Chapter 115 Go Home! There is a god coming!!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was still a little slow to react, was still unaware.

Now she.

In addition to already mastering the power to kill Machida Enko, he even mastered the relationship between her and Kitahara Hakuaki.

The life-and-death power of love crystals.

Kitahara Shiaki looked at the happy Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

It’s all dumbfounded.

Well, there are so many hundred million points of cuteness, a hundred million points of Beiyuan Baiqiu heart Oh, but so.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu lay quietly in Kitahara’s arms and looked at the original manuscript of the novel in his hand.

In the eyes, there is also a variety of colors.

It is worthy of the White Night Teacher, and the writing is really wonderful.

Kitahara Bai Qiu hugged Kasumigaoka Shiyu and listened to her exclamation of words, and also responded to her from time to time.

He didn’t get bored.

After all, this is Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Kitahara White Autumn will not get tired even if he embraces eternal life.

Listening to the chirping and excited words, he only felt peaceful and happy in his heart, and felt extra comfortable and warm.

That’s it.

After Kasumigaoka Shiyu finished reading all the novels.

The time has come to night.

The silver moon outside the window is dotted with the original deep blue night sky, and the sky is dotted with stars, like bright diamonds, scattered in the dark sky.

Although the hotel has been renewed for a day.

But Kasumigaoka Shiyu clearly didn’t plan to stay here another night.

Looking at the night sky outside the window, Kitahara Baiqiu touched Kasumigaoka’s hair and said gently, “Go back.” ”


Kasumigaoka nodded obediently.

As a result, she originally thought she was fine.

But because the range of action is too large, it is a hissing sound.

Kitahara Baiqiu quickly supported her and smiled, “Okay, slow down, don’t worry.” ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu laughed angrily and pecked at him, “It’s not all your fault!” All blame you! ”

“Yes and yes, all blame me for me, then, I don’t know if Queen Shiyu can give the little one a chance to make up, let the little one carry you home.”

Kitahara Bai Qiuying and Kasumigaoka Shiyu leaned down and crouched down in front of her and smiled.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu snorted coldly, and the expression on her face was slightly red, “Since Teacher White Night knows that he is wrong, then naturally I am not a person who is messing around, so give the teacher this chance.” ”

Speaking, she also naturally lay on the back of Kitahara Baiqiu, clinging to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Baiqiu felt the softness behind him and smiled slightly.

And then.

He got up and walked outside with Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Lying on Kitahara’s broad back, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also felt extra safe.

However, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt the surprised gaze of everyone along the way, which also made her blush.

Until almost home.

There was no one nearby, and Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s heart calmed down.

Only the attachment to Kitahara Baiqiu and the warmth of this moment remained.

“Now, Bai Qiujun.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly opened her mouth.


Kitahara Bai Qiu heard the voice and subconsciously turned back: Then.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu took the opportunity to peck at Kitahara Baiqiu’s cheek and said proudly, “Don’t be too proud of you.” ”

Listening to Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s shy and cute speech, Kitahara Bai Qiu laughed.

“Sure enough, Shi Yu, you are so fascinating.”

Subsequently, under the exclamation of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Kitahara Baiqiu also accelerated his steps.

It didn’t take long.

The two had already returned home.

Kitahara Shiaki gently lowered Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Once landed.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also turned into a hammer and a turn.

Hear the movement.

Hestia and Fallen Ji in the room also ran out.

“White Autumn! You’re back! ”

Hestia was also dazzled after seeing the white autumn of the Northern Plains.

Directly with the ball hit the person, rushed over and hugged Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Bai Qiu, where have you been, and didn’t come back one night!” Last night, at least I ordered takeout for me and Fallen! But today, we haven’t eaten a meal! ”

Hestia hugged Kitahara and yelled.

The tone was full of strong condemnation.

“Oh, this…”

Kitahara was a little embarrassed.

Today, he was warming up with Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and indeed he had forgotten about this stubble.

“You and Fallen Ji are not ordinary people, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t eat for a day…”

Kitahara White Autumn is insufficient.

“Huh?! Obviously, before Bai Qiu, we taught us not to forget to eat even if we like games, right? ”

Hestia’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Two, pole reversal? The corners of Kitahara’s mouth twitched.

Unexpectedly, he was also educated by Hestia and hit his own feet with a stone.

“Even so, you can order your own food, I remember I seem to have given you a card, and you can’t use it…”

Hestia and Fallen Hime, who have inherited the common sense memory of Kitahara Baiqiu, do not have any problems of being incompatible with the present world.

“No, it’s not what Bai Qiu prepared for me and I don’t eat, even if it’s delicious and delicious, I will only eat Bai Qiu’s you.”

Hestia shook her head and muttered as a matter of course.

Looking at Hestia’s cute appearance, Kitahara Baiqiu smiled and touched her head: “Well, I admit that this time it was my fault, next time it will not.” ”

“Then I will forgive you!”

Hestia heard this and said happily.


She only then looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the side and asked doubtfully, “Bai Qiu, who is this?” ”

“Her name is Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and from today on she is also the person who lives with us, Shiba, this is Hestia, the goddess I told you about before, and the other one you have also seen, Fallen Hime.”

Kitahara Hakuaki began to introduce the three of them.

Kasumigaoka nodded politely to Hestia and Akira.

Hestia’s eyes were full of curiosity.

Because she could feel that Kasumigaoka Shiyu had the same eternal contract with Kitahara Shiba like her.

This must be Bai Qiu is a very important person.

Hestia thought in her heart.

“Hello, my name is Hestia, the goddess of fire.”

Hestia looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu and smiled.

“Hello, I’m Kasumigaoka Shiba.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw the petite goddess in front of her, in fact, there was some surprise.

However, she also responded politely.

Immediately, she also walked to the fallen Ji and said hello to the fallen Ji as well.

The two had met before.

Falling Ji felt the power in Kasumigaoka’s body and was also full of shock.

Obviously, she had seen Kasumigaoka Shiyu before, and she was still an ordinary person!

Now she has become stronger than her. Fallen Ji glanced at Kitahara Bai Qiu.

When facing Kasumigaoka Shiba.

I couldn’t help but feel some restraint.

As Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked towards the fallen Hime, Hestia also sensed something was wrong.

“Huh? Shi Yu, how did your leg get lame? ”

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu heard this, her heart directly thumped.

Subconsciously looking at Kitahara Baiqiu, her face turned red, and she replied in a low voice: “By, bitten by insects…”

Yes, bugs! That bug is big!

“Is that the case?”

Hestia suddenly realized, nodded her head, and then showed an angry expression: “Damn the worm, how dare you bite Shi Yu!” ”

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

To this.

Fallen Ji’s eyes widened.

Hestia was so simple that she didn’t even know about it, but she didn’t do it, but she knew it.

After Hestia’s reminder, he immediately remembered.

For a moment, the expression on her face when she looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu became more restrained.

“Need me to treat you?” Shi Yu? Don’t look at me like this, in fact, I can still do this thing. ”

Hestia patted her chest and said confidently.

“No, no, in fact, Bai Qiujun has already treated me.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s heart beat faster, and her face had an imperceptible flush.

Hearing Hestia’s words, he quickly refused.

“Oh, that’s okay too.”

Hestia nodded, not caring.

Because in her opinion, this is not a serious injury.

And that’s when it happened.

Kitahara Bai Qiu and Hestia suddenly froze their eyes.

Perceive something.

Together, they looked in a certain direction in the distance.

“White Autumn.”

Hestia cried out subconsciously.

“Well, it’s all right, I’ll take a trip.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu spoke, and then Asaka no Yasuke Shiyu smiled and disappeared directly into the same place.

“Lord Goddess, Bai Qiujun, he is…?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was a little stunned by this and asked subconsciously.

“Ah, it’s all right, it’s just that another god has arrived, Bai Qiujun went to deal with it, rest assured, that god is not Bai Qiu’s opponent at all.”

Hestia grinned widely, heartless and lungless.

Hearing Hestia’s words, Kasumigaoka Shiyu first felt a tightness in her heart.


Are the enemies that Bai Qiujun is facing now all such a existence? Kasumigaoka Shiyu was unbelievable.

She knew part of the strength of the Northern Plains White Autumn before.

Now it’s so strong.

In Hestia’s mouth, not even the gods were the opponents of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was completely unimaginable.

How much suffering Kitahara Baiqiu suffered during this time.

This is Bai Qiujun.

She is the beloved and lifelong person of Kasumigawa Shiba.

“Ah, by the way, Shi Yu, you just call me Hestia, we are all people who have made a contract with Bai Qiu, there is no need for the goddess Lord Goddess to call the goddess Lord.”

Hestia thought of this and said seriously.

“Huh? Well, good goddess… Hestia. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was still thinking about Kitahara Hakuaki, and when she heard Hestia’s words, she subconsciously answered.


Hearing Kasumigaoka’s salutation, Hestia was very satisfied.

And then.

She showed an excited expression on her face again, and did not care about Kitahara Baiqiu, and asked, “One more thing, Shi Yu, do you like to play games?” ”


Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned at first and replied, “Sometimes I play with it, but I spend more time writing novels and reading novels.” ”


Hestia’s eyes lit up.

She knew this thing in Kitahara Baiqiu’s mind, but she hadn’t tried it yet.

The same was true of Fallen Ji, who couldn’t help but come up curiously.

“What’s that?” What is that? ”

Hestia asked excitedly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the two and smiled slightly.

Then he recounted the light novel that made him associate with Kitahara Hakuaki.

I heard that Kitahara Bai Qiu had been writing novels for a long time, and now he was the strongest person in the light novel industry.

Hestia and Fallen Ji were also screaming. The two also became interested in novels.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu frowned several times because of the pain.

Hestia could not bear it and repeatedly offered to treat Kasumigaoka Shiyu, but was refused.

Hestia did not understand this.

Until the three of them separated.

Another holy goddess in her body could not really look at it and told her the truth.

Hestia’s face was flushed, and smoke was rising from the top of her head.

Falling to the ground completely can not rise again… And.

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