Chapter Eighty His Identity? The whole audience shook!!

The arrival of the three people of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Nature has attracted everyone’s attention.

Suddenly, it became the focus of the scene.

Although these young masters and young ladies were all suddenly attended by their families at such a banquet.

But in fact, they were all the same as the four palaces of the night, and they did not know what the reason for the banquet was.

Only through the people at the banquet, know that this banquet is not simple.

Rather, it’s not easy!

For such an important banquet, there are still people who dare to be late or something.

The crowd was also incredibly amazed, curious, and incredulous.

However, when they saw the three people, countless people were bright-eyed.

I have to say that the looks of the three people are really too prominent.

Even if there are many big ladies on the scene, there are few looks that can be compared with Hestia and Fallen Ji.

As for men, there is no one who is comparable to Kitahara Hakuaki

And just as the people at the banquet were observing the few people of Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Baiqiu also glanced at everyone present.

As a result, he really saw some acquaintances.

Four palaces of the night, Hayasaka Ai, Fujiwara Chika…

Even Snow Under the Snow Snow Sister and Snow Yang Nai Kitahara Bai Qiu saw her figure.

The Snow Family is not strong among these people.

However, this is Chiba City after all, and it is still possible to get a banquet ticket to Yukishita House.

When he saw Fujiwara Chika, Kitahara Hakuaki was actually stunned.

Because he didn’t think of it either.

I even met Fujiwara’s classmate who confessed to Miko Yotsuya here in the morning.


He hadn’t really thought about it before.

After all, Kitahara Hakuaki remembered that the Fujiwara Chihana family was three sisters.

But it’s normal to think about it.

The Fujiwara family is a large family.

It may be a cousin or a cousin is not surprising.

It is not surprising that Fujiwara Hideyoshi chose to come to Sobu High School to study.

Although the private Hidechiin College is a well-known aristocratic school, the deviation value is also very high

However, compared with the total martial arts high, the deviation value of the Xiuzhiyuan is actually still a little worse, and the baseball department of the total martial arts is a well-known strong school in the country and often wins the national championship.

There are always people who give up their private Xiuzhiyuan Academy for something.

“Nah! Don’t you go and say hello? Hideyoshi. ”

Fujiwara Chika looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Then he looked back at Fujiwara Hideyoshi expectantly and pointed to Kitahara Hakuaki’s eyes that lit up.

It’s a look that doesn’t seem like a big deal to watch.

Rather, this kind of occasion is more exciting! Wow~

Fujiwara Chika is looking forward to the next development.

Fujiwara Hideyoshi: “…”

Fujiwara Hideyoshi’s eyelids jumped.

He was really hesitant to go up and say hello.

As a result, seeing Fujiwara Chika’s appearance, he really didn’t want to go.

But does his opinion matter?!!

When he hesitated, Fujiwara Chika pushed and shoved to push Fujiwara Hideyoshi over.

And the other side.

Shinomiya looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and thought about it for a while, then said to Hayasaka Ai, “Go, Hayasaka, let’s go up and say hello.” ”

“Huh? Miss Hui Ye, are we going too? ”

Hayasaka Ai was stunned and asked subconsciously.

“Well, it’s certainly not easy for someone who dares to be late at such a banquet, just get to know them.”

The Fourth Palace said this, and immediately walked towards the Northern Plains White Autumn and a few people without hesitation.

Ai Hayasaka, as the maid of the night of Yotsuya Kei, rushes to keep up.

Other big ladies who were also a little moved.

After seeing the Fujiwara family and the Yotsuya family acting, he dismissed his thoughts.

Because these two are also the top of the small lump on the spot.

“Classmate Kitahara, how are you…”

Fujiwara Hideyoshi is pushed by Fujiwara Chika in front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

It was also an awkward greeting, and the eyes were a little evasive.

“Hello, Fujiwara Jun.”

Kitahara responded with a smile, a surprise that Fujiwara Hideyoshi had come up to greet him.

And Fujiwara Chika on the side, seeing the two greeting is also two eyes light.

Leaning over to Fujiwara Hideyoshi’s ear, he kept whispering, “Speak quickly, speak quickly.” ”

Fujiwara Hideyoshi was full of embarrassment.

However, he remembered Miko Yotsuya, and finally took a breath, plucked up the courage to say, “Classmate Kitahara, what I want to tell you is that I will not give up…”

However, he did not wait for Fujiwara Hideyoshi to finish speaking.


The big guys who used to sit in the back room.

At this moment, all of them came out.

The look is certainly not with nervousness, excitement, and… Disturbed.

They came directly to the front of Kitahara Baiqiu, and at this moment, all of them respectfully said to Kitahara Baiqiu, “You are here, Lord Kitahara.” ”

Fujiwara Hideyoshi saw this scene, and his pupils contracted fiercely!

Even Fujiwara Chika on the side was directly stunned when she saw this scene. Not only them, but everyone present stayed where they were.

Because it was so shocking, the whole scene was silent.

The Four Palaces Huiye, who was originally walking towards the Northern Plains White Autumn, also stopped at this moment, and his heart was full of shock!!!

After all, who were these people standing in front of Kitahara Baiqiu! Defense Gangster! Business tycoon! Institutional boss!

These people are undoubtedly standing at the very top!

Among them, it is the father or elder of the big miss and the young master present! But now, they are paying homage to the same person… And this person still looks like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenager! How this is not shocking, how not to be unbelievable!

Reality is not a fairy tale, nor is it a novel! No, even a novel won’t be written much!


When Kitahara saw these people, he also nodded.

He was very calm about this, this is the position that his strength should have.

In the world of the God Killer, the God Killer is the existence of the King.

Compared to the treatment of the God Killer World King, this is simply a small scene.

It is better to say that these people can have self-knowledge of themselves, so that Kitahara Baiqiu is still quite pleased.

Although if they can’t think of it, they won’t be a threat to Kitahara Hakuaki.

But if you want to say annoying, it is estimated that it is still quite annoying.

“That, Lord Kitahara, can you go inside with us first?”

The lord of the Four Palaces had a worried look on his face and also asked Kitahara Baiqiu.

This scene stunned Shinomiya and Hayasaka Ai, because they had never seen such a Shinomiya family lord.

“No problem.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu nodded, naturally not refusing.

He knew what these people wanted to ask.

But this time he came.

It was originally intended to tell everyone the truth of the matter.

The world also doesn’t know if there is a deep mysterious side. But now it seems that the possibility of not being there is extremely high.

This is something that Kitahara Hakuaki did not expect.

There is no doubt that over time, many worlds have merged.

It doesn’t matter if there is a mysterious side of the world.

As the center of chaos, the world will soon be chaotic.

Before the complete chaos, it was not necessary for Kitahara Baiqiu to inform everyone in advance.

“You’re Miss Fujiwara, aren’t you?” Please help take care of Hestia and the Fallen Lady. ”

After Kitahara Shiraaki agreed, he looked at Fujiwara Chika and smiled.

“Huh? Oh well. ”

Fujiwara Chika was dumbfounded and nodded hurriedly.

On such occasions, even she did not dare to mess around.

The big men also frowned when they saw Hestia and Fallen Lady.

Fallen Ji is fine.

Although they had met before on the way to destroy the evil spirits by Fallen Ji and the prostitute Taro.

But strength was previously within control.

Mainly Hestia.

This young girl, who was suspected of being a god, simply brought powerlessness and deep fear to everyone.

That is a being that human beings cannot resist.

After casually saying a word to Fujiwara Chika, Kitahara Hakuaki followed many ‘big people’ into the back room.

When passing by Shinomiya and Ai Hayasaka.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled at them.

Because he had noticed that these two young girls seemed to come to greet him just now.

When Kitahara and the ‘big men’ entered the back room, the door of the back room was closed again.

The scene was still silent.

All of them were sluggish and did not return to their senses for a long time.

It wasn’t until someone fell to the ground in a daze that the calm of the scene was broken, and finally recovered.


There was an uproar!!!

“Hideyoshi, what the hell is your classmate…?”

Fujiwara Chika asked with a dull look.

Fujiwara Hideyoshi: “…”

Fujiwara Hideyoshi grew his mouth and turned his head to look at Fujiwara Chika with a silly look.

Fujiwara Chika understood.

This guy knows a fart!

“What the hell is that young man?”

“Aaaah, handsome and so powerful!” Really fake?!! ”

“Is this a terrible question?” That’s awesome! If it hadn’t happened right in front of my eyes, I couldn’t have imagined! Better to say! Even if someone else told me afterwards, I would be incredulous!!! ”

“The world is so unfair! How can others live if there is such a person! ”

Exclamations, screams.

At the scene, it kept ringing, and everyone was in a state of excitement at the moment, and their hearts were full of disbelief!

“Oh oh oh! Banquets and banquets! ”

Hestia was infected by the lively atmosphere, and also laughed and said loudly.


Fallen Ji snorted coldly and looked at everyone present proudly.

Except in front of Kitahara Baiqiu, it is not an exaggeration to say that she feels that everyone is garbage.

Chihana Fujiwara was shocked to see Hestia and Fallen Hime start to act!

Hurry up and keep up!

One side also shouted anxiously, “That! Wait for me!” ”

The person who was very powerful and powerful at first glance, but he entrusted Hestia and Fallen Ji to her to take care of it!

Fujiwara Chika doesn’t want this to go wrong with Kawa!

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