Chapter 109: Almighty God! S-rated Rating!!

After the voice of the system drops.

A huge force! Just carry the momentum straight into the sky! Once again, it shrouded Kitahara Hakuaki’s body!

The power of a million gods!

God King Zeus! God King Odin! Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas!

At this moment, all of them fell on the body of Kitahara Baiqiu! These exist! Or is it!

Not to mention!

Kitahara Hakuaki really got the god-killer physique in the last simulation! He kills the gods and gains power!

There is no longer any restriction on the power used by ordinary god killers! It can be said that as long as you get it!

He could use the ownership power of the Million Gods as he pleased! At this moment, in addition to the lack of strength!

Kitahara Hakuaki has truly begun to build the foundation of the Almighty! In addition to the Golden Talent Divine Species.

And the huge boost that the King of the Gods brought to him in the simulation! Skyrocket!

A real surge!

At this moment, the strength of Kitahara Baiqiu also reached a multiplication of the momentum on his body for a long time.

Because the power of a million gods is really too great! Even if it’s an emulator!

It also takes time! Only then can it all be passed on to Kitahara Hakuaki’s body!

“As long as I am not in those perverted worlds, I may already be called an Almighty God.”

Kitahara looked at his palm.

Feel the feeling of being able to grasp everything and do whatever you want.

It is also said with emotion.

Really feel the power.

Even Kitahara Baiqiu had to sigh, it was really too perverted.

This is also the strength of the gods of the God Killer World in the heavens, which is indescribably invincible in the heavens world.

Otherwise, he would already be a true Almighty God at this moment.

“Speaking of which, I really have to thank myself for the last explosion!”

If there is no such explosion.

Although he had killed a lot of gods before, it was nothing compared to what he was now!

Kitahara Hakuaki guessed.

Presumably it was himself! I didn’t even think that the self-explosion would have such a big gain!

After all, if not see the emulator rewards.

Kitahara Bai Qiu didn’t think of it at all.

Or rather, unbelievable!

At this moment, there is no doubt that it is all a bonus! With the passing of the moment!

After the power and power of Kitahara White Autumn reached its peak.


【Rewards have been issued.】 】

[Simulator into the cooldown, this simulation cooldown time: 48 hours!] 】

“Forty-eight hours?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu saw the cooling time on the simulator and was also stunned.

Two days!

This can be said to be the longest cooling since the Kitahara White Autumn Awakening Simulator!


Think about it! Understandable!

[Ding: Detected that the host has a blue talent plot in this simulation!] Curing! The host can choose a plot to cure! 】

Here it comes!

Kitahara’s eyes lit up.

This talent that has been drawn twice in a row, there is no doubt that this time will bring him a huge gain!

If only this simulation is concerned!

This talent is almost the same as that of me who has an identity! Where is it just blue!

However, it may also be that the simulation result is played by their own strength, and the talent is only responsible for curing, so it is only blue!

Kitahara Baiqiu thought about it and said without hesitation: “The system, solidify the plot to the point of killing the god king Zeus!” Athena and I founded the Elegant Gods there! ”

No doubt.

Kitahara White Autumn is enough as long as it solidifies to this place.

This point in time is the perfect time point for this simulation! If you continue any further.

That was his wedding to Athena.

In that case, it must be solidified until the final king Rama comes.


At that time, the wedding was only halfway through………

Solidified to that point in time, he disappeared halfway as the groom is not very good in the end………

“Oh, yes! And about Medusa, the girl doesn’t want to leave that part with regrets. ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu thought of something, and also continued to speak.

Well, although the emulator self is also yourself.

But if that kind of thing also solidifies, then he has to eat his own vinegar, he is honest.

[Ding, selection successful, curing is complete.] 】

[Please note that the talent plot! 】 Curing! While it can make what happens in the emulator come true, it downplays the presence of the host. 】

People will only remember someone doing it, but they don’t remember who that person is. 】


Kitahara said without any concern.

With the talent to ‘think of his grandfather’, this is not a problem at all.

If he didn’t have this talent, then he was probably in a bit of trouble.

Speaking of which, this is just a blue talent.

Sizzle ~ think about it.

Most of the blue talents can’t make people stronger, but it’s really better than one.

[Ding, detected that the host has reached the S-level evaluation of this simulation, you can choose whether to clear the world. 】

[Option 1: Clear the world, turn everything in this simulation into reality, and completely solidify the results of this simulation.] 】

[Option 2: Refuse to clear this world, continue to simulate through this world, and the next simulation will be opened in an immersive simulation.] 】

Note: Immersive simulations will come with certain risks, please be aware of the host.] 】

Seeing the contents of the simulator, Kitahara Shiraaki froze for a moment.

Think about it.

Nyima’s is still true.

This time he simulated, it was as if he had killed the final boss of the God Killer World, ‘The Last King’ Rama.

The funny thing is that this ultimate BOSS.

In the final moments of Armageddon, it was just a background board.

Kitahara Bai Qiu Fu forehead, there is nothing left to say.

“Choose two and choose two.”

Kitahara said without hesitation.

When the ghost destroyed the world, he could not accept that so many people had died in the butterfly house to continue the simulation.


The elegant divine lineage he and Athena had built had been slaughtered, and how could he accept it!

Although, the gods don’t really die!

However, in the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu, who had only lived for more than ten or twenty years, what was the difference between sleeping for ten thousand years and dying!

His current strength was no weaker or even stronger than that of the last king Rama! And what are you afraid of?

[Select Success.] 】

Determined to continue the simulation. 】

[You can choose to inherit a talent, and the inherited talent will inevitably appear in the next simulation, please ask whether to choose to inherit.] 】

“Inherit talent?”

Kitahara Bai Qiu thought about the three talents he had simulated this time.

Deity Species (Golden)

I’m also a person with an identity (blue) plot! Curing! (blue)

In the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu, it is really good to be every one! Alas, alas.

In front of the golden legend.

Kitahara White Autumn also had no choice.

“Inherit the Divine Species.”

Kitahara said.

In his heart, he also silently bid farewell to the other two thieves’ useful talents.

[Ding, has successfully inherited the talent of the Divine Species, which will inevitably appear in the next simulation.] 】

Kitahara Bai Qiu nodded.

If it was in the world of the God Killer, the benefits brought to him by the Divine Spirit Seed might already be the limit.

It’s like being in the world of ghosts in the first place.

He obviously had the protection of the Red Talent Sword Saint, but the kendo had reached a certain peak.

But he could no longer ascend.

It wasn’t that the talent wasn’t enough, it was that the world limited him. Each world has its own upper limit allowed by the power of the world.


Although the talent of the Divine Spirit Species had reached the limit in the God Killer World, it had reached its limit.

But if you encounter a god world that is more powerful than the god killer! So!

The help that the Divine Spirit Seed brought to the Northern Plains White Autumn would undoubtedly be great again.

“The World of the God Killer!”

“It’s time to clear customs!”

“As always, with the most perfect ending!”

Kitahara Bai Qiu casually turned off the simulator and thought so in his heart.

And the time to clear customs………

No doubt, right next time! Forty-eight hours later!

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