[The main property, Yashiki Yoshiya, was shocked by your words. 】

But he knows that you are not the kind of person who likes to talk wildly, and that is why he is even more incredulous to your words. 】

After all, Oni Mai Tsuji is the nightmare of their family for many generations, and you say that your strength exceeds that of no misery. 】

[After a short period of tuning mentality, it is barely calm.] 】

[Sanyashiki thought about it and decided that the matter would be discussed with the pillars.] 】

After all, when your god-level potion appeared, there were enough conditions to summon all the pillars. 】


In the forest outside the Ghost Squad headquarters.

At this moment, there were also some figures facing the wind and snow, constantly shuttling through the woods, daring to go to the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team.

They were the pillars that had been summoned by Yoshiya Yashiki.

Butterfly Kanae, Butterfly Shinobu, and the figure of Kanroji Temple Miri are also among them.

“Hey, Tianyuan, you said that the lord called us over today, what is the matter?”

The Wind Pillar Immortal Kawashiya said with a look of displeasure on his face as he hurried along.

“Huh? That kind of thing, how do I know? ”

Otoru Uzumaki Tianyuan was asked by the immortal Kawami Shimi, and also replied unceremoniously.

Kasumizu whispered back to him, “I think it must be related to that little divine doctor, didn’t you say that he came back recently?” ”

“Huh? Just call us all over for him? This score is also too big! ”

Hearing Shitomi’s words, Shinokawa Shimiya was even more upset, and immediately opened his mouth!

“Your Excellency Immortal Chuan! This is a bad word! ”

Yanzhu Purgatory Xingshou Lang said loudly at this moment, and the expression on his face was extremely cheerful.

“Your Excellency, the Divine Doctor, is one of the people who has saved our ghost killing team from an unknown number of injured people and has made the greatest dedication to our ghost killing team.”

“It can be said that if there was no him, I don’t know how many people would have died at the hands of evil spirits!” And! The reason why His Excellency the Divine Doctor disappeared that year was also to save the flower pillar and the worm pillar under the hands of the winding ghost! Very great! ”

“So I think! The Lord should value him! Not only that, but we should also respect him in our hearts! ”

Although the pillar present did not speak, he also recognized it in his heart.

Everything Kitahara Baiqiu had done in the past made them all respect Kitahara Baiqiu.

The water column Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who had a relationship with Kitahara Hakuaki, was also caught in the memory of his heart while hurrying to the road.

It turned out that it was the little divine doctor who was often mentioned in the master’s mouth, and I didn’t expect that he was not only highly skilled, but also so strong.

Immortal Kawa’s eyes widened, and his heart was very irritable.

Purgatory apricot Shouro said, of course he knew! It’s not a disapproval!

But! Just because the people are back!

The lord called them all over, which was a big deal!

They serve as pillars, but they still have the task of destroying ghosts!

Shimiya Fukawa wanted to continue to say something, but he suddenly felt a shiver, a chill rushed into his heart, and he looked back.

Only to see the flower pillar butterfly Kanae and the insect pillar butterfly ninja at the moment are smiling and squinting at him.

And the fierce appearance of the love pillar Ganlu Temple was directly written on the face.

This made the corners of the mouth of Immortal Chuan Shimiya twitch.

I was going to say something I couldn’t go on, and I only dared to whisper.

As they spoke, the crowd also came to their destination.

After learning that the pillars had arrived, Kitahara Hakuaki and Sanyashiki Yoshiya also walked out of the room.

“Sorry, kids, for a special trip.”

Seeing the pillars, Yashiki coughed a few times and said in an extremely gentle voice.

After greeting Yoshiya Yashiki, all the pillars also focused on Kitahara Hakuaki.

Inside that.

Some people have seen Kitahara Baiqiu before, and some people have seen it for the first time.

But none of them were extremely impressed with Kitahara Baiqiu.

Yoshiya Sanyashiki saw everyone’s reaction, smiled happily, and continued:

“This time I called everyone here, there is one thing I want to tell you, Bai Qiujun, that is, the one next to me, has successfully developed a potion to turn the ghost back into a human.”

As soon as these words came out, the scene was suddenly quiet.

The pillars’ eyes widened and their faces were full of disbelief.

Even the butterfly ninja was like this, looking at Kitahara Baiqiu in surprise.

Kitahara smiled at them.

【Worthy of being my favorite person!】 It’s amazing! 】

Ganlu Temple’s heart was full of excitement, and she couldn’t help but think secretly.

At this moment, Shimiya Immortal Chuan grew his mouth and had nothing to say.

Everyone knows what the appearance of this medicine represents.

“What amazing news…”

Snake Pillar Ihei Bane sighed and said, “Lord, is that why you called us back?” ”

“Well, sort of…”

Sanyashiki nodded with a smile and then continued, “But this is just one of them, in fact, this time to call everyone, I have one more thing I want to ask you.”

I hope that everyone can help me try Bai Qiujun’s strength. ”

Ihei Bane: “??? ”

Shimiya Fukawa said, “??? ”

Uzumaki Tenyuan: “??? ”

Hearing the words of Yashiki Yaoya, most of the people at the scene were directly confused.

Try the strength of Kitahara Hakuaki?

Did they hear you correctly?

Kitahara White Autumn… Isn’t that a medical student?

Kitahara Bai Qiu’s medical skills were strong, and they admitted that after all, the medicine that turned the ghost back into a human had been made.

But what’s there to test in terms of strength?

The pillars were completely confused about what the lord Yashiki was thinking.

“What a joke!”

Shimiya Immortal blurted out these words.

But this time, no one refuted him, but in his heart extremely recognized.

Yeah, what a joke!

They were standing on the pillar at the peak of the Ghost Slayer Team, and they actually let them challenge a healer?

Isn’t that bullying?

Present, only Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who had been defeated at the hands of Kitahara Hakuaki.

As well as Butterfly Shinobi and Butterfly Kanae, who have seen some of Kitahara’s strength, are somewhat silent.


Even the Ganlu Temple Miri was a little anxious at the moment.

Because of her memory, Kitahara Hakuaki has always been the image of a doctor.

She also likes to experiment with her body and Aoi Kanzaki’s body.

I’ve never seen Kitahara Baiqiu practicing martial arts!

Why did the Lord make such a request?

Could it be that Bai Qiu inadvertently offended the lord?

While Ganlu Temple Mi Li was anxious, she couldn’t help but think in her heart.

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