Chapter 130 Gathering! Princess Alice and Liliana!!

“……… Is this a joke? ”

“Oh, boss, now that the Magic Society of the whole world has received this intelligence from Sardinia, I think it should not be a joke, right?”

“That’s April Fool’s Day! Today must be April Fool’s Day! ”

“Today is not April Fool’s Day, this information is true, boss, you take it.”

“Accept reality…”

“Huh? Accept reality? What reality do you tell me to accept? ”

“Accept the birth of the seventh god-killer? Or did the seventh god-killer kill the two disobedient gods as soon as he opened the scene?!! ”

“Nima’s! That’s it! I accepted it just by happening! ”

“But you tell me! What is the god of war, Welleslana obediently leading to death! What is the god king Mercator hit by a second?! ”

“Huh? Yes!!! ”

“You tell me! You tell me! How did you start not talking? Yes!! ”

The above scene.

At this moment, it is screened in countless magical associations around the world.

The birth of the seventh king.

For the whole world, it is no longer a shocking thing! It’s unbelievable!

Everyone is in disbelief!

When was it so simple to kill the gods?

Even all the God Killers currently known! I can’t do that!!!

Is that really a god of disobedience?!! The whole world!

At this moment, they all began to make a sensation!

After determining the accuracy of the message! They can’t understand it! The birth of a seventh king could not be accepted.

It’s just a subversion of their previous cognition!!! What kind of being is this!

Slaughtering gods is like slaughtering dogs!

So, what did the so-called God Killer gain in front of him? The Demon King of the Demon King?!

Suddenly, everyone began to collect information about Kitahara Hakuaki.

I want to dig into the identity of the other person and figure out what the hell is going on!!!


No doubt.

They couldn’t find any results.

This undoubtedly made everyone even more stunned!!!

“Was the seventh demon king born?” It was so powerful that it couldn’t find anything, and it was really unbelievable. ”

“Alas, after all, such a powerful strength, is it really important that the Demon King?” I don’t know what such a existence wants to do when it suddenly appears, what is it really an eventful autumn~”

Alice Louis Orph Nafar.

Known as ‘White Witch Girl’.

Blonde hair sparkling with brilliance, graceful white women.

Former Speaker of the Greenwich Council of the Wise Men and now Special Adviser.

It was once hailed as the world’s first day.

Until the reborn Erica snatched the name.

Once, she also had an intersection with Kitahara Baiqiu.

Looking at the information in his hand, he couldn’t help but sigh at this moment and said sadly.

Princess Alice looked up at the sky.

At this moment, there was some trepidation in his eyes. Since I went to Neon once that year.

All these years.

There were things that really became less and less known to her. First of all, the elegant mythical goddess Athena, the queen of heaven.

I don’t know why I came to this world.

And now.

It is even more that such an incredibly powerful existence suddenly appeared in this world that caught people off guard.

Princess Alice knew.

All this changes.

It must have something to do with his neon trip.

But, about that trip.

What the hell is going on and why are you going.

Princess Alice couldn’t think of anything.

All she knew.

After a trip by myself, I learned a lot of new magic.

And this kind of magic, or the whole world does not exist, as if it has just been created.

There was a while before.

The goddess Athena came to the door.

Princess Alice clearly knew that the other party was the supreme goddess, the queen of the elegant god lineage, and the unrivaled god king in this world.

You must not provoke the other person.

But…… After seeing Athena.

Don’t know why.

Princess Alice was upset and couldn’t help but argue with the goddess Athena for two sentences.

She still remembers that it scared the whole world enough……… But she herself was very happy.

Strangely enough, the goddess Athena had a different attitude toward her than the others.

Until later.

Princess Alice only knew that there were some problems with Athena’s memory.

This filled Princess Alice with consternation! After all, that’s Athena!

The Queen of Heaven of the Elegant Divine System!

The Most High Goddess! One of the strongest god kings! The most powerful being among the Mother Earth!

Such a existence, even the memory will have problems, and helpless?

No doubt, by talking.

Princess Alice discovers that this is also related to her neon journey.

She guessed.

He may have known the goddess Athena in the first place.

This made Princess Alice very curious, curious about what had happened that time.

But even Athena couldn’t remember, let alone her.


Princess Alice sighed.

Immediately, he continued to look at the intelligence.

Immediately afterward, her face suddenly froze, and she stared dead at the information in her hand.

“Erica Brontri?!!”

Princess Alice didn’t think of anything of it.

He was able to see Erica Brontry in the intelligence.


The intelligence even says!

Erica was extremely close to the newborn God Killer.

This made Princess Alice simply unbelievable.

Be aware.

As a member of the lost memory.

Princess Alice has known all these years that she is the same person who has lost her memory!

Erica Brontry of the Red Copper Black Cross.

“Bronze Black Cross” of Liliana Kranichar. There is also the neon high-ranking witch ‘Yuan Witch Girl’ Wanli Gu Yuri. No doubt they are all part of it!

Because all four of them are also geniuses, the same beautiful girls, and they all have the same pity for each other.

Their relationship has always been excellent.

But now.

That Erica… Extremely close to the seventh king?

“It’s him! It’s him! He must be back! ”

Princess Alice’s body trembled, and the tears flowed uncontrollably at this moment.

Covered his mouth in disbelief.

Princess Alice’s emotions seemed to erupt in full force at this moment.

He……… Who is it?

Princess Alice didn’t know.


Princess Alice knew that she was now desperate to see him.

Can’t wait a moment! Can’t wait a second!

Go now!

“Neon! I’m going to Neon! ”

Yes, that’s right, neon.

After they met, there was a good chance that they would go neon.

Thinking of this, Princess Alice stood up, stumbled out of the door, and shouted directly outside: “I’m going to Neon!” Right now! Immediately! Right away! ”


Alice’s maid heard the words and heard this sudden request and suddenly exclaimed.

Her face was full of panic, and the maid lady subconsciously exhorted: “That, princess, but your body…”

Princess Alice looked up at her maid.

The maid lady saw the expression on Princess Alice’s face, but she directly froze the words behind her and could not say anything.

Princess Alice……… Crying?

Miss Maid stayed where she was, somewhat overwhelmed.

“I want to… Go neon. ”

Princess Alice’s voice began to be a little hoarse, but the look in her eyes was still unwavering.

“Yes! Be! I’ll arrange that. ”

The maid lady did not hesitate in the slightest.

Rush out and complete the task assigned by Princess Alice.

She didn’t ask why.

Such a Princess Alice, she had never seen before, naturally there was no need to ask.

All she had to do now was to fulfill Princess Alice’s request immediately.

After Miss Maid left.

Princess Alice’s whole person also fell softly in place.

Over the years, her health has gotten worse and worse, and she is even so weak that she can only lie in bed every day.

But she remembered.

There was once a man who gave her a promise. Promise that one day in the future, you will definitely heal yourself.

Now, she was going to see this man.


Among the bronze black cross of Italy.

Liliana Kranichar.

This silver-haired knight who is now known as the ‘Goblin of the Sword’. After seeing the information of Sardinia in his hand, he was also directly stunned.

Seeing that Erica was so intimate with people for the first time.

Liliana’s body was also trembling uncontrollably.

It’s you…… Coming back?

Liliana thought so.

Because besides that person, Erica would be close to someone else, which was impossible for Liliana.

The only possibility! The man is back!

Like Princess Alice, Liliana did not know who this person was or had no memory of this person.

But she knew.

This is someone who is important to themselves.


One of the god killers, the Demon King Count Waban, wants to summon the gods.

Hundreds of witches from all over the world were forcibly collected.

Liliana is one of them.

In the ritual where the slightest carelessness would have died, and few people should have survived.

But someone showed up and saved them all.

Even now, the deadly ritual is called a miracle by the world.

From that moment on.

Liliana admired the people who saved her.

It’s just that she can’t find the other person all the time.

Right now.

It was hard to get the news.

Liliana did not hesitate in the slightest.

At this moment, the turn also began to go in the direction of neon.

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