did not hesitate to infect innocent passers-by. 】

[Howl, scream, whoop…


[Soon it began to ring out in the crowd, and the crowd began to riot, and Tanjiro had to let go of the misery to stop the crazy evil spirits on the side.] 】

[You look at this scene, for the tragic behavior, only feel the chill in your heart, the unstoppable trembling, the ghost Mai Tsuji no tragic shot without warning, you can’t even stop it, but at the same time let you realize the gap between you again.] 】

[You have always understood that the name Onimai Tsuji is such a cold-blooded creature, rather than the real Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery.] 】

For thousands of years, he did not know how many people he had killed, how many families had been destroyed, and how many people had been hurt. 】

The so-called perfection you see is just an illusion that she deliberately created. 】

[Therefore, only Oni Mai Tsuji is not miserable, which you will never admit.] 】

[Oni Mai Tsuji felt the trembling of your body and calmly asked you if you were frightened. 】

[When you hear these words, you look at the misery that has not put human life in your eyes at all, and you only feel that there is an inexplicable anger in your heart.] 】

[The strong are angry, swing their swords and slash at the strongest! 】

[You feel that you have no need to continue acting, and without hesitation, you draw your sword and slash at Oni Mai Tsuji. 】

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