Chapter 140 Kill Susa’s Man in a Second! Sad Princess Rurihitomi!!

Susanoo after seeing Kitahara Hakuaki.

Without the slightest hesitation! Just turn around and run away!

He didn’t think that he had just been in the Water Mirror Technique.

For his behavior, the extremely angry Kitahara Baiqiu and the martial arts king Luo Hao would look at their granddaughter Qingqiu Yuanhui Na and let him go.

And the new king who even has the strength of the knights above him.

Susanoo naturally did not have the slightest psychology to fight with it! Although running away is completely without the courage of the god of disobedience.

However, he hides in the world all day long.

The man who had never graduated from the gods and retired was a veritable coward!

Naturally, there is nothing unbold.

Today’s Susanoo can only be pinned on the fact that the new king is not familiar with this ghost world where spirit is higher than matter.

As his home field.

His chances of escaping were still quite high.


However, for this.

Kitahara Baiqiu just chuckled.

Nor did he see what he did.

The whole world, at this moment, was suddenly shaking.

The pressure from all directions directly pressed on the fleeing Susano.

Susanoo only felt that he could not move in an instant.

Slowly, his face rose red, and he looked back in disbelief at Kitahara Baiqiu.

“This… How can it be? ”

With such an incredible sound.

Without warning, the body of the man who did not follow Susanagi fell directly to the ground.

Immediately, it turned into a little starlight and directly returned to the myth.

The monk in black: “!!! ”

Princess Rurihitomi: “!!! ”

The black-clad monk and the Princess of the Glass Pupil who were frozen in place were also directly shaken, and their hearts were terrified.

They didn’t expect that!

The god of disobedience! The man who does not follow Susa!

One of the three main gods of Takatenhara, as a martial god, as a hero of steel!

It would have failed so quickly.

And: not even the power to resist!

Even they couldn’t see how Kitahara Baiqiu had made a move! In the midst of the world.

At this moment, many beings felt the huge movement of the ghostly world.

When I looked at this wooden house, all the beings were all pupils shrank and trembled.

It’s weird!

What the hell is going on!

“Corona: Coronal! It all has nothing to do with me! It was all Susanoo’s idea! Right! That’s right! It was all his idea! ”

At this moment, the black-clad monk was also frightened and frightened, and said in horror after all.

Judging from his strength, he wasn’t even as good as Susa’s man! And what about him?

It’s true!

Rumors about the new king! Everything turned out to be true! The black monk’s heart was full of remorse at this moment.

If he knew that the strength of the new king was so strong, how could he possibly accompany Susanoo to death?

He wasn’t a god, it wasn’t easy to cultivate to this extent, he didn’t want to die!

“Oh, that’s okay?”

After killing Susanoo in a second, Kitahara turned his head, looked at the black-clad monk, and couldn’t help but smile, “Do you think I didn’t hear what you just said?” ”

As soon as these words came out, the black-robed monk’s expression suddenly froze.

My heart was even more filled with shock! Damn it!

Obviously, at that time, he could still see the figure of Beiyuan Baiqiu in the Water Mirror Technique.

Why, you can still hear them talking.

Could it be that this new king was already strong to this extent?

In the outside world, can you hear their conversation in the shadows? The black monk’s heart was full of shock, and it was even more unbelievable!

Without the slightest hesitation, the black-robed monk directly began to use the space transfer.

In terms of strength.

He may not be as good as Susano.

But in terms of escape, especially in the shadow world, the black monk was still a little confident.

In just a split second, he could leave this world.

And then……

A moment of time passed.

The black-robed monk remained motionless.

“How can this be…”

The voice full of horror and surprise had not finished speaking, and it directly stopped.

Just for a moment.

His whole being became a stone sculpture.

Then, from the beginning, it cracked and shattered to the ground.

Princess Ruri Hitomi was watching from the sidelines.

Three people at the scene.

After the arrival of the Northern Plains White Autumn.

In just an instant, only Princess Ruri Hitomi was left.

After killing Susanoo and the monk in black.

In the frightened eyes of Princess Rurihitomi.

Kitahara Hakuaki directly conjured up a cup of tea and sat in Susano’s original position.

While drinking tea.

While looking at the Water Mirror Technique with great interest.

The scene where the martial arts king Luo Hao ordered the neon mysterious side to cut itself off, and the mysterious side top level had no intention of resisting.

Actually, this is normal.

Neon these mysterious side high-level, although they know that there are gods behind their country, and there is also Susa no Man.

But they’re not stupid.

Just to say that one of the strongest god killers, the martial arts king Luo Hao, his own gods are extremely difficult to deal with.

Not to mention that even the knights are the strength of the gods, and the strength is unknown to the new king.

In this case.

They didn’t think Susanoo could do anything.

Or they feel that the initiator of this time, Susano, may be difficult to protect himself.

Wrong, has been made.

Resistance, it will only cause more casualties.

Naturally, they gave up all their fearless struggles.

“You, won’t you kill me?”

And just as Kitahara Baiqiu was watching this scene.

Princess Ruri Hitomi looked at Kitahara Baiqiu beside her, and finally couldn’t help but ask cautiously.

Kitahara turned her head and looked at Princess Ruri Hitomi and shook her head, “As I said, I just heard all your conversations, so you don’t have to die.” ”

Princess Ruri Hitomi was stunned.

She never imagined that she would survive.

It was only because of the simple opposition to Susa’s plan and the black-clad monk’s plan Kitahara Hakuaki looked up and down at Princess Rurihitomi, and there was something strange in her eyes.

Have to say.

It has smooth, delicate ivory skin and is as cute as if it were carved out

She also has glass-colored pupils and a beautiful glass pupil princess, which is indeed beautiful.


What surprised Kitahara Baiqiu the most was not Princess Rurihitomi’s appearance, but her identity.

“You… Is it Siddhartha? ”

Kitahara asked in doubt.

Princess Ruri Hitomi was even more stunned to hear this.

I didn’t expect that Kitahara Baiqiu actually recognized his true identity.

He immediately nodded and said, “That’s the name I have as a god, I really didn’t expect that the crown would know the concubine.” ”


Kitahara nodded.

As the wife of the last king Rama, Siddhartha.

Kitahara Hakuaki still has some concern.

There is no doubt that this is a sad woman.

That’s right, it’s sad.

In the original mythology.


In fact, it is also the representative of chastity and loyalty.

However, in the world of the God Killer.

Siddha, the wife of the last king Rama, was a very sad being.

In the orthodox mythological story of the Ramayana.

The incarnation of the protagonist, Vishnu, is Rama in order to defeat the brave man born of the demon king Lobona.

During this time, he married Siddhartha, the princess of the kingdom of Mithridates.

But during a battle, his wife Siddhartha was taken in front of him by the demon king Lobona.

Although in the end he succeeded in rescuing Siddhartha.

However, having been taken away by the demon king Lobona, Rama always doubted Siddhartha’s chastity.

Siddhartha proved to Rama again and again through various methods, and successfully proved his innocence again and again.

But Rama only heard some gossip and never trusted Siddhartha.

Siddhartha’s final ending was also very tragic.

Living in distrust, she eventually calls for help from Mother Earth Gaia.

Say that if you are chaste and flawless, please take her in the earth.

As a result, the earth suddenly cracked, and Siddhartha did not hesitate to plunge into the embrace of the earth.

Rama, on the other hand, ascended to heaven after death and was restored to the god Vishnu.

It’s ironic.

The world of the God Killer Siddhartha is even more miserable.

As the last king, Rama, who was not strong at the beginning, was in an ancient action to destroy the god killer.

It is necessary to sacrifice the essence of the earth, or as a sacrifice to the life of the earth god, in order to successfully destroy the strongest god-killer.

And his wife Siddhartha.

At that time, as the Mother Earth God, the Earth Spirit Qi was summoned to this world.

Without hesitation, the last king, Rama, cut off his wife and offered sacrifices.

He never imagined that he would be betrayed by his husband again and again, and even sacrificed by his husband.

This time it was also completely insane.

Under the anger, he also did countless wrong things.

It wasn’t until she finally calmed down that she came to seclusion.

Is Siddhartha wrong? Nature is wrong.

But the root of everything is actually in his husband Rama.


Kitahara Bai Qiucai said.

Siddhartha was a pathetic woman, or a pathetic goddess.

Kitahara Hakuaki does not comment on this.

After all, the green one is not him, and he has nothing to do with Siddhartha, nor is he prepared.

In the end, Rama is only self-inflicted.

Although in order to get revenge on Rama, Siddhartha had done countless wrong things.

But now she.

As a goddess, only in terms of character, it is undoubtedly very gentle.

In the matter of testing Kitahara Baiqiu.

She was from start to finish.

They were all very dissatisfied with Susa’s actions.

Therefore, Kitahara Baiqiu, seeing at this point, also decided to let her go.

Thinking of this, Kitahara Bai Qiu shook his head…

Seeing that the neon high-level self-cutting in the Water Mirror Technique had ended, he stood up and said, “Well, since the matter has been resolved, then I will also say goodbye.” ”

When Princess Ruri Hitomi saw that Kitahara Baiqiu was leaving, she also hurriedly got up.

Look at Kitahara White Autumn.

In the end, she couldn’t help asking: “Corona, forgive me for taking the plunge, can I ask you, what kind of existence are you?” ”

Oh, yes!

What kind of existence is it! How powerful it is! Princess Ruri Hitomi was actually still unbelievable.

Even if she had been a god, she had never seen such a powerful existence as Kitahara Baiqiu.

And Kitahara Baiqiu suddenly appeared.

No information is found at all.

How can this not be curious?

Seeing that Kitahara Bai Qiu was leaving, Princess Ruri Hitomi finally couldn’t help but ask out loud.


Kitahara Baiqiu heard this question from Princess Rurihito and smiled at this moment.

She glanced at Princess Ruri Hitomi and replied, “Elegant.” ”

After answering, Kitahara Baiqiu also disappeared directly in the same place.


Princess Rurihitomi’s face was a little confused at first.

Immediately afterward, something came to her mind.

But his pupils were constricted, and his face was full of vibrations.

Elegant Divine!!!

The only god lineage that is still all Mother Earth!!! It turned out to be elegant!

It turned out to be elegant?!!

Princess Rurihito’s heart was silent and vibrating! In that god lineage.

In addition to the Mother Earth, there is only one male! That is the King of the Gods of the Elegant Divine System!

The supreme being that once overthrew the tyrannical Greek god lineage, called the god of the gods! The new king……… It turned out to be the king of the gods of the elegant god system!

Then everything is finally explained.

Princess Ruri Hitomi was excited!

She didn’t expect that she had seen it……… It was the adult! You know, in the mythology.

Except for the Mother Earth God of the Elegant Deity.

Goddesses of other gods.

There is no doubt that the god who has done such a great deed is full of worship and admiration.

It’s just that the god of the gods is really too mysterious! Very few people have seen it before! Come to think of it.

Princess Ruri’s face was suddenly frozen again.

Myself……… It is long unclean.

Although he was beautiful, he was not worthy of the king of the gods. Princess Ruri Hitomi looked at the place where Kitahara Hakuaki had left.

Slowly, it also calmed down.

The look in his eyes was filled with trance.

Encounter the legendary presence, the elegant god who is the king of the gods. At this moment, Princess Ruri couldn’t help but start imagining. If at the beginning, her husband was Kitahara Hakuaki and not Rama.

Thing……… Will it still be like this?

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