“Didn’t you expect that even the honey glass of the Ganlu Temple appeared?” It’s really surprising. ”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the contents of the simulator and also had some feelings.

Is it worthy of the butterfly house?

The organization in the Ghost Squad that has the most contact with members of the Ghost Squad.

You know, most of the ghost killing team members, because they have been hunting ghosts for a long time, encounter members who are also ghost killing teams, that will be a very small number.

In the past two years, Kitahara Baiqiu has already contacted many ghosts in the Butterfly House, and even rescued many injured current pillars and even future pillars, and now he has encountered the honey glass of Ganlu Temple.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu finished sighing, he also continued to look at the simulator.

[You look at the innocent appearance of the Ganlu Temple, and you have a sense of guilt in your heart that you have deceived the child.] 】

It didn’t take long for you to realize that you seem to be just a child now. 】

Oh, then no problem. 】

[When the Ganlu Temple Miri finished eating, you excitedly took her to the research institute.] 】

[Ganlu Temple Miri is also very happy that she has a friend, and constantly tells her past things.] 】

[She said that her hair was actually not like this, it was black, but she had eaten too many cherry cakes to become what she is now.] 】

[She said that when she was young, the amount of food was very, very large, and when she was one year old, she picked up thirty pounds of things, and she was startled by her mother.] 】

[It’s just… It is precisely because she is different from ordinary people and has never made any friends, everyone is very afraid of her and dare not be friends with her. 】

[In order to make friends, she also deliberately controlled her appetite, dyed her hair back to black, made up a lot of lies, and pretended to be weak.] 】

In the end, although she really made friends, she was not happy and felt that these were not real friends. 】

[She is her, Ganlu Temple.] 】

[She told you that you were the first person who knew the truth and was willing to make friends with her.] 】

[You nodded, indicating that you understood, saying that you would be good friends for the rest of your life, but in fact you happily sent Ganlu Temple Miri to the operating table.] 】

[Aoi Kanzaki is very surprised that you are ready to experiment with humans, and you are very entangled and anxious, and I don’t know whether to stop you.] 】

[And then… Before you could wait for Aoi Kanzaki to make a decision, you sent Aoi Kanzaki to the operating table with your backhand, ready to use her as an experimental reference for ordinary people. 】

[Kanzaki Aoi is dumbfounded.] 】

[Without hurting the two girls, you started all kinds of attempts again, and sure enough, your experiment made new progress again, which made you very excited, at least understand that there was nothing wrong with the direction.] 】

[Aoi Kanzaki is a little skeptical about her being treated as an experimental object by you, but Kanroji Miri is very happy that she can help you.] 】

[As compensation, you also try to meet all the requirements of the Ganlu Temple, in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between the two of you is excellent, it can be said that it is not too much to be inseparable.] 】

Although you can’t express your emotions very well, you already have emotions, you will eat when you are hungry, you will sleep when you are sleepy, no longer like a machine, but a child who does not know how to express clumsy, because it is you who heals her relationship, she is very close to you, you feel, everything is developing in a good way. 】

[What makes you strange is that when you came out of the chestnut flower to go to Chanahu, you met Butterfly Ninja, and when Butterfly Ninja passed by you, he snorted coldly, and it seemed that he had a very good opinion on you, and you didn’t know it at all.] 】

[Afterwards, Butterfly Kanae smiled and told you that it was all because Xiao Baiqiu you were so cute, and she liked you very, very much, but you were recently with Ganlu Temple Honey Li Cream every day, alienating her, and Shinobi was also a girl, so you were jealous.] 】

[Your face is full of surprise, thinking of Butterfly Ninja’s sister, I think there must be something wrong with it, remember that Butterfly Ninja also said that he hated him, because he stole her sister, how can this be the reason.] 】

[On this day, you saw that Butterfly Shinobi and Ganlu Temple Honey Glass seemed to be arguing about something, some fierce, and you silently dispelled the idea that you had originally planned to call Ganlu Temple Honey Glass.] 】

[You think girls are trouble, delaying your time.] 】

[In the following time, with the cooperation of Kanroji Temple Miri and Kanzaki Aoi, your experiments became more and more smooth, and many of your ideas were confirmed, which made you very happy.] 】

[On this day, your research has made a breakthrough again, when you walk out of the research institute and prepare to relax, but you can’t find the figure of Butterfly Shinobi and Butterfly Kanae in the Butterfly House.] 】

[When you learn that the two are out on a mission, you have a bad premonition in your heart, which is a feeling that you thought you had never felt before.] 】

[After saying hello to Kanroji Miri and Kanzaki Aoi, and hurriedly finding the lord and asking him where his two sisters’ mission locations were, Yoshiya Shikishiki was very surprised, but still told you and asked you what happened.] 】

[You know, to make you have this premonition, it must be the butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi may encounter an accident, so I asked Yashiki Yoshiya if she could be stationed to support the two sisters, and you told him that this mission may not be simple. 】

[Sanyashiki Yoshiya hesitated a little, and told you that the pillar of the Ghost Slayer is basically on a mission now, and it may be difficult to support it.] 】

[Hearing this, you didn’t listen any longer, and you rushed out and went in the direction of the Butterfly Sister mission, and your heart became anxious.] 】

[But fortunately, when you arrived, Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi did not encounter an accident although there was a battle between Tong Mo, but even so, the two were injured to varying degrees, precarious and life-threatening.] 】

[When you see this scene, you can’t help but get angry and pull out the Sun Wheel Knife that has not been pulled out for many years.] 】

[Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi are also very surprised to see you, shouting at you to run away, this is the winding of the second child, not the existence you can overcome. 】

[Naturally, you will not run away, but will stand in the way of the two and save the two people.] 】

It’s just that you, as a healer, have been concentrating on studying the method of turning ghosts into human beings for many years, and you have not drawn your sword for too long, and your strength is limited by your body of only eleven years old. 】

[But even so, the strength of your strength still surprised Tong Mo, and it was even more surprising that you were using the Moon Breath.] 】

[You fall into the downwind, and your heart is so solemn that the seriously injured butterfly Kanae and Butterfly can bear to escape.] 】

[Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi don’t want to escape, they say, you are much more important than them, and if you want to escape, you also flee, and they stay behind. 】

[You roar, get out! And swear to them that he will definitely go back. 】

[Butterfly Shinobi and Butterfly Kanae were shocked by your words and understood your determination.] 】

[In the end, Butterfly can’t bear the tears in the corners of her eyes, knowing that staying will only drag you back, she pulls Butterfly Kanae to escape with her, and shouts to Kitahara Hakuaki.] 】

[You must come back, my sister and I will always be waiting for you, forever…].

[You laughed, under your resistance, Tong Mo naturally could not stop the two people from fleeing, nor did he care, but he was very interested in you, he invited you to become a ghost, you did not speak. 】

[Your fighting is very fierce, and the longer it takes, the worse your condition becomes, but Tong Mo is not good either.] 】

[Because he didn’t expect that you actually opened the markings at the critical moment, and your strength increased by leaps and bounds.] 】

[In the end, after all, it is Tong Mo’s strength and resilience that are superior, and he paid the price of serious injuries, so that you can’t fight again.] 】

[You look at the sky, knowing that you may only be able to do this this time, gasping for breath, but there is no regret.] 】

[For you who beat yourself like this, Tong Mo’s heart was full of hatred, dragging his seriously injured body and coming to you.] 】

He told you that the reason why he didn’t kill you was to let you watch your body being eaten by him little by little. 】

You lie on the ground and don’t speak. 】

[Tong Mo also did not care, directly began, in front of your face, remove your arm, directly began to eat, but when he ate your arm, the whole person is a change. 】

[You look at Tong Mo and smile, tell him that you probably don’t know your name, your name is Kitahara Baiqiu, is a healer, has been studying ways to make ghosts turn back into people. 】

[And this research, in fact, not long ago, has been successful, the reason why you are still studying, is just to go further, want the ghost to change back to the human basis, to retain the ability of the ghost, after all, the ability of the ghost, there is still merit, this you did yesterday. 】

“Oh, of course, you who ate my arm just changed back into a human being, and you didn’t retain the ability of the ghost.] 】

[Tong Mo looked at you in disbelief, opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything, the injuries on his body, even when he was an evil ghost, he couldn’t recover, let alone become a human? 】

[With a pop, Tong Mo fell directly next to you, and he died, with disbelief on his face.] 】

[You smiled with relief, and then you only felt that your eyelids were extremely heavy, and you slowly closed your eyes.] 】

[The news of your death was transmitted back to the ghost killing team, causing a sensation in the entire ghost killing team, and the emotions of all the ghost killing team members broke out, and Yashiki was silent for a long time, closed his eyes, and finally sighed.] 】

[In the butterfly house, Kanroji Miri heard the news of your death and directly fainted, Kanzaki Aoi was like a wooden chicken, his eyes also lost color, and his heart was full of disbelief. 】

[Obviously… Obviously, it was just a trip. 】

The expression on Chana’s face was still stupid, and she couldn’t see any emotion, but she couldn’t stop the tears in her eyes…


You’re dead. 】

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