[Talent ・ I am also a person with an identity.] 】

In addition to the subtlety of the first time with the identity, the identity of each random follow is also too good!

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at his new identity in the simulation and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

This means that the system stipulates that each talent cannot be inherited three times in a row, and the talents inherited in reality cannot affect the simulated self.

Otherwise, he would have to continue to inherit anything, or risk inheriting this talent to reality!

After all, this talent works, although on the surface it only randomly gives a new identity to cross over to oneself.

But in fact, every time you simulate it, you can see that the benefits of talent are too great!

It’s not strong.

“Alas, after this simulation, I can’t inherit this talent, I hope to have the opportunity to continue brushing it in the future.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu said with some reluctance in his heart.

Probably because of the simplicity of the effect, this innate quality is only blue in the system division.

But in the heart of Kitahara Baiqiu, it is definitely more than blue.

You can never imagine what surprises he will bring to you next time.

Wait for the next time if you brush it out again, Kitahara Baiqiu feels that he will take it!

This time, although regrettable.

But when the simulation is finished, you can only say goodbye to it for the time being.

Kitahara Bai Qiu sighed.

Immediately, I continued to look at the simulation.

[You are shocked to find out that you are the brother of Tanjiro and Youdouzi, but in the spirit of the idea of Anzhi who has come and gone, you have gladly accepted your identity, and at the same time there are some surprises in your heart.] 】

[You have successfully integrated into the stove family, because of your humor, like to tell stories, younger brothers and sisters are also very fond of and dependent on you, you also think everyone is very cute. 】

[You found that your father Tanshiro’s health was not good, and began to take care of Tanjiro’s body to make his condition better.] 】

[Stove Gate Tan Shi Lang and Stove Gate Charcoal Branch were very shocked that you would be able to heal, and you casually said that this is a passing old man who gave you a medical skill, and you learned it according to the above.] 】

[After you and Tanjiro and You Douzi reached a certain age, Yamato Tanjuro began to teach you the Kagura Dance of the Fire God.] 】

[Stove Gate Tanjuro told you that the Kagura Dance, the god of fire, is a dance passed down from generation to generation in your Stove Gate family, and he hopes that after you can learn it carefully, you can pass it on in the future.] 】

[All three of you brothers and sisters are very serious about learning.] 】

“Good fellow, Kagura Dance, Fire God, Breath of the Sun, that’s what I’ve learned.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the contents of the simulator and also had some feelings.

The strongest breathing method in the world is the ghost annihilation, and this is the benefit of identity.

[You will remember the Kagura Dance of the Fire God firmly and practice it diligently every day, and finally, in a month’s time, you have learned the Kagura Dance of the Fire God, that is, the breath of the day.] 】

Although Tanjiro and You Douzi do not know what the Kagura Dance of the Fire God is, they have also learned it very seriously, and they often come to consult you, and you also seriously guide them, and Tanjiro is very pleased to see this. 】

[For the condition of Tanshiro, you feel a little tricky and very irritable, obviously after your treatment, Tanshiro’s condition will get better every time, but somehow, it doesn’t take long for each time to worsen again, and it becomes more serious, making you very weak. 】

[On this day, when you went out, Yamato Tanjuro was still dead, and when you came back, you felt very sad and regretted why you did not inherit the benevolence of the healer…].

[The stove door charcoal branch came forward to hug you, comfort you, and tell you that Tanjuro left with a smile.] 】

[You began to find a way to make money, you have memories of past lives, you easily made a lot of money, because you know that Oni Mai Tsuji will shoot at you, after making money, the first thing you do is to propose to move.] 】

[Everyone was very surprised by your request, but out of trust in you, the stove door charcoal branch still agreed.] 】

[You moved to town, and you put your family in the crowd, which made you feel a little relieved.] 】

[You start to find a way to continue to make money, want to let your family live a good life, Tanjiro is arranged by his mother stove door Tanzhi to follow you. 】

[You asked Tanjiro what he wanted to do, he was embarrassed to say that his family has always been selling charcoal, so he wants to continue to sell coal, you laugh, and then sell charcoal! 】

In this way, you have lived peacefully for another year, and this year, because of your appearance, your younger siblings and your mother have lived very happily. 】

[At a family party, You Douzi was asked who she wanted to marry in the future, and You Douzi replied with a red face that she wanted to marry you, which caused everyone to laugh, and when the young Hanako heard this, she was even more noisy and said that she would marry Bai Qiu’s brother when she grew up.] 】

Everyone just played it off, but no one knows that You Beans are serious, and she has been watching you silently while eating. 】

[On this day, when you were ready to go out, you suddenly had a bad premonition in your heart, so you dismissed the idea of going out, and only let Tanjiro go out alone to go out to business, and he stayed.] 】

[That night, Oni Mai Tsuji came to the door, he looked at you and said, Is this it?] A family that inherits the will of the succession of the kingdom. 】

[Everyone doesn’t know what Oni Mai Tsuji is all about, so as long as you know what Oni Mai Tsuji means by no misery.] 】

[In the face of Oni Mai Tsuji, you are very cautious in your heart, and when he is ready to take a shot at your family, you block in front of him and fight with him.] 】

[The strength of your strength shocked Onimai Tsuji, and the most important thing is that the appearance of Hinata’s breath reminds Onimai Tsuji of the fear of being dominated by Ji Kunichi. 】

[After a short fight, you realize the strength of Onimai Tsuji no Misery, and think that your current self may not be the opponent of Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery, and feel sad and angry. 】

[But you didn’t think of that…].

[The “weak” you are ready to fight to the end, while the “strong” one is frightened and runs away. 】

[Watching Oni Mai Tsuji run away miserably, you stayed where you were.] 】

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