Chapter 111 Kasumigami Shiyu and Light Novels! The fate between the two!!

The present life of Hestia, the goddess of fire.

It did not bring much waves to the world, and for Kitahara Baiqiu, it was just one more holy and beautiful goddess in the family.

As for the outside world, no one knows that the goddess has come. The cooldown time for this simulator is forty-eight hours.

Since tomorrow is the weekend.

Kitahara did not have to go to school these two days.


Not having to go to school doesn’t mean that Kitahara has nothing to do.

The next day, early in the morning.

In the middle of an upscale hotel.

Kasumigaoka Shiba woke up from her bed quietly.

Confused and cute looks, and a night of sleep is not peaceful.

Both the clothes and the hair are slightly messy, and the better figure is undoubtedly displayed at this moment.

The messy beauty of this formation makes Kasumigaoka Shiyu at this moment undoubtedly not full of temptation.

Aside from the identity of the best-selling light novelist.

A young girl named Kasumigaoka Shiba.

Ben is with a perfect face, a perfect body. The girl who made countless people longed for the object.

Graceful in stature and fair in skin.

Such a cute and beautiful girl, I don’t know who will be cheaper in the future.

Confused, he sat up from the bed.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked around and saw the luggage she had packed last night.

Consciousness is also finally beginning to return to the brain.

She remembered.

From today on, she will move to her former vision, admiration… Crumb’s home.

Wait a minute, and the Crumb will come and pick her up.

Thinking of this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but show a smile on her face.

Slowly dressing herself, Kasumigaoka Shiyu gave a sigh.

The long rounded legs began to be covered with black stockings that were enough to make countless men thrilled.

After putting on your shoes afterwards.

Kasumigaoka Shiba was about to get up and wash up.

And that’s when it happened.

Her phone suddenly rang again.

“Shiba! Shiba! Are you awake? Woohoo……”

After another snort, Kasumigaoka slowly picked up the phone.

And the phone was just picked up.

Suddenly there came the woman’s cry.

“Of course you’re awake, or you think who’s answering your call?”

Just woke up, Kasumigaoka Shiyu still had a cute and lazy look like a cat on her face.

She directly ignored the cries of the girl on the other side of the phone and began to spit casually.

“Whew! Shi Yu you listen to me, White Night Teacher… White Night Teacher……… He still hasn’t delivered the manuscript! Did you really help me talk to Teacher White Night?!! ”

The voice on the other side of the phone was obviously a little hurried and excited at the moment. And this person is the co-editor of Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Kitahara Hakuaki.

Machida Enko.

Because Kitahara Hakuaki has been dragging the draft since he awakened the simulator.

The previous Machida Enko also entrusted Kasumigaoka Shiyu to urge Kitahara Hakuaki.

“I told Teacher White Night about this last time we met… In other words, Yuan Zi, this kind of thing, as an editor, can’t you go to Teacher White Night by yourself? Always buy something miserable in front of me. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s tone was somewhat helpless.

As he continued to walk to the bathroom, he spoke.

She has a good relationship with her editor, so it’s okay to call her by name.

“But ah, but… It was because of my identity as an editor that I did not dare to urge Teacher White Night. ”

“What if I go to Teacher White Night and arouse the disgust of Teacher White Night, and Teacher White Night is angry and will not write a book in the future?”

“You know, the money that Teacher White Night has earned by writing books over the years has been something that ordinary people can’t earn in their lifetimes!” He can completely stop writing and enjoy life in the future! ”

Machida said in a somewhat anxious tone, crying and crying.

Ming was almost thirty years old, but in front of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, he behaved like a child.

She was really worried that Kitahara Baiqiu would raise the light novel industry because she had made enough money, and the loss would be too great.

She would simply become a sinner in the light novel industry.

“Compared to me, Shi Yu, you are different, who doesn’t know that Teacher White Night has the best relationship with you.”

“When you were faced with a waist cut, Teacher White Night did you a great favor without hesitation, and the whole industry is still talking about it.”

“You had a great relationship in the beginning, not to mention that you are now more intimate.”

“Talented men and women like you and Teacher White Night, you don’t know how well you are in the eyes of others, and even if you suddenly announce your marriage one day, we will not be surprised.”

“So this is definitely a small thing for you, please help me.”

Machida kept appealing on the other side of the phone. Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard the words, and her face instantly turned red.

Married? And the Crumbs?

Maybe that’s not bad…

Kasumigaoka Shiyu Haruhi’s heart fluttered, her heart beat faster, and she couldn’t help but think.

However, on the surface, she still said helplessly: “However, this is what I have already told Bai Qiujun once, maybe Bai Qiujun has been very busy lately, right?” ”

“Besides, didn’t you also say that the money Bai Qiujun earned was already the money of ordinary people for several lifetimes?” This is understandable, even if it is not written. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said.

She knew Kitahara Hakuaki.

I know why Kitahara Hakuaki has been dragging out the manuscript lately.

Others may be joking if they drag out the manuscript because they are saving the world.

But Kitahara White Autumn.

He is really saving the world!

So even if Kitahara Baiqiu really gave up writing a novel one day.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also understood.

However, there must be some regret in my heart.

He and she.

Because the novel meets, because the novel knows each other, because the novel loves each other.

In the end, one of them had to give up.

Whatever the reason, isn’t it a complete shame?

“If you can’t do it once, then say it again!”

Machida’s voice suddenly spoke loudly at this moment.

Her tone was anxious, and she said urgently: “Teacher White Night quit the light novel world? How about that! Do you know what this means? Shiba! Even if it’s a joke, I won’t allow you to say that! ”

“Now half of the best-selling people in the light novel industry are the works of Teacher White Night, that is to say, Teacher White Night is equivalent to half of the light novel industry!”

“When he quit the light novel industry, doesn’t that mean half of the country has fallen?” The loss is simply too great! I will be a sinner in the industry! ”

Oh, yes……… But so what…

Kasumigaoka Shiyu understood, she always understood.

That man was strong, confident, and excellent.

That’s why he let himself be so fascinated and trapped in it, and it’s not just because he helped himself in the first place.

It’s just that for the sake of more important things, you have to give up something.

Even regret is helpless.

“Shi Yu, where are you now, I’ll come to you tonight after work!” Let’s persuade Teacher White Night again! Teacher White Night is still young! Rather, too young! It’s not okay to quit or something. ”

Machida said hurriedly on the other end of the phone.

If Kitahara Baiqiu really wanted to give up, this beautiful editor made up her mind to persuade Kitahara Baiqiu to come back!

Even if it comes at any cost.

“Huh? Tonight? Not tonight. ”

When Kasumigaoka heard Machida’s words, Kasumigaoka turned around and said in a panic, “Why? ”

Machida asked doubtfully.

He is a light novelist and a light novel editor.

Is there anything more important between them than the light novel half of the country is going to fall?

“Tonight… I’m going to Bai Qiu’s place……”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu blushed and whispered.

Machida was silent.


I didn’t expect it to be.

That is the half of the light novel.

After a moment of silence, Machida Enko was surprised again and said, “Shiba, this is a great thing!” ”

“Just use your body to make Teacher White Night turn back to the shore!” The light novel world can’t live without White Night Teacher! ”

“No one can refuse you!” Not even Teacher White Night! ”

“Rest assured, I will not forget your efforts, and I will definitely compensate you in the future.”

“Whoops, let you be wronged by Shi Yu, it is my inability to edit.”

“If I hadn’t been a little bit older, I would have definitely been on my own…”

Machida said gibberish on the other side of the phone, excitedly.

Although she was joking.

But it’s not exactly a joke either!

Because she knew that the relationship between Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Kitahara Hakuaki was really good! The two of them were almost at the door.

If the two can cultivate the right results, they can also let Kitahara Baiqiu continue to stay in the light novel world.

That’s a double blessing!

Kasumigaoka Shiba listened to Machida’s gibberish, her face was completely red, and her heart was racing.

In the mirror, she is simply lovely at this moment: no hesitation!

She hung up Machida’s phone.

In my ears, this time there was finally no messy sound.

After you hang up the phone.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was relieved and calmed down a little.


Next second.

[Machida Enko: I wish you and Mr. Hakuyo a good night, and finally…… Don’t forget what I told you!!! 】

Machida Enko sent a message to Kasumigaoka Shiba directly on the line.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was already smoking above her head.

Almost shyly threw the phone out and smashed it.

In the end, the whole person shrank into a ball and made a cute sound.

White Nights……… Teacher…

Kasumigaoka Shiyu silently recited the name of Kitahara Hakuaki in her heart.

After a long time.

This finally calmed down a little.

And that’s when it happened.

Her phone also rang again.

“Shi Yu, I’ve arrived, are you okay?”

This is the message sent by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Today is the day that Kasumigaoka Shiba moved into the Kitahara family.

“I’m all right, Bai Qiujun.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu took one look and replied…

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