Chapter 122 Hestia and Artemis meet! Two Hestia?!!

“Your Excellency, allow me to ask, Hestia, don’t you know that there are gods in this world?”

Artemis’s expression became obviously a little anxious, and he asked Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Oh, this… Yes, I know. ”

Kitahara Shiroaki did not know so, replied awkwardly.

Artemis sniffed his forehead and had a look of utter speechlessness.

She knew.

It is impossible to know that Hestia, as a god, could not have been unaware that another god had come to such a thing.

Even if you don’t know it’s her, you should know that God has come, right?

“The result… Knowing this, Hestia turned out to be… Can you still have peace of mind? ”

Artemis muttered with a dull stare.

She couldn’t understand it.

In her opinion, the performance of the previous girl named Kasumigaoka Shiyu was the performance that should be in this situation.

What is the situation of Hestia……… Obviously, it is the object of the lifelong agreement.

Outcome……… How can you behave so heartlessly?

Artemis was incredible.

“……… In fact, it is not a big deal, they like to play well let them play well Kitahara Baiqiu heard Artemis’s words, and their faces were also crying and smiling. ”

Get it.

This is a serious goddess.

“What’s not a big deal, Your Excellency Kitahara, IMHO, it was your connivance that made Hestia what she is now.”

Artemis had a look of irritation on his face.

Not to Kitahara Hakuaki, but to Hestia.

Artemis saw that Kitahara Hakuaki was still speaking for Hestia in this situation.

She could imagine it.

On weekdays, how much Kitahara Baiqiu spoiled Hestia.

Although seeing Kitahara Hakuaki so fond of Hestia.

Artemis was also relieved.

But at the same time, she also knew that it was not okay to go on like this.

Hestia will absolutely become a waste goddess under the favor of Kitahara Hakuaki!

“Your Excellency, you may not know that when you were in the Divine Realm, Hestia was a delicious and lazy goddess.”

“Although she was already very wasted before, every day the gate does not come out, the second door does not move, and it is a house goddess.”

“If you continue to indulge like this, she will definitely become more wasteful!” Artemis’s face was full of seriousness. ”

Kitahara Hakuaki: “…”

Kitahara Baiqiu’s expression was subtle.

He felt like he was being educated, and it was a strange feeling.

Like a father who spoils his child or even to the point of doting.

Take good care of your child and respond to your needs.

Then one day.

The child’s mother also showed up after seeing the situation.

Directly and strongly condemn the child’s father and tell him that it is not okay to go on like this, it will raise the child into waste.

The father here naturally refers to Kitahara Hakuaki. And the mother, as the name suggests, is Artemis.

What is the incomparably correct three views?

But that’s not an ordinary child, will the gods really be raised? Kitahara Baiqiu was ashamed and couldn’t help but think in his heart.

“No way! I must educate Hestia, Your Excellency Kitahara, please ask, where is Hestia’s room? ”

“Mother” Artemis obviously couldn’t look at it anymore, with emotion on her face, and couldn’t help but ask.

“Father” Kitahara Hakuaki was speechless and silently pointed out the room of the ‘child’ Hestia to her.

Then Kitahara Bai Qiu watched.

Artemis walked menacingly to the room.

Open the door, go in, and then close.

The next second, Hestia’s exclamation came straight away.

“Huh? Artemis, how did you get here?!! ”

“How did I get here?” Don’t you perceive the coming of the gods? The god who came down was me! ”

“Sensed ah… But I didn’t expect it to be you! That’s great! Want to play games together? Artemis, I tell you, the games of this world are always fun! And ah, ah, tomorrow I am still going to buy a few light novels, Shi Yu introduced it to me, hehe, I heard that it was still written by Bai Qiu, hehe. ”

“Play the game and play the game! Hestia, when did you become like this? ”

“Oh, what are you talking about, Artemis, haven’t I always been like this?”

Hearing Hestia’s words. Look at her surprised expression.

All of a sudden.

Artemis was dumbfounded.

“That, the gods have come!” Your Excellency Kitahara went to solve the gods, and you were not worried at all? Haven’t you all made eternal covenants and made lifelong personal covenants with each other? ”

“Oh, that’s because Bai Qiu can completely solve it, of course I don’t have to worry.”

“……… What do you mean, you mean I’m weak? ”

“Huh? No, Artemis, I mean that Bai Qiu is really too strong, but you have come, and I don’t have to worry about it at all! ”

“Isn’t that saying I’m weak…?”


“In short, you are not allowed to play anymore, and if you continue to play like this, sooner or later you will become a waste goddess!”

“What’s so bad about turning into a waste, anyway, there is Bai Qiujun to raise me, but he wants to raise me to the destruction of the universe.”


“Oops! Wait, Artemis, that’s the cable, don’t unplug me! Don’t! ”

Hestia’s screams.

It didn’t take long for a noise in the room.

Followed by.

Fallen’s room.

There was no doubt that there was a surprise cheer.

It’s clear that the two are playing something akin to a game like a match.

And because Artemis pulled out Hestia’s wire, Fallen Ji won the final victory.

Hestia’s room.

After the two of them quarreled for a while, they also lay on the bed panting.

A smile appeared on his face at the same time.

As best friends, in fact, after a long time of reunion, the two are still very happy Hestia and even have some surprises.

However, Artemis felt that Hestia could not go on like this, but he was also sincere.

“Now, Hestia, Your Excellency Kitahara, what kind of person is he?”

Artemis lay in bed.

Looking at the ceiling of the other world, he subconsciously asked.

“Bai Qiu…”

Hestia lay next to Artemis, also looking at the ceiling, with a brilliant smile on her face: “It is a very fascinating person that the gods like him so much that they can’t help themselves.” ”

Saying this, Hestia’s face was also a little red, a little shy, but she still spoke.

“Is it…?”

Artemis heard the words and nodded at the thought of the path chosen by Kitahara Baiqiu.

She also had to admit it.

Kitahara Hakuaki is a person who just looks extraordinary.

It is also a good thing that Hestia can make an eternal pact with him.

After all, even Artemis had to admit it.

Even if Hestia really became a complete waste goddess.

The young man, named Kitahara Hakuaki, might really be willing to raise Hestia until the world is destroyed.

“Artemis, you don’t know Bai Qiu, and all you don’t know what magic is in Bai Qiu.”

“Although I have had less experience with Bai Qiu, we are destined to do so, and I know him very well.”

The two goddesses lay on the bed.

In this way, there was a wordless chat about Kitahara Baiqiu.

It looks unusually warm.

“Oh, by the way, don’t be too surprised to say, Artemis, you haven’t seen another me yet, I’ll let you meet now.”

Hestia suddenly thought of something and said with a mischievous expression on her face.


The God Slayer World Hestia.

He was released by Hestia.

In fact, Hestia did not restrict Hestia’s freedom at all.

After all, they are the same person.

However, it is worthy of being a goddess with the attributes of a house.

Hestia of the Godkiller World, when he was fine, did not have the intention of coming up with it at all.

With the slow appearance of Hestia.

Artemis was not only surprised, she was almost shocked! Another me?

Other words.

Is this Hestia from another world? Since there are many worlds.

It is indeed not impossible, then, to have another self with the same root.

And it is normal for beings to be of the same root and the same origin, and it is normal to be able to merge into one.

As a deity.

Artemis naturally thought of this very quickly.

In fact, she is not unacceptable to this.

But! Who can tell her?

This is in front of you! Is it really Hestia?!! Noble and holy.

The graceful and gentle gesture almost blinded Artemis’s eyes to Hestia.

Artemis even felt that this should be the goddess, this should be the goddess of the fire!

“Hello, you’re Artemis, the moon god of another world, aren’t you?” Nice to meet you. ”

When Hestia came out, he saw Artemis smile and speak.

No matter in that world, the relationship between the three goddesses can basically be said to be very good.

So naturally.

Even if it’s a world apart.

Hestia of the god-killing world also has a natural liking for the moon god Artemis.

And the lunar god Artemis.

Hearing Hestia’s words, he only felt that his whole body was crisp.

That is one, just listen to the sound.

You can feel the endless gentle nature of the goddess.

God and God really can’t be generalized.

Even if the same root is the same origin, the same God is the same.

Knowing that Hestia in her own world was almost a god, she didn’t expect her in another world to be so holy.

How this did not shock Artemis.

The gap is so large, which is surprising to describe?

“Well, it’s also nice to meet you, Hestia, and I think we’ll be friends.”

Artemis looked at the true goddess of fire, and there was some admiration in her eyes, so she opened her mouth.

And then.

She glanced at her friend………

“Hey! What’s that look in your eyes? It’s so disrespectful! ”

Hestia felt Artemis’s gaze and said loudly as if stimulated.

“Alas, nothing, but I didn’t expect the same god to be so different.”

Artemis sighed and told the truth about what he had in mind, “If it weren’t for the fact that you had known Hestia for so many years, I would have had to wonder if you were really the Fire Goddess.” ”


Hellish Hesti

Ya Wenwen’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Why is there such a doubt!” Moreover, even if you want to doubt, you should doubt me in another world! Obviously you are not in the same world! ”

“Do you mean this Hestian goddess?” She fulfilled all my imaginations of the Fire Goddess, why should I doubt her? ”

Artemis raised his forehead and said with some doubt on his face.

“You man… You man……… It’s just too much! ”

Hestia was mad at what he heard.

Without hesitation, he picked up the pillow and threw it directly at Artemis!

“Ha! This is what you threw first! Then don’t blame me! ”

Artemis naturally did not want to show weakness and fought hard.

Hestia watched the fight between the two with a smile on his face.

Althemis, the moon god of the other world?

It’s also very interesting.

I don’t know if Artemis, the moon god of her own world, has any hope of ——— with her.

That way, it is estimated that it will be more interesting.

Think so.

A pillow.

I don’t know if it was Hestia who threw it or Artemis.

It was smashed directly into the face of the holy goddess.

The scene was suddenly silent.

The holy goddess’s face stiffened at first.

Then, slowly stand up.

Picking up the pillow that had been smashed in his face, he smiled and said, “You guys, how dare you!” ”

No doubt.

Even the holy goddess is infected by the bustle at this moment.

Without hesitation, he joined the battlefield.

It wasn’t long before the three goddesses began to fight.

The sound of laughter and laughter also slowly came out of the room…

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