Chapter 120 The True King! Sign a contract with Lady Aisha!!

“The strongest king…”

Lady Aisha looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with a complicated face, as if she wanted to say something, but she wanted to stop talking.

“Why are you looking at me with such an expression?”

Kitahara smiled, touched Mrs. Aisha’s head, and casually said that Mrs. Aisha was very well-behaved at this moment.

There was no expression of resistance, nor did he accuse Kitahara of Bai Qiu.

Instead, he allowed Kitahara to make such an intimate move on her.

“Well, it’s not a big deal, it doesn’t have to be like that.”

Kitahara saw that Madame Aisha’s face was still sad, and said again with a chuckle.

“Not really! What’s not to like? ”


Madame Aisha heard this.

However, it was directly breaking away from the hand of Kitahara Baiqiu that caressed his head.

The emotions exploded completely.

Lady Aisha was very excited and said to Kitahara Hakuaki, “We must guard this world at the center of the storm under the invasion of countless worlds!” Isn’t it not easy? ”

“You know, there are countless gods and spirits in other worlds, and there are also countless strong people! I’m not a kid! I don’t know what that means? ”

“The strongest king! Even if it’s you! Even if it’s you! ”

“Even if it’s Bai Qiu!” It wasn’t so powerful at the beginning…”

At the end of the speech, Mrs. Aisha’s tone was tinged with a hint of crying.

Unable to suppress her inner emotions, she rushed up and hugged Kitahara Baiqiu and cried bitterly.

The tone was full of heartache.

Madame Aisha had understood, understood everything.

Everything that mortals in this world know.

After kissing Kitahara Hakuaki, she understood it all.

For Mrs. Aisha.

Kitahara Baiqiu was actually complicated in her heart.

The first time he met Kitahara Hakuaki, he was killed by him.

At that time.

Lady Aisha had no doubt only fear of Kitahara Baiqiu.


The second time I saw Kitahara Hakuaki.

Through the day and night together, Mrs. Aisha also seems to have re-acquainted with Kitahara Baiqiu.

She was the original.

After learning the truth of his own world and knowing the existence of the Last King.

Although she still had a grudge against Kitahara Baiqiu, in fact, she didn’t have so much fear and hatred in her heart.

In the days that followed.

Under the leadership of Kitahara Hakuaki.

Princess Alice, goddess Athena, goddess Pandora.

Four people working together.

In the presence of Madame Aisha.

Research is being conducted one by one in order to defeat the Last King.

It also made Mrs. Aisha’s impression of Kitahara Baiqiu completely change.

I began to become very admired, very admired.

It is said that serious men are the most handsome. Lady Aisha is naturally not exempt from vulgarity.

Even if she is a god killer.

But behind the god killer, Lady Aisha is also a young girl.

How can you live with Kitahara White Autumn day and night, how can you not fall?


Mrs. Aisha has always kept this feeling in her heart, and has not said it, or even intended to say it.

But right now!

Lady Aisha really couldn’t help herself!

Kitahara White Autumn was not so strong at the beginning! Lady Aisha already knew this!

In order to become stronger, he did a lot of things, and through a lot of efforts, he became what he is now.

Madame Elsa herself knew it twice. The whole process witnessed the birth of Kitahara Baiqiu as a true god killer.

Nature knows the hardships inside.

However, this kind of thing.

Without her knowing.

How many times has Kitahara Baiqiu experienced it?

How many times has it taken to die to become as strong as it is now! Former Lady Aisha.

Perhaps he also thought that Kitahara Baiqiu was to defeat the last king, which is why he was so eager to become stronger.

But she didn’t expect that! The truth……… It is what it is today.

Not for anything to defeat the Last King.

It’s for the protection…… A world at the center of a storm, invaded by countless worlds.

In many worlds, there is more than one last king.

But there are countless of them!

Even those who are stronger than the Last King don’t know how to fight back!

“Bai Qiu, you are the real king.”

Mrs. Aisha looked up, and the pear blossoms on her face with the look of rain made her look like I was pitiful.

Without the slightest hesitation.

In this way, Lady Aisha took the initiative to kiss Kitahara Baiqiu.

This time, it wasn’t to know the knowledge of the world, nor was it for anything else.

She just wanted to kiss him.

Mrs. Elsa asked herself.

If you change yourself, you will never be able to do this.

Even if she learns the truth, she may run straight away.

After all, people are afraid, and god-killers are no exception.

However, Kitahara Bai Qiu stayed after knowing the truth.

Obviously, with his strength.

In most worlds, there is already an invincible existence.

It’s just that he’s out of here, out of the place where the center of this storm is.

Well, there is no doubt that he will live very comfortably.

But he didn’t, he chose to stay.

Stay and take on all the unknowns, face all the unknowns.

That’s why Mrs. Elsa said.

Kitahara Hakuaki is the real king, the king of the world.

The so-called demon king of the god-killer world, including herself, is not a king.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s emotional outburst for the girl was also stunned.

But then.

He also responded to the girl without any psychological pressure.

For a long time, after the lips parted.

Mrs. Aisha gasped for breath, and her eyes were full of admiration: “Let’s sign the contract, Bai Qiu.” ”

Lady Aisha alone did not dare to bear all this, it would weigh her breathlessly, but if it was with Kitahara Hakuaki.

Madame Aisha is willing, willing to bear with him, even if it is to give everything.

The matter of the contract.

Lady Aisha already knew that Kitahara Hakuaki had killed the God of Contract.

Not to mention that I had just heard it in the conversation between Kitahara Hakuaki and Artemis.

So, of course, she understood.


Kitahara nodded.

Nature would not reject the girl who was only in front of him and cared about her.

After another light kiss.

The bodies of the two also began to emit endless light.

The eternal covenant is in this moment.

It is also formed in the bodies of Kitahara Hakuaki and Lady Aisha.

Madame Aisha ignored it.

She just closed her eyes to enjoy, closed her eyes to perceive everything with Kitahara Baiqiu.

Now she……

Perhaps, in the heart of Kitahara Baiqiu.

It should be the same as the martial arts king Luo Hao, right? Mrs. Aisha has not forgotten.

During the first simulation, Kitahara Baiqiu deliberately left his hand on the martial arts king Luo Hao.

The smile on Kitahara’s face when Kitahara Baiqiu mentioned the martial arts king Luo Hao…


The martial arts king Luo Hao still did not know the truth, and she had undoubtedly not yet signed a contract with the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Therefore, I am not like the martial arts king Luo Hao.

Instead, it has been, ahead of her!

In the light dissipated.

After Mrs. Aisha figured this out, she smiled brightly at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at it slightly.

And the other side.

Artemis, who witnessed it all from beginning to end.

At this moment, there was a hint of redness on his face.

In his eyes, there was also a complicated look.

Mrs. Aisha’s words are very easy to understand.

Combined with the fact that they are not the same world, and the situation in the world today.

Artemis probably already understood.

This made her look at Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes was also extremely complicated.

How could she not have thought of it.

Hestia chose someone so good.

The brilliance carried by his body made Artemis feel a little ashamed of himself.

And what shocked Artemis the most was that.

As Lady Aisha said, Kitahara Baiqiu was not so strong at the beginning.

This made Artemis, who had originally been like a god like a god, unbelievable.

He was so strong, had he ever been weak?

So, what exactly happened to make him as powerful as he is now?

Artemis had a very complicated look in his eyes.

No wonder.

No wonder Hestia chose him too.

It fell so quickly.

Artemis seemed to understand at this moment.

Just this one.

It’s not completely without its drawbacks.

Although this shortcoming was nothing in the eyes of the gods, in the eyes of the Immortal Species.

Artemis looked at Kitahara Hakuaki and Lady Aisha and blushed in his heart.

Continuous interaction between the two.

Undoubtedly made the heart of a goddess somewhere speed up three…

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