Chapter 148: The Existence of Reincarnation of Destiny! A young girl named Luo Hao!!

After the last king was destroyed by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Watch the battle as Anne the Pluto, the King of Swords Tony, the Marquis of Waban, and the Black Prince Yarek watch the battle.

Naturally, after visiting the North Plains White Autumn Meeting, he ran away in ashes.

They have seen the Great War.

From now on, I absolutely do not dare to offend Kitahara Baiqiu and those related to Kitahara Baiqiu.

If they were to do something, they would never dare to refuse.

Simply put.

That is, although it was not explicitly stated, these four god-killers had completely surrendered to the Northern Plains White Autumn.

After all, even if some of them are belligerent.

But not an idiot either!

Warlike is belligerent, but who will do the dead thing! This is also the main reason why Kitahara Baiqiu called them to come.

After all, in the eyes of Kitahara Baiqiu, the world that has cleared the customs is his back garden.

If there are no annoying flies in the back garden, isn’t that a pleasant thing?

Kitahara Baiqiu naturally did not prevent these god killers from leaving.

Here’s the thing.

Soon word will go out.

At that time, even the world’s god-killers have surrendered, and what choice do the rest of the people have?

So to speak.

At this moment, the mysterious side of the entire world of the God Killer had been unified by the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Existence as the last king of the crusade.

Kitahara Baiqiu’s position on the mysterious side has already overtaken everyone.

After the outsiders left.

The girls also gathered joyfully in front of Kitahara Bai Qiude.

After the war, there were so many beautiful maidens to greet them.

Maybe this is also the ultimate happiness.

“Fu Jun, although you have destroyed the last king Rama, if the cycle of fate is not resolved, he will recover sooner or later, what are you going to do?”

The goddess Athena came to Kitahara Hakuaki, smiled at her victorious husband, and asked softly.

Athena’s heart was overjoyed at the moment.

Worthy of her husband, she solved all the heroes of steel in Greek mythology in the first place.

Nowadays, it is the final king of the Hero Power Combination of Steel that has been solved.

The heart of the goddess was about to melt in Kitahara Baiqiu’s body.

Looking at Kitahara Baiqiu’s eyes were full of tenderness and love.


The goddess also did not forget that if fate is not solved, the final king will still make a comeback.

Even if it fails, the undead body of steel, which can be resurrected indefinitely, is the most troublesome place for the last king.

Hear about your own relationship with the Queen of Heaven.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled and picked up the so-called impossible savior sword left by the Last King.

With a burst of clear sounds, it was obvious that it was an indestructible knife, but at this moment it began to collapse and wither.

Athena was stunned as she watched.

“Rest assured, since it is fate, then I will completely solve this fate, but before that, I still have to go to the myth ~.” ”

The corners of Kitahara Baiqiu’s mouth were slightly cocked, and his heart was full of confidence.

Now that his strength has reached his peak, he is not afraid of anyone! And this time the clearance system also gave him seven days, which was completely too late.

I heard that my husband already had an idea.

Athena smiled slightly, and then said no more.


Kitahara Hakuaki and all the maidens also returned to the ground from Sky Island.

Saya Gongxin came to greet them.

After seeing that everyone was okay, he was also relieved.

Kitahara Baiqiu was not in a hurry to leave.

Instead, they played with the girls until the evening before they were ready to leave.

And just as he was about to leave.

At this moment, the martial arts king Luo Hao was red-faced and pleaded with Beiyuan Baiqiu: “That… Husband, can you stay one more night? ”

Hearing this, all the young girls were stunned, including Kitahara Baiqiu.

Although he is a martial arts king.

However, Luo Hao had never been in that aspect, after all.

Being watched by so many people, my heart is also full of shame.

But at this moment, she still plucked up the courage to look at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Bai Qiu smiled and nodded, “Good.” ”

In the evening.

Sure enough.

Luo Hao came to Kitahara Baiqiu’s room alone.

At this moment, this room.

There is no strongest and most ancient martial arts king, no martial arts supreme martial arts master, no overbearing Five Prisons Saint Sect Leader.

There was only one named Luo Hao.

Cuteness is greater than all teenage girls. And the girl who fell in love with Kitahara Hakuaki. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. The next day, early in the morning.

Kitahara after the fall of the autumn.

I did not rush to leave, but accompanied this young girl who had made her heart move several times for a long time.

When it was night again, I had to leave.

After saying goodbye to the girls again, he and Athena disappeared into the same place.

The girls looked at the place where Kitahara Baiqiu had left, and their faces were all sad.

“Well, it’s only a month, we’ve been waiting for so many years, can’t we wait a month?”

“You know, after a month, we will be with the king forever, and nothing can separate us anymore!”

Erica looked at the girls’ sad looks, blinked, and couldn’t help but say comfortingly.

The result was not much effect.

Erica was silent for a moment.

Suddenly thinking of something, his eyes rolled and he came to Liliana’s face and said with ill will: “What’s wrong, is it true that Lily is regretting that she did not leave Wang Duo for one night like the Sect Master?” ”


Liliana let out an exclamation when she heard the words, and finally stopped being silent.

The expression on her face suddenly exploded, and her look was also very flustered, and she directly denied it: “I didn’t think about that kind of thing, I just… I just can’t bear the king, even for a month, and if I let the king stay, won’t it delay the king? ”

“No, no, Lord, that, I’m not saying you’re delaying the king, I mean, the first one is okay, the second one is party affairs.”

“Also, it’s not right, Lord, I don’t blame you for grabbing the first one, whining, what the hell am I talking about?”

Liliana spoke incoherently, the shame in her heart was full, and in the end, she couldn’t help but crouch down and cover her face to escape from reality.

The other maidens, at this moment, were also attracted to the attention of the two men, and their faces were full of redness.

“That is to say, did Lily really think of leaving the king?” Why not be bold? The king has seven days, and I think that with the strength of the king, it will be completely fine to delay for another day! ”

Erica looked at Liliana, who danced with her teeth and claws like a fried kitten, but did not intend to let her go, and continued to laugh.

“Shut up! You shameless female fox! I admire the Patriarch! Admire the Sect Master for having such courage! ”

“But I’m not the only one like me who, even if I don’t dare to say it, is not the only one!” Have you already been with the king? ”

Liliana’s shame directly exploded, simply breaking the jar and shattering, and directly exploded.

Looking at it, it was as if if Erica had said it again, she would have drawn her sword to duel with it.

The rest of the girls heard Liliana’s words, and their faces were full of redness.

Want to stay the king but didn’t dare to say it…?

No no! Absolutely not!

The girls blushed and denied it in their hearts, but only they knew how much credibility there was.

“Me and the king? Yes. ”

Erica had a confident smile on her face and said so.

As soon as these words came out, the scene was suddenly quiet.

All the girls looked at Erica in disbelief.

“Yes, what?”

Liliana asked with a sluggish look in her eyes and trembling.

“That’s what you think, me and the king, some oh, otherwise do you think that we met first, stayed alone for so long, and nothing happened?”

Erica gave Liliana a blank look and repeated indifferently.

This one.

It also completely made all the girls show a blank expression.

They thought so.

There was only one martial arts king Luo Hao.

They also admired Luo Hao’s courage, so although they were envious, they were not jealous.

But how could the girls not have imagined that Erica actually had it?

And it was also when they were not there???

“You, you sneaky cat, duel, duel!!!”

Liliana’s whole body was trembling, and the last thing she could tolerate was that this Erica who always liked to bully her was in front of her!

Liliana drew her sword and exploded!

At this moment, Princess Alice also pounced on her, and her face was full of angry and cute expressions!


Erica exclaimed.

Originally thinking that Liliana couldn’t stand her own stimulation, she didn’t expect that Princess Alice would also pounce.

All of a sudden.

Erica suddenly seemed to be in a hurry.

“No, shameless!”

Wanli Gu Yuri, Shaye Gongxin and Qingqiu Yuan Huina were also full of red at this moment.

A whispered condemnation of Erica is given.

Luo Hao sat elegantly in his chair.

Looking at the playful girls, their faces also smiled.

She looked at the place where Kitahara Baiqiu had disappeared, and she was also thinking in her heart.

“Fu Jun, you must come back soon, we are all waiting for you…”

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