Chapter 101 swept through the major gods! The Seat of the Twelve Lords!!

When you have decided on a goal, you naturally begin to work hard for it. 】

In the following days, you appeared on Mount Olympus as the righteous son of Hestia. 】

[Although your strength is strong, after all, you were born as a god, and you don’t understand many things about the gods, and your righteous mother Hestia is responsible for carefully teaching you]

[As Hestia, the goddess of fire is undoubtedly full of care and love for you. 】

In reality, it is you who take care of Hestia from the wrong place, but on Mount Olympus, it is Hestia who takes good care of you. 】

[Her gentleness makes you almost immersed in this gentle country.] Because of your special relationship, it is even more delicate that you get along. 】

It is not an ordinary mother-child relationship, but rather, your mother-child relationship is just a name, and you who have signed an eternal contract with Hestia of the same root are closer than that. 】

And just as you adjust to your status as a deity, all the gods of Mount Olympus learn of your existence! 】

They were shocked that the supreme Hestia had offered to accept you as a righteous son, and they were even more surprised that you were born holy, and that as soon as you were born, they caused a shock to the entire divine system. 】

[Suddenly, countless goddesses came to see you, including nine muses, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, and even Artemis, the last of the three goddesses.] 】

[They were all very curious about what it was like for you, the chief Hestia of all the goddesses of Olympus, to be adopted as a righteous son.] 】

[And after seeing you, the goddesses also lit up one after another, feeling very satisfied with your appearance, and feeling that there are very few gods in the world who look as outstanding as you.] 】

[For these goddesses, Hestia, as the head of the goddess, would always come forward to drive them away, and her face was often crying and smiling.] 】

After a period of time, you have thoroughly understood the identity of the gods and the power of the gods, and your strength has once again been greatly improved. 】

[Hestia felt your divine power full of shock, and bluntly said that your strength is enough to compete with Zeus, the king of the gods!] 】

[You smile and don’t care about it.] 】

Now that your strength has been improved, the next thing you need to do is to make a name.] 】

Today, the gods know only that you are the righteous son of Hestia, only that you are born holy, but do not know what kind of god you are. 】

[In order to help Athena, you naturally cannot remain in obscurity.] But at the same time, you have absolutely no interest in bullying the gods in general, or in the so-called heroes of mythology. 】

【So! You went straight out of the Greek gods and challenged the other gods in the mythology! 】

[In the first battle, you challenge Thor, the strongest god of thunder in Norse mythology!] 】

[In front of everyone, you easily defeated Thor, who has the strongest name!] 】

If it weren’t for Odin, the god king of the Norse gods, he would have even died at your hands! 】

[As a result of this battle, all the gods in the world were shocked, and the gods of Greek mythology were also outraged by this!] 】

The gods of Mount Olympus had no idea that your strength would be so strong. 】

[You know, Thor, the thunder god of Norse mythology, is an extremely powerful being!] Even in their Greek mythology, there are very few beings who can be defeated by gods! 】

[And you, as a newborn deity, defeated Thor, the god of thunder, in the first battle!] This shocked them at the same time, but also gave you a lot of prestige on Mount Olympus. 】

[However, it is not over.] 】

[Having defeated Thor, the god of thunder, you have once again found Shiva, the god of destruction, one of the three gods of the ancient Hindu gods.] 】

[As one of the three gods of the ancient Hindu gods, Shiva! 】

[His strength is undoubtedly strong, and you did not divide the results after a battle with him, but ended in a draw.] 】

[However, this is enough to shock people.] 】

[Because the three-phase gods represent the supremacy in the ancient Hindu gods!] 】

[As one of the strongest gods in the world, they are equivalent to Odin, the god king of Norse mythology, and Zeus, the king of the gods in Greek mythology.] 】

[They are all one of the strongest god kings even among many gods.] 】

[How can you fight a draw with such a being, and how can you not shock people?] 】

All the gods were shocked that there was suddenly such a powerful god in the world, but on Mount Olympus, the gods were full of excitement. 】

[Because you, as the righteous son of Hestia, this is undoubtedly promoting the name of the Greek god system and the power of the Greek god system!] 】

[Also Greek mythology, the gods of Mount Olympus, how they are not proud, how not to be proud!] 】

[This has undoubtedly increased your prestige in Greek mythology again, even to the rank of the twelve main gods.] 】

[Next, you challenged and killed the ancient Persian warrior god Welleslana, the king of the gods of the Canaanite god system Mekal, the god king Nuada of the Danu god clan in Celtic mythology, the emperor of one of the twelve kings of Buddhism, and the goddess Amaterasu, the supreme ruler of the high heavens…]

[The gods do not really die.] 】

However, once killed, it will also fall into a long sleep. 】

The gods you killed were terrified! The killing made the gods shudder! Your strength has also shocked countless gods! 】

【God of God! 】

[This is the name of the gods given to you by many gods.] 】

Your prestige has spread throughout the myth. 】

[Your prestige has undoubtedly reached its peak in Greek mythology!] It began to be vaguely compared to Zeus, the king of the gods. 】

Many of the gods of Greek mythology began to worship you and were proud to be in the same lineage as you.] 】

With supreme prestige, you returned to Mount Olympus. 】

On your return, the twelve main gods of Olympus, including Zeus, the king of the gods, personally went out to receive you. 】

[Nowadays, they are very receptive to you, and the look in your eyes is full of relief, and they are beginning to really think of you as part of Olympus.] 】

You and Athena looked at each other and smiled slightly, and everything was silent. 】

At the same time, you don’t forget to smile at Hestia, who smiled and nodded to you in response. 】

[Countless gods cheer for you at this moment!] The cheers resounded throughout Mount Olympus:]

Under the blazing eyes of the gods, your prestige has reached its peak!] 】

[After your return, the twelve main gods, including Zeus, the king of the gods, also began to discuss whether to add another main god to Mount Olympus.] 】

[From twelve main gods to thirteen main gods.] 】

Your current strength and prestige are undoubtedly worth it. 】

[But the influence is also too great, and it is also full of trouble, and the Lord God opposes it.] 】

In order to appease you, they claim to be able to give you the truth of the twelve main gods, but they do not have the name of the twelve main gods. 】

You only feel ridiculous about this. 】

[And just when the gods were arguing, Hestia, as one of the twelve main gods, automatically stood up and said that he voluntarily gave up the position of the main god and gave up the position of the main god to you:]

Hestia’s proposal undoubtedly shocked all the main gods present, and they looked at each other one by one. 】

When you hear this, your heart is also shocked, and you stand up and just want to refuse. 】

Hestia’s gentle divine power stopped you, and she smiled softly at you and shook her head. 】

[You are silent about this.] 】

[The other main gods were full of surprise that Hestia had taken the initiative to give way, but they were also very happy, and after repeatedly confirming Hestia, they also relaxed.] 】

[Since there is a vacant position, then the next thing is naturally logical, it is easy, and you have succeeded in sitting on the throne of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus.] 】

[The message is out. 】

Mount Olympus is also more joyful and lively, and the gods are cheering!] 】

Outside Mount Olympus, many gods were also full of shock at this. 】

But you know that your position as Lord God was ceded by Hestia. 】

[After the end of the Council of the Gods.] 】

[Athena came to Hestia and silently said a word for you as a future wife:]

“Thank you. “】

Hestia smiled at this and shook his head again. 】

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