Chapter 138 Erica Strength! Overbearing Raho!!

The whole mysterious side of Neon was shocked at this moment.

Because Erica was completely beyond their understanding.

How can it be!

How can it be so strong?!!

Why is it so easy to crush the artifact holder!

Why can it be so easy to crush a witch who can use the power of the gods and perform the power of the gods?!!

Everyone here couldn’t figure it out! My heart was filled with shock!

Be aware! Erica in front of you! Just sixteen or seventeen years old! It’s reached heights that no one else has reached!

How this is not an uproar!

The attentive looked at Princess Alice, at Liliana, at Yuri Wanligu.

I found that there was not the slightest shock on their faces, but a look of reasonableness.

No doubt.

In the past, Erica had not shown such strength. Then the change in strength is only related to the new king……… This also proves that others are not surprised.

That is, except for Erica.

The other three are also very likely to have such strength?!! Everyone in the room cried.

What kind of configuration is this!

Originally, the strength of these young girls was already strong enough, and their allegiance to the new queen had become even stronger?!!

They feel incredibly naïve about their previous thoughts. Liliana, Princess Alice, Yuri Miriya. The three daughters were not surprised to see Erica strength.

It can only be said that Qingqiu Yuan Huina was really unlucky to be the king’s knight and the king’s witch.

The four of them themselves had beaten the Qingqiu Yuan Huina, and the Qingqiu Yuan Huina was still in line with the strongest one among them.

Yes, the strongest.

Erica was the strongest of them.

Even Princess Alice is not as good.

After all, there is a specialization in magic, and Princess Alice’s advantage is not in combat.

Wanli Gu Yuri also did not need to say that she and Princess Alice were the same, and the advantage was not in the battle.

As for Liliana.

Although she is also a knight in battle.

But now, she is not as good as being born again.

And Erica who has been taught for a while by the martial arts king Luo Hao.

Luo Hao looked at the spirited Erica with pride.

If nothing else, this was her once proud disciple, and how could she not be proud.

As for Erica strength.

Luo Hao was even less surprised.

Kitahara’s eternal contract, even she can strengthen, let alone Erica.

Not so much so.

Erica at the moment.

Not even at full strength!

“Heavenly Cloud Sword!” With my body as a contract! Original Quelling the Furious Spirit! ”

Qingqiu Yuanhui was singing the spirit of speech, and at this moment she was also very embarrassed, and a surprised expression appeared in her eyes.

She didn’t think of anything at all.

Obviously, he was only a knight of the king, and he would be so strong! Erica strength.

Even giving Qing Qiuyuan the feeling that he could already match the strength of his imaginary king!

But! How is this possible!

Doesn’t that mean that Erica has reached the level of a god killer?!!

Every knight or witch of the king.

Do they all have the strength of a god killer?

Even knights are so strong! That King……… How strong must it be?!! Qingqiu Yuan Huina was unbelievable.

The thought came out of my mind.

She gritted her teeth.

Although he had been crushed to death, he could not even see any hope of victory.

But she resisted.

Because, if it is so easy to lose.

Qingqiu Yuanhui really couldn’t imagine how low her status would be if she married the king.

No, you can’t say that.

Qingqiu Yuan Huina even felt.

If it was that simple defeat, the king wouldn’t even want her or not.

Because, useless people, why do they think that the king will agree to accept her?

Qingqiu Yuanhui’s face was full of stubbornness.

A simple girl, after identifying one thing, is unswerving.

Since she had decided to marry the king, she must marry the king!

She must tell the king… Prove your worth!!!

“Chiba Break–God’s Igaki–ko-ko-ko———-ko–ko-miko–ko–ko-ko-miko-

In order not to lose easily!

To prove your worth to the king!

Qingqiu Yuanhui had already begun to summon the divine power of the Heavenly Cloud Sword at all costs.

Her body and spell power at this moment were undoubtedly greatly enhanced! In the face of this powerful momentum, even the strong neon people around them retreated.

But! Useless!

No matter how Qingqiu Yuan Huina improves! Useless in front of Erica

Is it true that he can’t even become a royal concubine? Qingqiu Yuanhui’s eyes were confused.

Soon, just as she was getting weaker and weaker.

The Heavenly Cloud Sword itself! It also emitted an angry sword sound!

As an artifact! Even as a god!

It simply can’t be allowed! Allow yourself to be suppressed by a mere human being! Tiancong Cloud Sword was furious!

It directly began to erode the body of Keina in Kiyoaki-in.

At this moment, Qingqiu Yuanhui’s body was no longer controlled by itself, but by the Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword!

“Oops! The Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword stormed away!!! ”

Someone next to him exhaled in surprise, his face full of panic.

In this case, the Heavenly Cloud Sword that had run away directly revealed a huge real body!

Fifty meters high sword blade, transformed into a steel giant, once again greeted Erica!

It is no exaggeration to say that he has unleashed all his strength! The Cloud Sword of Heaven with an independent divine personality!

In this moment!

It is God! Not from the gods!

But Erica was brazen and went straight to the front! Just a sword!

She destroyed the huge Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword that had transformed into a hallucination, rescued the Qingqiu Yuan Huina who was already unconscious above, and gently held it in her arms.

This is Erica ‘s full strength sword!

The effect achieved is also to make everyone present stunned.

Definitely a god-killer-level strength!

Definitely a god-killer-level strength!

The Heavenly Cloud Sword is used as a weapon, although it has a divine personality, it is not as good as most gods with names and surnames.

But there is no doubt about it!

It has a divine personality! It can also be regarded as a god!

A sword to kill the Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword, not a god killer and what is it?!! No one thought of it.

Just a knight! Just a knight!

Erica is so strong! He even had the strength to be a god killer! In this moment.

They were the same as the previous Qingqiu Yuan Huina thought.

The knights are so strong, that king… How strong should it be!!!

“The so-called rumors on Sardinia…… Wouldn’t it all be true? ”

Someone in the crowd had a dry throat and asked subconsciously.

If it had been before, no one would have believed it.

But now, everyone here is silent.

Because at this moment, they felt that the so-called military god Welleslana voluntarily went to die, and it was not impossible for the god king Mercator to be killed with one blow.

After all, knights are so strong.

Everyone began to regret it at this moment.

I already knew that this new king was actually the kind of existence that really exceeded normal reason.

They also tried to make a hair! Wouldn’t it be better to surrender and submit directly!!! If nothing else, just an Erica said!

That’s enough to sweep everyone on their neon mysterious side!!! And under the hands of the new king!

Like Erica there are still four of them……… Among them, even the martial arts king Luo Hao.

All people’s hearts are crying without tears at this moment.

But there is no regret medicine in the world to eat.

At this moment, they were all kneeling on the ground, trembling, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe again.

“I’m like… Gain the power of the Heavenly Cloud Sword. ”

After closing her eyes for a while, Erica also said with some doubt, “In other words, then I am not a god killer now?” ”

Erica summoned at will.

A sword appeared in her hand! That wasn’t the Heavenly Cloud Sword and what was it?!!

However, Erica really didn’t care about the Heavenly Cloud Sword or something.

She already had the heart of a lion.

The Heart of the Lion was once a direct bond between her and the king.

How could it be possible to give up the Heart of the Lion and use the Heavenly Cloud Sword.

Besides, her current Lion Heart was no worse than this so-called Heavenly Cloud Sword of the Divine Artifact.

“Forget it! None of this matters! ”

Erica thought about it, she couldn’t think of a so-and-so, and she didn’t care.

After all, it really doesn’t matter.

No matter what, she just needs to know that she is the knight of the king, and always the knight of the king.

Hearing Erica’s words, the people around them who fell to their knees also looked at Qingqiu Yuanhuina, who was unconscious in her arms.

For this person who called himself Kitahara Baiqiu’s concubine, Erica still admired it if she had not signed a contract with Kitahara Baiqiu.

Erica felt.

He may be similar to the strength of the Qingqiu Yuanhui who completely released the Heavenly Cong Cloud Sword Force.

Although Qingqiu Yuanhui would be unconscious and uncontrolled when she fully released her power, it was estimated that she would still be defeated in the end.

Holding Qingqiu Yuanhui Na, Erica Xingchong was ready to ask the king what to do with his concubine.

But it was a discovery.

Next to the martial arts king Luo Hao, there was no figure of the king.

“Huh? What about the Lord, the King? ”

Erica asked subconsciously, somewhat strangely.

“Oh, who knows.”

Luo Hao’s face was covered with a sarcastic smile and he replied sarcastically.

Erica suddenly understood.

Her king must have gone to the people behind the curtain to settle the account.

Alas, he was really looking for death, and he dared to provoke the king.

Is her king something that can be messed with?

If the king had not been gone, Erica would have been able to say with confidence.

Even if she is out of the horse.

It can definitely make the existence of the king who dares to offend his own family not be able to eat and walk!

She just has this strength! Have this confidence too!

Since the king was not there, Erica also sent the unconscious Qingqiu Yuan Huina back to the room, waiting for the king to return to dispose of the young girl.

And just after Erica entered the door.

The martial arts king Luo Hao looked at the many high-ranking people present at the neon and said ruthlessly, “You, who has participated in this matter, who knows this matter, cut yourself off.” ”

“Otherwise, I promise, none of you will be able to leave here, because I will slaughter you all!”

Overbearing! Truculent! Brusque!

This is the King! Wuxia King!

Don’t look at Luo Hao’s cute appearance as a little woman in front of Beiyuan Baiqiu.


As a God Killer! As the Demon King! She is a wanton and wanton being!

How could she let go of these people who had been involved in calculating her husband!

Don’t think that if her husband goes to find the mastermind behind it, she will let these accomplices go! At this moment, Luo Hao, the martial arts king, had a murderous intent in his eyes.

To tell the truth, if it weren’t for the relationship between Wanli Gu Yuri.

She didn’t even mind slaughtering everyone outright! Instead of giving them a choice!

Hear the orders of the martial arts king Luo Hao.

Countless people present, their faces turned white at this moment, and they directly collapsed to the ground.

The heads of the four great families were silent at this moment.

Directly came to the face of the martial arts king Luo Hao, prostrated to him, and then set an example and cut himself on the spot.

No one knew whether they were kowtowing because Luo Hao had spared those who did not know or why.

See the heads of the four major families are dead.

The rest of the people were also pale and desperate.

One by one, they closed their eyes and chose to cut themselves.

The presence was the upper echelon, and the highest level, on the neon mysterious side.

Knowing in advance, of course, is quite a lot.

More than half of the neon mysterious side big men.

At this moment, it was only because of an order from the martial arts king Luo Hao that he died directly on the spot.

They did not resist.

Having been living in their comfort zone, they may have forgotten the horror of the God Killer.

But he never forgot the strength of the God Killer.

Resisting is just making more sacrifices.

None of them hid it, thinking that they had escaped by chance.

Because as a god-killer, there may be too much power to know that they are hiding, and then lead to the disaster of innocence.

Dressed in a red envelope witch’s dress, the beautiful young girl Shaye Gongxin also closed her eyes at this moment and could not bear to look at it directly, and her whole body was trembling.


But they are all the highest levels of neon.

All of them are beings of higher status than her.

She could imagine how much the neon would shake after these people died.

However, this is also a helpless thing.

Who called them that even the king had just calculated, and even the king dared to test it?

What a bold thing they did, they may also thank the Martial Arts King for not killing them all.

Shaye Gongxin couldn’t help it, she was also desperate!

Her status is not enough! These things are simply not known! If only she knew.

It will definitely stop these brain-dead high-level.

The gorgeous witch lady thought so, and when she opened her eyes again.

At the scene, there was already a river of blood.

His body trembled again, and he looked around blankly.

Saya Palace Xin found.

After the death of these people, she seems to have become the highest level of the neon mysterious side, and it is estimated that nothing will be able to hide from her………

Did it happen to be right here with me?

The girl only felt a little ridiculous in her heart, but she couldn’t laugh out of it…

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