Chapter Seventy-Four Mother? Petite Pandora!!

It worked!!!

Kitahara looked at the text on the screen.

Unconsciously, his eyes widened and his face showed a look of ecstasy.

Say though.

For this success, Kitahara Baiqiu had already expected it in his heart.

But when victory is truly in sight!

Really! It’s still hard to keep calm! No doubt!

This time he not only succeeded in killing God. And! It was the two gods who were killed!! The first time the gods were killed, it was the two gods.

Who can do that?

Not to mention that it was before the gods were killed.

The strength of Kitahara Baiqiu was already comparable to that of the gods, or even surpassed the gods!

Now a god killer!

The strength will undoubtedly increase by leaps and bounds again!

Although he was originally a god killer, there is no doubt that as soon as he was born, he was the top being among the god killers!

“Sure enough, this is the path I want to take, and this is the killing god I want!”

Kitahara Baiqiu was full of excitement in his heart and couldn’t help but think secretly.

As he said in the first simulation.

In fact, he has the talent of red, plus the guidance of Luo Hao, and he understands the original work.

If you don’t say anything else, just the god of war, Welleslana!

If he wanted to, he could have killed him directly! But Kitahara did not do this.

Instead, I chose the most troublesome and difficult head-to-head combat! In the simulation, he has the heart of the strong, the way of the strong!

So there is no doubt that this path will be chosen, and only this path will be chosen.

But the reality of Kitahara White Autumn.

How could there not be a heart to kill the gods head-on?!! The road is tough though.

But when the results of success are in sight.

Well, everything that was once there will be worth it!

“Yes, in this case, even if there is a god of disobedience in reality, there is no need to worry too much.”

Kitahara thought in his heart.

This time good luck came to the wrong Hestia so nothing happened.

But everything can not be based on luck alone, strength is the most important! is the fundamental! And now, there’s no doubt about it!

Kitahara’s strength was also there.

“Huh, keep watching the simulation, I don’t know what kind of point I can finally reach this time!”

Kitahara Shiraaki had a confident smile on his face.

He was looking forward to it, and continued to look at the simulator in front of him expectantly.

After you succeed in killing God, your spirit is pulled into the border between life and death——— the world. 】

When you open your eyes, you see the deity who manages the reincarnation of the God Killer. 】

[Pandora. 】

At this moment, Pandora is also looking at you with curiosity, and she is also very shocked by the great deeds you have achieved in the outside world and the strong strength to defeat the gods head-on. 】

[However, in her opinion, as long as the people who come here, it is her children, so she does not care too much.] 】

When you wake up, Pandora tells you that she is the mother of all god-killers, so she is also your mother. 】

[You look Pandora up and down, full of disdain, directly indicating that you can’t accept a Lolita as your mother.] 】

[Pandora was incredulous, pointing to herself and saying bluntly that it was not good to have a mother like her who was childlike and the size of the child was not related by blood? 】

[You smile.] 】

Pandora’s face is flushed! Cursed you a rebellious child! Just finish the rebirth ritual for you and throw it out angrily! 】

After the rebirth ceremony, your body, which was seriously injured or even dying as a result of fighting with the two gods, miraculously recovered at this moment. 】

When you open your eyes, the first thing you see is Erica waiting by your side. 】

[Erica saw you wake up, but also excited to hug you, happy to cry, she said, she knew you will succeed, she witnessed the miracle today]

[You smiled and comforted Erica and, after she finally calmed down, also took out the ‘Heart of the Lion King.’] 】

[Then, under the gaze of the two of you, the sword undoubtedly collapsed into a little starlight and completely disappeared, and you two looked at each other and smiled.] 】

[For Erica the departure of the Heart of the Lion King’ undoubtedly made her a little sad, but there is no doubt that it is more gratifying.] 】

[Because, in your hands, her sword has become a veritable sword waiting for me to kill the gods, which is the supreme glory of the sword.] 】

[Next.] 】

The news that you killed the two gods in Sardinia and became a god killer also spread throughout the world. 】

[At this moment, the world is paying attention!] 】

【Kill God! 】

[This is the great cause that can be achieved by supreme luck under various coincidences.] 】

[The birth of every god-killer is full of legend and cannot be copied.] 】

[But there is no doubt that all the god-killers in the world mainly relied on luck when they first killed the gods.] 】

[You, on the other hand, are different from other god-killers, and you are completely dependent on strength.] 】

[Your first god killing was actually defeating the gods on a frontal battlefield!] And it’s a double god! 】

[This undoubtedly caused an uproar in the world, and the whole world was shocked.] 】

No one had ever thought that human beings could reach such a level before they had killed the gods! 】

[And you, no doubt confirm this!] But it’s the only one! 】

[This also leads to, obviously you have just been called a god killer!] Some people have already begun to feel that you should be the strongest of the god killers. 】

[You are strong enough to be compared with the strongest two of the god killers, Luo Hao, the King of Martial Arts, and the Marquis of Woban.] 】

[The ‘Red Copper Black Cross’ to which Erica belongs, is even more ecstatic to learn that Erica has successfully allegied to you! 】

The birth of a new king means a change in the world pattern, and Erica behaves the equivalent of giving the title of ‘Red Copper Black Cross’!] 】

[But at the same time as they were happy, they were also a little worried, because although they did not swear allegiance to Salvatore Tony, the king of the sword, they were also under his banner, and they did not know whether they would cause Salvatore Tony to be dissatisfied if they were loyal to the new king.] 】

[And just as the ‘Red Copper Black Cross’ was entangled, Salvatore Tony, the King of Swords, was also very excited to hear about your strength!] 】

【Just like the first simulation!】 He didn’t care, and without hesitation, he rushed over and wanted to fight with you! 】

[Without you deliberately hiding your whereabouts, Salvatore Tony managed to find you, and Ben sent you an invitation to fight!] 】

[Salvatore Tony didn’t pay attention to how weird the look in Erica around you was when he sent out the invitation to fight!] 】

[You agreed, you had a fight with Tony!] 】

[Given that in the first simulation, this guy finally lent you the sword, you didn’t go too far, just used the sword to abuse this guy.] 】

[Compared to the first simulation, your swordplay has actually not improved, but now that you have the physique of a god killer, even if you only use a sword, your strength is already above Tony, who was once equal to you!] 】

【Tony was abused by you in doubting life!】 The other point is that he did not expect that he had not even forced out your power and had already lost! 】

“Good fellow, even put the battle raging doubt that life is okay, Tony Tony, you also have today.”

Kitahara smiled.

He even laughed loudly!

Who would have thought that Salvatore Tony, the king of swords, could have it today? Kitahara felt that he had surpassed Tony even if he did not use his powers.

After all, he could have tied with Tony with his swordplay alone. Not to mention that now he has become a god killer and has the physique of a god killer.

The most important thing is that it is really interesting to be able to make this wanton guy suspicious of life.

The results of your duel with Tony, the King of Swords, came out, and countless people began to be shocked. 】

[No one expected that you, who had just become a god killer, had defeated Salvatore Tony, the king of the great sword, and had not even used the power you had seized from the gods!] 】

[In the past, the only thing that could do this in the whole world was Luo Hao, the martial arts king who stood at the peak of martial arts and was known as the supreme martial artist! 】

And now you’ve done the same!] 】

[This reminds many people of the great deeds of killing two gods head-on by your own strength!] I am convinced that you can compare with Luo Hao! 】

[Just when the whole world is shocked, only Erica around you who knows all the truth is not surprised by this, she is proud of your strength.] 】

“On this day, you found Erica and wanted her to teach you all the information of the gods.] 】

[The power of the Golden Sword of Velezlana can only be exerted when the identity of the god is known, as well as the information of the god!] 】

But you don’t know much about the gods in the world, so for this, you also need to collect a lot of knowledge about the gods.] 】

[And Erica who has sworn allegiance to you is now undoubtedly the most suitable guide.] 】

[Erica learned of your intentions, and exclaimed in shock at the same time!] Even she couldn’t help but blush at this moment! 】

[Because for the God Killer, if you want to acquire knowledge, you can only pass on success through a light kiss.] 】

[The Killer is immune to magic, so it can only take effect by introducing the magic of imparting knowledge directly into the body from the mouth.] 】

[Your purpose in looking for Erica is self-evident.] 】

Erica had a shy and somewhat twisted face. 】

[You said that if Erica felt embarrassed, you could give up.] 】

Erica shook her head hurriedly, and she told you that in fact, the last time she saw you, she had already fallen in love with you at first sight, so she would have taken the initiative to talk to you at the beginning, and now the reason why she hesitated was only because of surprise and the little reticence of the girl. 】

[After saying that, Erica took the initiative to kiss you.] 】

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