Chapter Eighty-Seven Space Magic! The arrival of the Marquis de Waban!!

[After Erica leaves, you and Princess Alice communicate magic.] 】

One of you is the strongest of the gods, and one is the true first day of the world. 】

[Under your communication, your research has made great progress, which makes Princess Alice very happy, and she directly lies in Neon and does not leave.] 】

[However, Princess Alice’s stay is bitter to the World Council of the Wise Men of Greenwich.] 】

[Princess Alice, as the ceremonial chief of the Greenwich Council of the Magnificents, how can the ceremonial chief herself be absent from office for a long time!] 】

[Therefore, after a long time, the Council of the Greenwich Wise Men sent people from time to time to urge Princess Alice to return.] 】

[At first, Alice still procrastinated and perfunctory, but later she was really annoyed and directly announced to the world that she had resigned as speaker of the Greenwich Wise Men Council.] 】

[This can make the entire Greenwich Council of the Wise Men confused, and when the mysterious forces of the whole world get this news, one by one they only feel ridiculous.] 】

[They couldn’t understand at all what the charm of that child in the Wanli Valley family had!] It can make the world’s first day day Erica’s heart fall in love, and now it is even more so that Princess Alice can not go away! Even the Honourable Speaker of the Greenwich Council is no longer there! 】

[The whole Council of Greenwich Wise Men called a fool, that called a regret, crying and shouting to keep Princess Alice.] 】

[Alice Louise Auf Nafar as the Honour Council of Greenwich Elders, she is not just a Celebrant! 】

[She is not only the world’s first genius, but also the highest level of magic, with the “White Witch Girl” and “White Princess” known as the world-class strong man.] 】

Not only that, but her 10 knowledges are extremely knowledgeable in the world! The reason why it’s not the first day in the world is that Erica and you are three or four years younger than her! 】

[In any case, if the Greenwich Council of the Wise Men loses her, the loss is too great.] 】

[Princess Alice, under the wild entanglement of the Greenwich Wise Men Council, had no choice but to agree to continue to serve as a special adviser to the Greenwich Wise Men Council.] 】

[As for the chief of ceremonies, she said that she would not do anything, and whoever loved to do it would do it.] 】

Although the Greenwich Council of the Wise Men was helpless, it could only accept helplessly in the face of Princess Alice’s firm appearance. 】

After becoming a special advisor, the next time, Princess Alice and you can also continue to study with peace of mind.] 】

[However, as a princess, Alice also has the physique of a princess.] 】

Princess Alice’s body is very delicate, often so weak that she cannot have a body to find you, but appears to communicate with you in the form of a spiritual body. 】

[Under your tutelage, Princess Alice’s body improved somewhat, but it didn’t heal, but even so, she felt very magical, because no one had ever made her better before.] 】

You promise Princess Alice that you will cure her in the future. 】

Princess Alice shook her head and said she believed in you. 】

With your efforts, you have finally created a new space magic!] 】

This magic can open the door of space and reach where you want to go in an instant. 】

[After the new magic appeared, Princess Alice was very excited!] I can’t help but hug you! 】

[For Princess Alice’s hug, you smiled, but you fell into meditation]

[You think that this magic, although good, does not seem to help you much in defeating the Last King.] 】

[You and Princess Alice have studied for so long to gain this, and you think that studying magic may be a protracted battle.] 】。

“Good fellow, good Versailles.”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the screen, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Space magic ah, this is, in fact, very powerful already.

“However, if you want to defeat the Last King, this is really not enough.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu had a headache, and although the results of what he and Princess Alice had studied for so long seemed to be good, they would be far from enough.

It is also estimated that it will be increasingly difficult to continue new research.

“It looks like it’s really a protracted battle.”

Kitahara thought so, and then continued to look at the simulator.

[The research results of you and Princess Alice came out and caused a huge sensation in the world.] 】

[People never expected that the reason why Princess Alice didn’t leave was to do such a great thing with you.] 】

They understand and admire you. 】

[Because it has been too long since the last time the new magic appeared, it is not an exaggeration to say that the new magic is even rarer than the god killer.] 】

[People were shaken, and countless people wanted to learn new magic, but they were all turned away.] 】

Only the Greenwich Council of the Wise Men learned the new magic because of Princess Alice’s relationship, and the Red Copper Black Cross because of Erica Connection.] 】

[They found that the conditions for learning this magic were extremely high, and the mana consumed was extremely large, and the average person could not use it easily, which made them feel a little sorry.] 】

[However, this kind of magic is only an extremely useful means of saving lives for everyone.] 】

[You don’t care about the consumption of space magic, as a god killer, and Hestia’s huge divine power, you don’t care about that consumption at all.] 】

Princess Alice doesn’t care about this, although she can’t compare to you, but as the first day of the world, her total mana is much stronger than the ordinary superior.] 】

Although her magic is not enough to use space magic arbitrarily, the frequency of use at critical moments is absolutely sufficient. 】

[More importantly, the key to studying magic is to obtain any magic?] No, for Princess Alice, the most important thing is the happiness in it, and the magic obtained in the end is nothing more than the harvest of happiness. 】

Neither you nor Princess Alice paid any attention to the outside world and continued to think about the direction of the next new magic. 】


[On this day, the Marquis of Woban, one of the strongest god-killers in the world, came to Neon and directly recruited many neon witches to cooperate with him in summoning the gods in the form of a demon king.] 】

[The great spell of summoning the gods is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, and the selected witch has a high chance of dying directly on the ritual after summoning the gods.] 】

[The cruelty of the god killer, the cruelty of the demon king.] 】

[At this moment, it is undoubtedly proved to the world again.] 】

[In the end, the Marquis of Waban selected hundreds of witches in Neon, and your sister, Yuri Wanligu, was one of them.] 】

As a chosen witch, Yuri Wanli is undoubtedly desperate. 】

[She wanted help.] 】

However, the mysterious side of the neon side shook its head at her and was silent. 】

Everyone Yuri Wanligu knew was undoubtedly silent in front of her, and did not even dare to look at this child who was only eleven or twelve years old. 】

[Muddy, Wanli Gu Yuri even came to Princess Alice]

Princess Alice was full of bitter smiles, and told Yuri Wanli that even she could not resist the demon king who was a god killer, so she should be glad that Marquis Waban did not choose her this time. 】

[Only eleven or twelve years old, Wanli Gu Yuri was completely desperate.] 】

[Even if she used to take care of you and Wanli Guguang’s sister, in the end, she is still a child, not as strong as she seems.] 】

Princess Alice looked at such a Wanligu Yuri, hesitated for a moment and gently comforted her, saying that her talent in spiritual vision was still quite high, and if she was lucky, she would still be able to survive after the ceremony. 】

【Luck?】 】

Yuri Wanligu only felt a chill in his heart. 】

[There are hundreds of witches who have been chosen, but how many of them can survive by luck?] If she becomes one of them, she should… Feeling lucky? 】

Yuri Wanli only felt that the world seemed to become gray at this moment, and his small body was hanging down weakly. 】

[The experience of the past few days has also made her understand that no one can resist the God Killer, and no one can resist the Demon King.] 】

[Maybe… She can only admit her fate. 】

[To bet on that illusory luck, and then luck to survive, under the misfortune of countless people, and then live with happiness…]

[But… That’s fine. 】

At least now Wanli Gu Youli is still more at ease, because her brother Wanli Gu Baiqiu is really very, very powerful. 】

[Even if she dies, Wanli Guguang will have someone to take care of…]

“Rest assured, you’ll be fine. “】

[And at this moment, a voice also broke the heaviness of the scene]

[Kitahara Baiqiu sat on the side and looked at the book seriously, as if he were speaking casually.] 】

Yuri Wanli was stunned when he heard this. 】

[Princess Alice’s face was even more incredulous:]

“Bai Qiujun, you wouldn’t be thinking…?” “】

[You don’t answer, continue to read quietly, but the meaning you want to express is self-evident.] 】

“Impossible, impossible, no one resists the God Killer, Bai Qiu, even you can’t, I beg you, I beg you not to think about whether it is good or not.” “】

Princess Alice grabbed your hand anxiously, very panicked, and the natural noble temperament of the past has disappeared, and pleaded in front of you. 】

“You promised to treat me, yes, you promised to cure my illness, I won’t allow you to die!” “】

Princess Alice thought of something and continued in a hurry. 】

Although it is indeed a bit unreasonable to say that she is an outsider and prevents her brother from saving her sister, Princess Alice can’t manage so much now.] 】

[You directly struck a knife on the head of the crying Princess Alice, and said helplessly:]

“What do you think, you just need to be a good tool person and cooperate with me in researching new magic, and you don’t have to worry about other things.” “】

Princess Alice covered her head with a cry and looked at you pitifully. 】

She also wants to study magic with you all the time, but that’s not fear…… Afraid that I won’t be able to study with you later…? 】

Seeing this scene, those godless eyes finally began to flicker again. 】

[Her heart is very touched, but she feels… Herself, maybe she shouldn’t have let you know about it, she regretted it. 】

[Until the day of the ceremony.] 】

[Wanli Gu Yuri woke up early and stared at you and Wanli Gu Guang after a long time.] 】

[Alone, he left here lightly, sneaking away.] 】

[And she, this year, is only eleven or twelve years old…].

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