The next choice is to inherit the talent, and Kitahara Hakuaki chooses Fury.

It wasn’t that he thought Rage Talent was good, but that he didn’t have much choice but Rage.

I am also a person with status who has inherited three times in a row, and I can’t continue to inherit, and if I want to brush it out again, I have to try my luck.

And the other weapon hardening is not as good as rage.

Therefore, Kitahara Baiqiu is only a casual choice, in fact, he does not care too much.

When the matter was over, Kitahara Baiqiu stretched out a lazy waist, and he felt extremely comfortable.

He subconsciously glanced at the room under the snow and saw that there was no movement inside, and he knew that he had fallen asleep again under the snow.

She was very relieved about him.

Thinking of this, Kitahara Baiqiu couldn’t help but shake his head amusedly.

The snow under the snow of the school’s high ridge flowers is spent the night at his own home.

I really don’t know how those people in the school would react if they knew.

Presumably there will be a riot, right? Well, both men and women.

Looking at the time, it was already one o’clock in the evening.

Kitahara Baiqiu got up, and was also ready to open a room for himself to cope with the night, and tomorrow when the snow was gone, he would go back to sleep.

There was one sentence he was not wrong about.

His house, in fact, is quite big.

As a well-known author of light novels, Kitahara Baiqiu has not lived in vain for sixteen years in this world.

Copyright, Contribution, Adaptation.

All these years I don’t know how much he has earned.

He is naturally inferior to those so-called big consortia.

But if it was an individual, then he estimated that he had reached the top of his own pocket.

The money he earned, he had never been stingy.

You should eat, you should flower, you should enjoy.

For this, also prepared an oversized villa for yourself.

I remember that the reason why I bought a villa in the first place, the display and sense of achievement are only one aspect. The most important thing is actually the wild hope that the harem lives in a villa, hahaha.

And Kitahara Bai Qiu was thinking wildly.

Finally tidy up the new room, ready to wash and sleep.

His mobile phone suddenly rang again.

Kasumi Shiko: Teacher White Night, do you believe that there are super-powered beings in this world? 】

So late, someone still sent him a message?

Kitahara Baiqiu thought so, and then picked up the mobile phone, and after seeing that it was Kasumigaoka Shiyu, he couldn’t help but smile and began to reply.

[White Night: Long night, no intention to sleep, I thought only I could not sleep, it turned out that Kasumi Shizi teacher you can not sleep ah, but this is not good, for girls, staying up late that is a wrinkle Oh. 】

Kitahara laughed.

[Kasumi Shiko: Hmm, I want you to manage, I can catch up on sleep every day when I go to class, so I won’t grow wrinkles! White Night Teacher! 】

[White Night: Catch up on sleep in class… Your teacher will cry. 】

Kasumi Shiko: I have good grades, so it doesn’t matter! That said, you haven’t answered my question, Teacher White Night, do you believe that there are super-powered beings in this world? 】

[White Night: I must believe it, because to be honest, I am one of the superpowers. 】

Kasumi Shiko: (¬_¬)


[Kasumi Shiko: Teacher White Night is really as calm as ever. 】

[White Night: Hey hey, after the prize, do you say there is a possibility, is there such a possibility, I say the truth is actually the truth? 】

[Kasumi Shiko: Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can there be super-powered people in this world… Poof. 】

Looking at the mobile phone screen, Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was also full of smiles.

He had actually known Kasumigaoka Shiyu for a long time.

Although the two rarely see each other in reality, they often chat on the line, and they talk happily every time.

And the reason why he and Kasumigaoka Shiyu are so acquainted.

I remember that he was already quite a position in the light novel industry, and he recommended the “Love Metronome” that Kasumigaoka Shiyu almost wanted to cut off.

At that time, this incident made everyone stunned.

These include readers, editors, and Kasumigaoka herself.

After all, in the first two positions, that kind of situation is equivalent to – the great god platinum author of the Internet article, not only read the book of a newcomer who did not have very good results.

And in the case that everyone did not know, after reading it, I even recommended this book for the newcomer to publicize and recommend.

The original Kitahara White Autumn was in full swing.

This move naturally caused a sensation among countless people.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu herself was even more full of surprise, confusion, and surprise!

You know, in neon, light novels and the like are bought with real money.

If the book recommended by the great god is not good, it will be discredited.

Generally speaking, the big god pushes the book, and only another big god or some explosive book pushes each other, and there will be no push of new people at all.

And Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t care at all, not only did it, but also pushed a newcomer’s book, but also a book with bad grades and on the verge of being cut off?

And how to not be shocked.

After that, Kitahara Hakuaki recommended it.

The sales of “Love Metronome” have soared unexpectedly, directly avoiding the end of being cut off.

The quality of “Love Metronome” is not the top in the industry, but it is not to the point where Kitahara Baiqiu loses his reputation.

Afterwards, Kasumigaoka Shiba obtained the line number of Kitahara Hakuaki from the editor Machida Enko.

It was also a prudent expression of gratitude to Kitahara Baiqiu, which was completely the new man’s face to the restraint, embarrassment, and unnaturalness of the great god.

Because I don’t understand why Kitahara Baiqiu would do it, how serious the chat is.

So serious that Kitahara Baiqiu, who knew Kasumigaoka’s true nature, even felt a little funny.

However, this situation did not last long.

After a long time, after the two slowly became acquainted, the chat naturally began to be casual.

[White Night: But then again, Teacher Kasumiko, why did you suddenly ask me this question?] 】

[Kasumi Shiko: Oh, the main thing is that I just saw a creature with strong physical fitness that doesn’t look like a human being, so I wanted to ask the White Night Teacher who fantasized about the supernatural all day long. 】

What the?

Kitahara Baiqiu was stunned when he saw this, and then his face became directly serious.

Good physical fitness is not like a human creature?

Is it a ghost?

White Nights: Where?! 】

Kasumi Shiko: Huh? 】

White Night: I mean, where did you see this person!] 】

Kasumi Shiko: It’s near the hotel where I am staying now…


[White Nights: Location sent to me!] 】

Kasumi Shiko: Huh?? 】

Kasumi Shiko: The location was sent. 】

[White Night: Okay, I’ll be there right away, and you hide in your room and don’t go out!] If you encounter danger and send me a message, try to delay the time, do not act rashly, hear no! 】

Kasumi Shiko: Huh? Wait, Teacher White Night, are you coming? Right now? So, is it true that Teacher White Night knows that I am alone in the hotel and can’t wait? 】


Lying on her bed, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was wearing her pajamas and nervously looking at her mobile phone screen.

After seeing that the teacher of the white night did not reply to the news, his face began to be a little confused.

Completely unable to understand why Mingming was talking so well, Teacher White Night suddenly became serious.

Recalling that Teacher Bai Ye had only begun to get serious because she said that she saw people with super powers, she thought that it was just a hallucination, but she didn’t really care much, and her face was full of doubts at the moment.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Can’t… What kind of superpowers or dangerous creatures are that?

Impossible, right?

Reality is not a novel, how can there be such a thing…

The other side.

After Kitahara Bai Qiu went out, at this moment, he was also rushing to the place where Kasumigaoka Shiyu was located.

Whether that thing was a ghost or something unknown in the world, Kitahara felt obligated to see it.

Not to mention, the situation is unclear right now.

If it is a ghost, Kasumigaoka Shiba may encounter danger.

And, most likely, it’s a ghost!

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