Because if you eat in the classroom, it may attract attention.

Kitahara Hakuaki also accompanied Miko Yotsuya and the two out of the classroom to the rooftop, ready to solve the problem here.

In addition to Kitahara Baiqiu, there are actually people eating here on the roof of the school, but there are not many people.

Everything is ready, and when you open the bento, the food inside is very hearty.

Thick egg roast, octopus sausage, seaweed roll sushi, broccoli, fried potatoes, tempura, rice balls and other bento dishes are neatly arranged in the bento box.

The quality and refinement of the food shows that the host is very attentive.

“Wow, that’s great.”

Yuri Kawawa was also very surprised to see the bento in Kitahara Hakuaki’s hand, and said enviously: “Even I have not eaten Miko’s bento, speaking of which, this seems to be the first time to see Miko, Oh, Kitahara classmate you are blessed!” ”

“Xiao Hua!” Yotsuya Miko’s face turned red, and the girl’s reticence made her can’t help but stop Yuri Kawakawa from happening.

“Hmm, that’s the truth! Don’t let people say it yet, see you. Lily Chuanhua didn’t care about this and said with a big grin.

Miko Yotsuya makes a cute voice, but it is a sign of inability to refute it.

Kitahara Baiqiu also smiled when he saw the interaction between the two, and for a moment he couldn’t help but joke the same way: “I didn’t expect it to be the first time to see Miko, then I accepted it gratefully.” ”

“Mm-hmm! Although it was very unwilling, I lost, and Miko gave it to you the first time! Give me a grateful acceptance! Bastard! ”

Lily Chuanhua was very cooperative, his face was full of seriousness, and he deliberately replied in an uncle-like funny voice.

“Don’t say things that are easy to cause misunderstanding, what the first time…”

Miko’s face was flushed, the top of his head was about to smoke, and he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Kitahara Baiqiu, whispering a rebuttal.

“Hey hey ~”

Yuri Kawaka smirked, seeing Miko’s appearance, but did not continue to stimulate her.

Who called this really the first time to see the child.

She and Miko had been friends for so long, and Miko hadn’t prepared a bento for him, and now she had prepared it for outsiders first.

As a good friend, is there something wrong with her little revenge?

“But then again, Classmate Kitahara, what did you really do to help Miko?” In order to thank you, she even made a bento box. ”

Yuri Kawawa was curious.

“This? It’s just a little bit of a favor, and I didn’t expect that the students of the four valleys would be so serious. ”

Kitahara smiled and didn’t tell Yuri Kawawa the truth, just said so.

Isn’t that a little busy?

Don’t say that now that he has awakened Goldfinger, he can’t see the ghost, and when he didn’t awaken Goldfinger before, he couldn’t do anything.

It’s just that whenever Miko is scared and trembling, he goes up a little bit to talk to, and there is nothing else.

This kind of thing, anyone can do it.

“It’s not a small favor, I’m very grateful to Kitahara Jun…”

Yotsuya heard Kitahara’s words and whispered a retort.

In Miko’s heart, Kitahara Hakuaki is a hero who appears every time he is entangled in ghosts.

Miko, who had been saved countless times by Kitahara Baiqiu, how could he think that it was just a small favor?

Moreover, now that I don’t know what happened to Kitahara Jun, those ghosts have actually begun to fear Kitahara Jun.

Miko Yotsuya was in class today, and she didn’t even see a ghost appear in the classroom, which can be said to be the most reassuring class she has been attending for a long time.

However, compared to itself.

Miko was also a little worried.

She didn’t know whether this change in Kitahara Baiqiu was good or bad.

“Huh? What are you talking about? Yuri Kawaka heard Yotsuya Miko’s muttering and asked subconsciously.

“No, nothing!” Miko Yotsuya said hurriedly.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled as he ate his bento.

Now that he was no longer what he used to be, he could hear the words of Miko Yotsuya.

It is really beautiful, if it is an ordinary world, he may be attacked by Miko Yotsuya.

It’s just that if it’s really an ordinary world, it is not certain whether they have communication between them.

Kitahara thought so.

If Kitahara Baiqiu knew that Yotsuya Miko was still worried about him in his heart, it was estimated that he would cry and laugh.

What is this little head thinking all day long?

Lunch ended with several people talking and laughing.

During this time, Yuri Kawaka wanted to know the secret between Kitahara Hakuaki and Yotsuya Miko countless times.

However, all of them were prevaricated by the tacit understanding of Kitahara Hakuaki and Yotsuya Miko.

This also made Miko Yotsuya understand that Kitahara Hakuaki was indeed the same as her, a person who knew the existence of ghosts!

And Lily Chuanhua is just an ordinary person, since she is an ordinary person, there is no need to pull her into the inhuman world and increase her troubles in vain.

After eating, because of the overexcitement, Tetsuya Miko’s face was still red.

But when she saw it, she was very happy.

Taking the bento box from Kitahara Hakuaki, Miko Yotsuya heard a sentence.

“Thank you Yotsuya classmate, bento is very good.”

Yotsuya looked up and looked at Kitahara Hakuaki, only to feel that the sunlight sprinkled on Kitahara Hakuaki’s body, which was very sacred.

“You’re welcome.”

The girl answered subconsciously.

The teenager nodded and was preparing to leave when the young girl summoned up the courage to stop him.

“That! Jun Kitahara! See the child, you will call me to see the child in the future. ”

The teenager was stunned, looked back at the nervous girl, and also smiled.

“Well, then you can call me Bai Qiu as well.”

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