Chapter Fifty-Nine My Kitahara White Autumn is Soft-Hearted!!

After the Northern Plains White Autumn and Snow Under Snow agreed, the two also looked at each other and smiled.

“By the way, Brother Kitahara, we haven’t added a line yet, so let’s just add one.”

Under the snow, Xue Nai took out his mobile phone and also took the initiative to say.

If this is changed to another girl, to the Kitahara Baiqiu line, it is estimated that it will be extremely shy, sorry.

But under the snow, Snow is extremely natural and confident, giving her her her own unique charm.


Kitahara Baiqiu smiled, and naturally there was no reason to refuse.

They also took out their mobile phones, and the two added friends to each other.

Under the snow, Xue Nai looked at the more friends of Kitahara Baiqiu on his mobile phone, and he also nodded with satisfaction.

“Since that’s the case, then I won’t continue to bother, Brother Kitahara, or that sentence, if there’s anything I can do to help, you can come to me at any time.”

After saying that, Snow under the snow said goodbye to Kitahara Bai Qiu and left.

Maverick as always, completely oblivious to those around her who had been peeking at her.

Just for the moment.

At the door of the Year A class, a pink-haired girl was standing bored in the corridor, as if waiting for the snow to fall under the snow.

After seeing the snow come out under the snow, his eyes lit up and he immediately greeted him.

“Light snow! Here and here! ”

The pink-haired girl waved to Snow Under the Snow, and when she saw Snow under the Snow come over, she hugged her intimately.

Snow Beneath the Snow looks a little unnatural for the Pink Girl’s enthusiasm, but it doesn’t resist.

The pink-haired girl is named Yubi Hama and is a friend that Yukino has known for a long time.

When leaving.

Yubi Bhima deliberately took a sneak peek at Kitahara Hakuaki at the door of the first year A class, and said to Yukino under the snow: “It turns out that it is Xiaoxue you like the person, it seems that Xiaoxue is really a good match for you.” ”

“It’s not!”

Under the snow, Xue Nai retorted with a red face, and there was some shame in his voice, which seemed to be somewhat weak-hearted.

“Huh? But I just heard everyone around me say this, I really didn’t expect it, Xiaoxue, you usually look quite real, I didn’t expect it to be a year under control. ”

Yubi Yuki’s tone was a little surprised, as if it felt very strange.

“They all said no, but the Kitahara student helped me a favor, well, a big favor, so I also want to repay the Kitahara student.”

Snow Snow said so, seemingly trying to convince Yubihama to tie the knot.

“Uh-huh… Xiaoxue, it doesn’t matter, even if it is a year under control, it is no problem, you are only one year apart, I support you! ”

Yubi Bhima saw the shy face of Yukino under the snow, raised an eyebrow, and suddenly said in a deep comfort.

“Knot clothes!”

Snow under the snow is anger and shame.

“Huh? Don’t, little snow! Obviously that kind of thing, do you say it and believe it? Don’t, let me go! ”

All of a sudden.

The screams of the maiden.

It also resounded throughout the corridor.

Kitahara Baiqiu sat in the classroom and heard the two fighting, and the expression on his face was also a smile.


The boys in the class looked at the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu and were already full of respect.

That look is like respecting the Northern Plains White Autumn as if to worship the gods.

After all, what kind of realm is it to be able to make the flowers of the high mountains of the hall and the snow under the snow chase backwards?

No one could have imagined!

And the girls in the class, looking at the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu, were also full of despair at this moment, after all, even Xue Nai under the snow of the hall chased after him.

Just as the so-called men chase the female partition mountain, the female chase the male partition yarn, not to mention the snow under the snow is such a perfect woman.

They seemed to have seen that Kitahara Baiqiu was about to fall, and they had no hope at all.

Yotsuya bit her lip and just wanted to go up and say something to Kitahara Hakuaki.

However, at this very moment.

A boy suddenly rushed in and shouted at Kitahara Baiqiu, “Kitahara Jun, someone outside is looking for you!” It’s a super beautiful girl!!! ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Kitahara Bai Qiu was also stunned, frowning and asking, “Did she say who she was?” ”

“She said her name was Fallen, and told you you would know, you had an agreement.”

The boy spared his head and spoke.


Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned. Then I understood.

Sure enough, there was a world apart.

Even if the ghost Maitsuji dies tragically, is there no ghost that affects this world?

Kitahara Baiqiu sighed, and then stood up and walked outside.

Since the fallen Ji Ji has come, it is good to see you.


As soon as Kitahara Bai Qiu left, the classroom was even more boiling!

“I didn’t expect that in addition to Sister Xuexia, there were even super beautiful girls looking for Kitahara’s classmates?”

“Have you ever made an agreement? What convention? ”

“Hey, Yoshihara, tell us what that super beautiful girl looks like.”

“Oh, that, it’s white hair, very pretty, very good figure…”

“Whoops, whoops, whoops…… Wrong! What a beast! With the snow under the school, she even provoked others! Why is it not I who suffers from this sin? ”

“Oh, pay you back? Do you see that you have a little bit of the conditions of Kitahara’s classmates? ”



“We’re all men.”

The classroom was noisy and noisy.

At this moment, Kitahara Baiqiu also came to the outside of the classroom. It’s close to winter, so it’s getting dark early.

But Kitahara Baiqiu actually did not think of it.

It was just a little dark, and Fallen Ji couldn’t wait to run over to him.

Come to the school gate.

Kitahara Hakuaki saw the fallen Hime.

Fallen Ji also saw Kitahara Bai Qiu, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she said loudly, “Hey! Who’s that! We have completed the agreement with you! It’s time for you to deliver on your promises! ”

Last night.

After Kitahara Hakuaki caught Fallen Hime, he made an agreement with her.

As long as she can help destroy the ghosts of this world, Kitahara Baiqiu will give her a chance to change back into a human.

After all, Kitahara White Autumn is strong.

But in terms of finding ghosts, there is really no fallen Ji Qiang who is also a ghost and is the sixth of the winding.

“My brother and I wiped out eighteen ghosts last night!” I promise you! There are absolutely no ghosts in this world! So it’s time for you to keep your promises! ”

Fallen-hime blinked her eyes and ran to Kitahara Baiqiu and said proudly.

“What about your brother?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at Fallen Hime, frowned, and asked.

He could feel that at this moment, the prostitute Taro was not in the body of the fallen Hime.

“Huh? Of course it didn’t come! ”

Fallen Ji naturally said, “After all, if you suddenly repent!” What if you want to kill us? Aren’t we in danger? We can’t beat you! ”

“Now, my brother has not come, and I can tell you that if you want to kill me now, it will be absolutely impossible!” Because my brother and I would only die if we cut off our necks at the same time! ”

Fallen Ji looked a little proud and said very proudly.

“Oh, by the way, don’t hit me either, my brother decided.”

Halfway through the pride, Fallen Ji suddenly became a little wary and spoke again.

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the appearance of the fallen Ji Ji who could bend and stretch, and he was almost angry.

“So now you’re alone?” Do you know what I was trading with your brother? ”

Last night’s conditions, Kitahara Shiraaki was alone with the prostitute Taro.

If the prostitute Taro didn’t say it, the fallen Ji Ji probably didn’t know it now.

“This… That……”

Sure enough, Fallen Ji’s eyes floated, and she thought about it and said, “Brother said he believes you, so you can just ask me to come straight over.” ”

“Trust me? And then you only come alone? ”

Kitahara said funnily.

“This is because… It’s because… Believe……… But not fully convinced…? ”

Fallen Ji was sweating on her forehead, and her face showed a silly expression, and she said uncertainly.

“That guy, that’s a good idea.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu didn’t want to speak anymore, so he simply said directly.


Fallen Hime’s face was unclear so.

“Do you think that if I were to kill you, would it really be useful to me to separate you like this?”

Kitahara asked directly!

Fallen Ji had a cold sweat on her face and was also a little flustered in her heart.

Is it useful?

She doesn’t know.

After all, Kitahara Baiqiu’s strength was really too strong.

“And the words have already been spoken, do you think I will default?”

Kitahara said again.

As he spoke, he also threw away a bottle of blue potion.

He actually said that he had not thought about defaulting.

After all, not to mention how Fallen Ji and the prostitute Taro used to be, they really helped themselves in this world.

At most, it was only the green potion that Kitahara Baiqiu wanted to give at the beginning, just the green potion that ordinary turned into a person, and he never thought of giving the perfect blue potion.

In this world, you become a human being again, you have no ability and no identity, in fact, you will live very hard, or even live.

Originally, Kitahara Baiqiu only planned to ignore the two after fulfilling his promise.

Fallen Ji and the prostitute Taro.

Although it is the same as the Lynx Nest, it is a demon that has been forced to become helpless.

But they also had a fundamental difference, and Kitahara Baiqiu had originally intended to atone for their sins.

“Drink it, that’s my agreement with the prostitute Taro.”

Kitahara said so.

I have to say that the Taro guy is really smart.

“Huh? Yes? ”

Sunset Ji had a panic on her face and drank it in a hurry, and after drinking it, she asked, “What is this?” ”

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…? ”

Asked after drinking?

Kitahara Bai Qiu was really scalp tingling, explaining: “This is the potion I made, which can make the ghost turn back into a human being, but it has not yet maintained the advantages and characteristics of the ghost.” ”


Fallen, she was shocked and said in disbelief, “Perfect creature?!!” ”

That’s right, isn’t this the perfect creature that the Miserly Man has been pursuing?!!

“It’s over! I’m done! ”

However, after drinking this potion, Fallen Ji was completely unhappy and even cried out.

Kitahara Baiqiu was stunned again.

“It’s over, if the Miserably Lord knows that I have become a perfect creature, he will definitely eat me, I am finished, whining, brother, we are finished.”

Fallen Ji cried loudly, and the whole person panicked and panicked.

Kitahara covered his face and said weakly, “Rest assured, Oni Mai Tsuji has been killed by me.” ”

After thinking about it, afraid that Fallen Ji would continue to ask, Kitahara Baiqiu fortunately added another sentence: “The reason why you did not die is because you are not in the same world now, and no tragic death can affect you.” ”


Fallen Hime’s cries were directly stuck, and she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu in disbelief.

No miserable adults… He’s dead?!!

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

Fallen Ji inhaled several cool breaths.

This was the most shocking news she had ever heard in her life! She looked at Kitahara Baiqiu and wanted to cry again.

If she hadn’t been sure if she and her brother had separated, Kitahara would not have been able to kill her.

Now she was sure.

Kitahara Hakuaki decided he could kill her!

After all, even the Miserably Lord died at the hands of Kitahara Baiqiu!

“Let’s go.”

Kitahara Hakuaki saw that Fallen Ji had drunk the potion, and he didn’t bother to take care of it, and directly said, “Where to go?” ”

Fallen Ji asked in a daze.

“Come home with me, your brother has already thrown you at me!”

Kitahara said naturally.


Fallen Ji’s pupils narrowed, and the practice in her heart directly blurted out: “How is that possible!” ”

How could her brother have given her over to such a demon? She didn’t believe it!

“How could it not be, what did the prostitute Taro say when he called you to come?” Kitahara Bai Qiu sighed. ”

“My brother said that we had completed our agreement and asked me to come to you, but I was afraid that you would regret it, so he couldn’t come, and I was alone…”

Fallen Ji answered truthfully.

After all, this was a fierce man who killed the Miserably Lord, and she didn’t dare to fool it.


Halfway through, Fallen Ji suddenly got stuck, and an expression of disbelief appeared on her face: “Impossible, absolutely impossible!” ”

“If you don’t believe me, go and look for it at the place you agreed with your brother, I’m waiting for you here.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu’s face was calm and he said to the fallen Ji.

Fallen Ji nodded heavily, and then immediately ran out.

Halfway through, she couldn’t help but run back again, embarrassed to ask Kitahara Hakuaki, “That, well, that… My lord? Can you do that potion…”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly still had a bottle of blue potion for Fallen Hime.

“Thank you! Thank you adults! ”

Ji Ji hurriedly took the potion and ran out again this time.

Because she was very anxious inside, she also ran extremely fast.

Kitahara Bai Qiu watched the departure of the fallen Ji without speaking, just enjoying the promise waiting for her here.

Half an hour later.

Fallen Ji finally returned with a lost soul.


Kitahara asked.

“I didn’t find my brother.”

Shōhime shook her head, looking sad, and took out the bottle of blue potion from her arms, and handed a letter to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara Baiqiu took the potion and the letter, and also looked at it directly.

The letter probably means.

The prostitute Taro feels that he is not worthy to walk in the light, but the fallen Ji is different, the Fallen Ji is pure, like a blank piece of paper, and the reason why he has become this is only because the prostitute Taro himself is the same.

The prostitute Taro does not want Fallen Hime to continue to walk with him in the darkness, so the prostitute Taro asks Kitahara Hakuaki to take care of Fallen Hime.

And it shows that he believes in Kitahara Baiqiu, there is such a strong person as Kitahara Baiqiu in this world, he will not come chaotically………

“I really like to play smart.”

Kitahara shook his head after reading the letter.

The sixth of the twelve ghost moons, as the brother’s prostitute Taro, really carries all the darkness for his sister.

Under the protection of her brother, Fallen Ji is not simply like a blank piece of paper, but in fact, it is almost the same.

In this regard, Kitahara Baiqiu did not care too much. Because for him, this matter has little impact at all.

At most, there will be more trouble in the future.

Even if he had a cruel heart, he could even leave the fallen Ji alone.

Alas, alas.

Everyone in the world knows that he has nothing else in Kitahara Baiqiu, that is, he likes to be soft-hearted…

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