Chapter Ninety-One Killed in Battle! The predator of the gods was born!!

“Good fellow, have you even figured out the rebirth ceremony of the God Killer?”

When Kitahara Bai Qiu saw this, he was also excited!

This thing, although it may not be of much help to his victory over the Last King.

But there is no doubt that the help to his future will undoubtedly be huge!

The usurpation of the divine power and power brought about by the rebirth ceremony will give him a huge advantage in the world of the same gods in the future.

“If you think about it, it’s not easy.”

Kitahara said with emotion.

At the same time, he really doesn’t feel easy!

At the beginning of the first simulation, he had a red talent, but under the guidance of Luo Hao, it took a year.

In terms of swordplay, he surpassed Luo Hao and reached the height of killing gods with humans.

And now this simulation, because there is no related talent.

He, along with Princess Alice, who was the first day of the world, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, is known as the goddess of wisdom.

Together, the three of them studied magic for several years, but they still stumbled.

This also made Kitahara realize how strong the talent of the system really was.

After Kitahara Baiqiu sighed in his heart, he also continued to look at the simulation.

[After realizing the criticality of the usurped ring, you do not hesitate in the slightest].

[After bidding farewell to Yuri Wanli, Wanli Taniko, Liliana and others].

[Just use space magic to bring Princess Alice, Athena, and Lady Elsa to the border between life and death——— the world!] 】

Pandora was shocked that you were getting! 】

[Because you didn’t kill God, but came here directly, this has never happened before!] 】

Even Athena and Madame Aisha’s faces were full of surprise. 】

Only Princess Alice, her face full of pride! 】

Because this is the magic she and you two created together, that is, equivalent to your children. 】

[Oh, the magic created later doesn’t count, because the magic that comes out has to be added to Athena, which is equivalent to the children of the three of you.] 】

[This made Princess Alice grit her teeth a little, but there was nothing she could do.] 】

Because she knows that if it is only you and her, the ‘child’ in the back will be absolutely difficult to give birth even if it can be born, and Athena’s help is undoubtedly huge, so that she has to admit Athena as a stepmother.] 】

[You have no idea that Princess Alice has the drama of dog blood drama in her mind, and after seeing Pandora, she directly shows her intentions.] 】

Pandora learns that your target is the Circle of Usurpation! My heart was also full of shock! She didn’t know where you got the news of the usurped ring. 】

[This Lolita goddess, who has always claimed to be your mother, is full of vigilance for your arrival at this moment, after obtaining your purpose.] 】

The importance of the usurped ring is simply self-evident to Pandora, and it is not an exaggeration to say that if there is no usurped ring, then from now on, even if someone kills the gods, there will be no birth of a godkiller. 】

In this regard, you promise Pandora that sooner or later you will defeat the Last King, break the cycle of fate of the godkiller and the god of disobedience, and finally rescue her from here. 】

[Saying, you agreed to throw a ‘think of your grandfather’ talent to Pandora, so that Pandora can trust you.] 】

After Pandora recalled everything under the influence of talent, her face changed for a while, and the vigilance on her face slowly disappeared and calmed down. 】

[Her heart at this moment was also full of shock at this moment, and she did not expect that the truth of the matter was like this.] 】

Pandora no longer doubts your words, if it is you, then it is indeed the one who can break the fate of the godkiller and the disobedient god, defeat the ‘Last King’, and finally rescue her from here.] 】

“At that time, the usurped ring will not matter…]

“How?” Do I have enough chips? Pandora? “】

[You asked.] 】

The goddess Pandora had actually agreed in her heart at this moment, but on the surface, she still had an angry look. 】

[The recovery of memory also reminds Pandora of the fact that every time you meet her, you bully her, don’t recognize her as a mother, and make her cry.] 】

“No! Someone has been bullying me, even if I am a goddess, I am also a vendetta, so someone must obediently call me a mother! In that case, I will give you the usurpation ring!” “】

[Pandora said her own conditions, this condition, with Pandora’s petite appearance, is simply a little girl playing with her temper and joking.] 】

[Your eyebrows are slightly raised, but the big husband can bend and stretch!] So you ordered Lady Elsa to call Pandora a mother! 】

“Oops, is it me?” “】

Madame Elsa exclaimed in disbelief. 】

[Actually, for ordinary god-killers, they will lose their memories of this place when they leave the world, but when they come back again, Lady Elsa also remembers everything.] 】

[Mrs. Aisha looked at the petite Pandora in front of her and felt that a certain goddess obviously didn’t look as big as me in all aspects, and she was a little ashamed to say it.] 】

[However, in the end, she still blushed and whispered:]

“Mom, Mom.”] “】

[Pandora’s face is full of resentment, she wants you to call not someone else!] 】

[However, she did not designate someone to let you drill into the air, and she angrily kept her promise and brought you to the usurpation ring.] 】

[The usurpation ring appears to be an iron disk.] It is carved with a dragon head, and around it are the inscriptions of eight swords. 】

Pandora wants to give it to you, you shake your head, and tell Pandora that what you need is not the usurpation ring, but the usurpation of the ring combined with the reincarnation ceremony of the god killer, the usurpation of the characteristics of divine power and divine power! 】

[This made Pandora’s heart tremble!] Athena and Princess Alice are not surprised, because you have already told them about it. 】

[It is undoubtedly very difficult to do what you said!] This must be done to improve the usurped ring and to carry out a series of studies! 】

[However, originally you had Athena and Princess Alice to help you, and now with Pandora, your goal is not completely impossible.] 】

[In the next time, the four of you will be studying all kinds of knowledge in the world!] 】

[As a mortal, Princess Alice is not suitable for staying in the world for a long time, but with you, Pandora, and Athena at the same time, it is also irrelevant.] 】

Although Mrs. Elsa can’t help, she looks at your shock and feels as if she is witnessing the birth of some miracle. 】

Of course, in the process, Mrs. Elsa often feels that she is too stupid to fit in with you. 】

[In your various studies, time has quietly passed.] 】

[During this time, you also went out and met with Yuri Maritani and Liliana, and also apologized to Erica at the same time.] 】

Erica shook her head, indicating that she understood you very much, very sweetly, after you kissed each other lightly. 】

Erica was also full of decisions on her face, looking at the Chinese land in the east, she decided, in order to become stronger, she also wanted to worship the martial arts king Luo Hao as a teacher like you once did. 】

[Even if it is more than the effort, no matter how hard, no matter how difficult, as long as the future can help you even a little bit in the face of the ‘Last King’, it is worth it.] 】

[In the blink of an eye, four years have passed, and according to the timeline, the plot of the God Killer has begun, but you don’t care.] 】

During these five years, you have tried and studied continuously, and finally succeeded in finding a way to perfectly combine the usurpation ring with the ritual and make you a true usurper of the gods. 】

The ritual of killing the gods carried by the usurped ring, under the results of your research, slowly began to merge with your body. 】

Because of the fusion, you also began to slowly fall into a deep sleep. 】

【1%·8%… 15%·30%・Cut looks very smooth. 】

However, just as the fusion reached fifty percent, the entire ghost world suddenly began to vibrate! And the source of the vibration comes from you! 】

“Pandora, what are you doing?” “】

[As the world shook, a voice full of majesty also sounded above the world, and a god descended and questioned Pandora. 】

“Do you want to manage?” Get lost! “】

[Pandora was unceremonious, scolding the gods of heaven directly.] 】

The gods of heaven were silent for a moment, realized Pandora’s identity, and finally did not continue to persecute, and left. 】

This made Princess Alice and Lady Elsa breathe a sigh of relief. 】

As the days passed, your degree of fusion became higher and higher, and many gods noticed the strange and ran to question Pandora, but they were all scolded by Pandora! 】

[Another year has passed, but your integration progress has reached eighty percent.] 】

[The whole ghost world has not only shaken, but rioted!] 】

“Damn! Pandora! What the hell are you doing? “】

“Why does this breath make me feel palpitations?” “】

“A year ago, the ghost didn’t know why it had become abnormal, Pandora! I advise you not to make any small moves! “】

Several gods began to appear and questioned Pandora. 】

[The two sides began to rub! In the end, the invading gods are repelled by Pandora, Athena, and Lady Aisha! However, at present, both sides are still somewhat restrained, and they are only tentative attacks. 】

【When your fusion reaches 90%!】 】

【Finally! 】

[The two sides began to break out into a big war!] 】

[Several gods are once again coming to you with terrible terror!] 】

【This time! They feel threatened! It’s like the birth of a predator! They were determined to figure out what was going on! You’re about to be exposed! Coming down! Coming to an end of integration! 】

[But!] Lady Aisha! Athena! Pandora! Righteousness is in front of you! 】

【The two sides start a big war!】 Deafening sound! In this ghost world sounded! 】

[A terrible war has broken out! 】

[Princess Alice, as an ordinary person who has not reached the realm of the gods, can only accompany you to remember the circle.] 】

“It’s over! Something went wrong, something went wrong! Bai Qiu, you didn’t say that there would be such a situation before, I was deceived, I was pitted, I knew that I said nothing would come, if you can survive this time, you can compensate me in the future! “】

Princess Alice looked at the child’s sleeping you and said so. 】

[Naturally, this battle ended in victory for your side.] 】

[Just!] Your birth! For the gods! No doubt predator! A real predator! 】

All the gods have begun to feel the touch of their hearts, and they have already had a bad premonition in their hearts! 】

[From time to time, the gods came to the door, drank Pandora, questioned Pandora, and then fought with it.] 】

In this case, even Athena, Pandora, and Lady Elsa are very powerful beings, but they slowly begin to feel tired, to feel powerless. 】

[Finally… When you reach ninety-eight percent of your fusion progress and are about to succeed. 】

[Your body glowed with dazzling light, completely exposed to the sight of all the gods.] 】

When all the gods see you, their eyes are full of vibration, and they completely understand why they have been restless all this time. 】

There is no doubt that you are different from the outside god killers, and once you successfully fuse, you are the real enemy of the gods! 】

“Pandora! Do you know what you’re doing?! You are making monsters! Real monsters! “】

[There was a roar of the gods, but the tone was full of panic.] 】

“It’s not a monster!” That’s my kid! “】

Pandora’s loud rebuttal, petite body, but it exploded with supreme divine power. 】

Athena smiled, in the form of a trinity, also staring at the gods in front of her! 】

“Athena! Are you sure you want to fight us too? “】

[A burly deity, with a dignified look in his eyes, also questioned.] 】

“The concubine is still the body of the defeated, and everything about the concubine is naturally his.”] “】

Athena replied, glancing in your direction, resolutely. 】

[Mrs. Aisha is quite annoyed, and her face is full of regret:]

“If I had known this, it would have been better to find Luo Hao, obviously that guy is the closest to the Northern Plains Jun, alas, how come it is my turn to guard the Northern Plains Jun.” “】

“I’m a pit, Kitahara Jun can remember my good next time, such as when the interest comes, and when you want to unveil the battle of the god killers, don’t forget to let go of Luo Hao at the same time!” Otherwise I’m sorry! “】

With this will, the three of them joined forces and rushed to the gods together. 】

【Fierce battles are starting to break out!】 】

[Finally.] 】

Lady Aisha is dead. 】

[She felt that although she had not played any role in her research, at least in the end…… When resisting the gods, let’s do a little bit of work.

Athena is also dead. 】

[She returned to the myth, and before she died, she looked expectantly in your direction.] 】

[Pandora was sealed again.] 】

[Her peculiarities made the gods not kill her, but put a more harsh seal on her.] 】

From now on, she will not have even the slightest freedom, her consciousness will be sealed, and she will be plunged into eternal darkness. 】

After the gods solved the three people, it was also a relief to see you. 】

[You, not yet successful:]

[Nowadays, it is undoubtedly the most vulnerable time, just a casual blow can make your efforts fail for so long.] 】


[What no one expected was that at the moment of the god’s attack, Princess Alice pushed you away and let you dodge the god’s blow!] 】

“It hurts…”]

With such a voice, Princess Alice slowly closed her eyes, and her body began to fall slowly. 】

【Boom——!!! 】

[At this moment, with the help of everyone’s efforts, under the sacrifice of all people!] 】

【You finally succeeded!】 】

You slowly open your eyes, as if you see that the whole world is red, as if it has been infected with blood. 】

[You subconsciously hugged Princess Alice who fell down, but you found that there was no breath of life on her body.] 】

You are silent, you are quiet. 】

You know, they all died because of you. 】

[This time, it was indeed a bit unexpected for you.] 】

[Looking at the frightened gods in front of me.] 】

You know, all you can do now is avenge them. 】

[Blood began to stain the entire ghost world.] 】

[A large number of gods began to die, and the gods were like grass and mustard at this moment.] 】

At the same time, in the face of many gods, the wounds on your body are getting heavier and heavier, like blood people. 】

[You didn’t back down and went all the way down.] 】

[Eventually, the ‘Last King’ Rama was awakened.] 】

You died at his hands. 】。

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