
“Kill me!”

“Guys! The goal of this time! It is the complete elimination of Oni Mai Tsuji without misery! ”

“There’s Doctor Kitahara!” We will succeed! ”

Purgatory Apricot Shou Lang slashed down an evil ghost with a knife and shouted loudly on the battlefield.

Many members of the ghost killing team did not speak back, only endless shouts of killing, as if in response to Purgatory Apricot Shouro.

Everybody is desperate! Desperately!

At this moment, the mountains, accompanied by the killing, have long been rivers of blood.

Some of this blood belonged to members of the Ghost Slayer Team, and some of it belonged to evil spirits.

But most, still evil.

Countless ghosts had already fallen to the ground at this moment, their bodies constantly convulsing.

Or it may be beheaded, slowly turning into ashes and dissipating in this world.

Leaving aside the high-end combat strength, the members of the Ghost Killing Team are generally stronger than ordinary evil ghosts.

Not to mention that they have weapons now! Occupies the geographical advantage!

But even so, as the fighting became more and more intense, the ghost squads began to suffer casualties.

Because there are so many evil spirits, too many of them are frightening.

This is the real battlefield, brutal and realistic.


“Oni Mai Tsuji is no misery at the bottom of the mountain!” Everyone rushed down with me to help Kitahara Divine Doctor! ”

At this moment, the snake pillar Ihei Xiaobane got the news from the mouth of a ghost and shouted loudly.

When the pillars heard Ihei Xiaobane’s words, they did not hesitate at the slightest moment and began to rush down the mountain.

Although they all knew that the strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn was unfathomable.

However, they had seen the strength of Tong Mo not long ago, and they were also extremely jealous of the strength of Oni Mai Tsuji.

I don’t know how strong Onimai Tsuji is.

I don’t know how Kitahara Hakuaki compares to Oni Mai Tsuji!

They had to go down the mountain and help Kitahara Hakuaki!

Even at the cost of your life, it’s good to be able to help!

Under the joint efforts of the pillars! They are also overwhelming!

Soon, among all the ghosts, they also killed a bloody road.

“Oops, then I can’t let you bother the Miscreants.”

At this moment, the dog of the upper half day and the five jade pots of the upper string, as well as a number of lower string figures, appeared in front of several people.

First quarter!!!

The pupils of the pillars shrank and their hearts began to become serious.

They have already seen the children’s grind, what does it really mean!

As for the lower string, they have not yet put it in their eyes.

“Leave it to us here, and you will continue down the mountain.”

At this moment, Mizuki Tomioka silently stepped forward and spoke.

“Sadly, deplorably, two hosts, they are going to die here today.”

The rock pillar mourned and cried tears, and also fought out.

“Hahaha, that’s one for me!”

Purgatory Apricot Shouro laughed and said loudly with a cheerful face.

“Hey, that’s a lot of trouble.”

Shimiya Immortal looked at the two windings and said unhappily.

The four pillars are set up to face the half-day dog and the jade pot!

The rest of the columns looked at each other, nodded, and continued to rush down the mountain!

Half a day dog and jade pot saw this and did not stop it.

Instead, he looked with interest at the four pillars standing in front of them.

They didn’t think that Oni Mai Tsuji would fail miserably.

Honestly, a lot of times, they actually think that Onimai no Tsuji is too cautious.

Obviously, there is no need at all, but it is cautious.

In this world, how could there be a human being more powerful than the Oni Mai Tsuji no Misery?

So, they let Butterfly Shinobi and the others go down the mountain.

In their view, it was just a search for death.

However, before they could take action against the four pillars, a voice sounded at the scene, making the ghosts for a while.

“All the ghosts obey! Start defending now! Cover me to retreat!! ”

“Otherwise you all have to die if I die!!!”

The sound of panic began to ring out in the sky.

Let everyone present for a while, half a day dog and jade pot full of disbelief.

It’s the voice of the Oni Mai Tsuji no miserable adult!

But! How long have they been gone?!!

Could it be that Oni Mai Tsuji had already been defeated?

Obviously, aren’t there still Lord Black Death Mou and Lord Yiwo around him?

There’s no time to think about it.

The half-day dog and the jade pot that had just gone up the mountain began to rush down the mountain again.

But this next.

The four pillars lit up in front of their eyes and it was their turn to block the two windings.

Don’t let them go down the hill.



Time goes back a few minutes ago.

“Don’t look for it, I’m already down.”

Kitahara Shiraaki slowly appeared in front of Oni Mai Tsuji.

Oni Mai Tsuji saw this pupil directly shrink.

Because he was completely unaware of the arrival of Kitahara Baiqiu.

He glanced at the Northern Plains White Autumn and looked at the mountains that had long been surrounded by evil spirits.

Oni Mai Tsuji was even more incredible, how did he get down from the mountain?

“Sure enough, as long as you have enough temptation and then give you a little self-confidence, you will obediently emerge as I wish… It’s just too stupid. ”

Kitahara shook his head and said with emotion.

“What do you say?!!”

Oni Mai Tsuji was furious, and if he hadn’t always had a bad premonition in his heart, he would have rushed up and torn Kitahara Baiqiu to shreds by now.

“Either don’t be brave or be reckless to the end, and it’s a bit embarrassing for someone like you to be half-hearted.”

Kitahara Hakuaki ignored Oni Mai Tsuji and continued to comment.

Hearing Kitahara Bai Qiu’s repeated denigration of himself, Oni Mai Tsuji couldn’t help but directly choose to shoot!

Although I don’t know what that ominous premonition in my heart is all about!

However, this time, his goal was originally Kitahara Baiqiu!

That being the case, kill this kid cleanly, and then get the potion from him and just run away!

“Give me death!”

Ghost Mai Tsuji roared in anger, and seven or eight tentacles stretched out from his back, fiercely sweeping towards Kitahara Baiqiu!

Kitahara White Autumn stood still and did not move.

With just one swing of the sword, the miserably attacked all turned invisible.

What the?!!

Wu Misery’s eyes widened, and he didn’t expect that Kitahara Baiqiu had such strength.

Could it be that the reason why he had a bad premonition was because Kitahara Baiqiu himself ?!!

Oni Mai Tsuji’s face changed miserably, and he immediately stopped shooting and directly commanded to the Black Death Mou and the Nest Seat beside him:

“You, give it to me!”

He wanted to use Black Death Mu and the Nest Seat to test the strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn first.

Black Death Mou: “…”

Nest: “…”

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