Chapter 150 Return to Mythology! End it all!!

God Domain!

The land of the gods!

Just as the three of them returned to the God Realm!

The entire God Realm also underwent an incomparably strong tremor! Kitahara White Autumn has never been a low-key return!

It’s high-profile!

Loud enough to let all the gods, all the gods know.

He! King of the Elegant Divine Lineage! Coming back!

The essence of the god of the Kitahara White Autumn Killing God, the elegant god is the identity of the king of the gods! Early in the battle against the Last King.

All exposed!

The gods and Buddhas of the heavens, the gods of the heavens, have long been known.

If so, what else is there to keep a low profile? Kitahara White Autumn is not only high-profile!

Loud enough to let everyone know he’s back.

Even he will ‘talent you give Grandpa to remember’! Through power, it was released into the entire God Domain! At this moment, all the gods remembered.

Remember everything!

I remember the great battle of a million gods!

I remembered the fear that had once been dominated by Kitahara Hakuaki! Elegant in the gods.

At this moment, on Mount Olympus, there is peace.

As the strongest god system in the God Domain.

It is also the only divine lineage composed of the Mother Earth God.

The entire elegant god system looks around.

They are all gorgeous and beautiful goddesses.

Ever since Greek mythology was destroyed by the king of the gods, and the raging heroes of steel were defeated by the elegant gods, there has always been an atmosphere of happiness and happiness.


The only regret to the goddesses is. They forgot.

He forgot his own king.

Forget the king who once saved himself, the king who turned the tide.

All the goddesses are unbelievable and hard to accept.

They remember.

I used to be so admiring the king, so admiring the king.

But I don’t remember, King… Who is it?

Until the Queen of Heaven Athena came to them.

Tell them that sooner or later, they will all think of it.

They are full of hope for the future.

And now.

Obviously it’s time to think about it!

After Kitahara Bai Qiu stepped into the God Realm and released his talent!

All the goddesses of the Elegant God System remembered at this moment! Not only did they remember who their king was!

I even remembered that after the establishment of the Elegant God System, there had been a great war with a million gods and had not happened.

The goddesses who remember everything.

At this moment, there is no doubt that it is not all incomparably exciting, incomparably excited! They want to see the king!

I want to meet the king I love!

As long as you can see the king! Even if it’s stepping into the abyss again! They have no complaints or regrets!

“Hahaha! Hahaha! ”

“God Domain! Your king is back! ”

The beauty goddess Aphrodite at this moment, her face was full of tears. But he still crossed his hands and shouted proudly.

That child-like look.

Let Aphrodite, who was originally known for beauty.

At this moment, it looks even more beautiful and cute.

Hera, the goddess of marriage, Demeter the goddess of agriculture, Artemis the goddess of the moon, Eris of luck, the muse of the Nine Goddesses……… And so on, and so on.

Elegant mythology of all the goddesses.

In this moment, beautiful and moving face.

No doubt it was not tears, but also showed a happy expression.

They waited!

Wait for the return of your own king! Wait for the return of the person you love!

And unlike the Classical Deity.

In addition to the Elegant Gods.

All the other gods, this heaven full of gods and Buddhas.

At this moment, a look of despair appeared on his face.

“The Demon King, it’s the Demon King, he’s back!”

“Damn! Damn it! Damn it! Isn’t he dead! Why do you wake up so quickly! Why would I forget about him! ”

“The Demon King has returned, is it true that our entire God Realm is about to become extinct today?”

“It was horrible! It was horrible! It was him! It was him! ”

Countless voices of horror.

It began to ring out among many gods and Buddhas and many gods.

Before that, the heavens were full of gods and Buddhas.

Although the existence of Kitahara Hakuaki was known through the Last King.

Knowing his essence, knowing that he was one of the strongest god kings.


They will all just dignified and find it tricky.

I’ve never despaired.

And they were recalled by Kitahara Hakuaki.

At this moment, it was utter despair.

Lunatic! That’s a lunatic!

The explosion that shattered the divinity is still fresh in the memories of countless gods.

Fear for it, tremble for it.

Such gods, their natural enemies.

Back in the God Realm, how could they not be afraid?

And at this very moment.

King of the Gods of the Elegant Gods! God of God! The God King whose real name is White Night!

The sound also rang out throughout the Divine Domain.

“Hahaha! Folks, I’m back, why don’t you come out and see me? ”

A domineering voice resounded throughout the God Domain.

Let the hearts of countless gods and Buddhas tremble.

The entire God Domain.

In this moment.

It was as if they were all quiet.

After a few moments, a few melodious sighs came out.

Odin of the Norse gods!

The three-phase god of the ancient Hindu gods!

The head of the nine-pillar god of Egyptian mythology! Lord of the Ten Thousand Buddhas of the Buddha’s Gate!

All four were incomparably supreme beings in the God Domain.

At this moment is also in the world.

They appeared in front of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The expression on his face was full of helplessness.

“God of God, don’t come unharmed.”

Odin, the god king of the Norse god lineage, took a step forward and greeted helplessly.

They were the same god kings who had besieged the Northern Plains White Autumn in the simulation.

“Less, do one?”

Kitahara Baiqiu didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these god kings.

He knew that since he had returned.

Then, it is necessary to do a game with these people. In any way, in any way.

This is all inevitable.

If you don’t fight, there will be many hidden dangers.

After the fight, it can really be over!


The god king Odin obviously understood this and nodded.

However, before the start of the fight.

The god king Odin made a request: “God of the gods, it is okay to fight, but I hope we will stop there.” ”

“Regardless of whether this battle is won or lost, I promise, we will not take another shot at you, nor will we take another shot at the elegant gods.”

Recalling the self-detonation that once was, the god king Odin was really afraid.

He was afraid that Kitahara Baiqiu was playing and anxious, and he was so out again. Although the presence of natural enemies will make this full of gods and Buddhas uncomfortable and very uncomfortable.

However, in the end, Kitahara Hakuaki is also a god and a kind.

It is hard to say that they are not unacceptable.

Therefore, in order to avoid the situation of Kitahara Baiqiu self-detonation again.

The god king Odin indicated in advance.

This time is not a life and death battle, trouble do not fight so hard.

When Kitahara Baiqiu heard the words of the god king Odin, he directly laughed: “Talk less nonsense!” Let’s fight first! ”

Subsequently, Kitahara Baiqiu directly disappeared into the void.

The God King Odin, the Three Phases God, the Head of the Nine Pillar Gods, and the Lord of the Ten Thousand Buddhas.

The four supreme gods glanced at each other at this moment.

His face was full of helplessness.

Immediately, he followed the Northern Plains White Autumn into the void.


Directly in the void!

At this moment, Athena and Pandora glanced at each other and smiled softly and returned to the Elegant Divine System together.

Greeted Athena.

Nature is a group of goddesses in the elegant god lineage.

When they saw that Athena had returned with the God King, a large number of questions they wanted to ask Athena, and they immediately gathered around.

The sound of cheering.

Ring among the goddesses.

Any goddess here has a beautiful appearance.

A group of goddesses gathered together.

It is also so beautiful as a painting, so beautiful that it is not as real as it is, so that people can’t take their eyes off it at all.

Pandora was also excited about the god lineage that had not returned for a long time.

Looking at these goddesses, she was extremely self-satisfied.

These goddesses are beautiful though.

But she Pandora is ahead of all the goddesses! Ahem hum hum ~

The Battle of the Gods.

In the God Domain, it also lasted for three days and three nights.

That’s an ordinary god.

A battle that even the Lord God could not interfere in.

The Heavenly God Buddha felt the terrifying aura above, and they were all extremely nervous.

Before the battle is over.

No one knows what the outcome of this battle will be, and no one knows what will happen.

All they could do was watch the battle take place.

As before, several god kings besieged the god of the gods.

The difference is that this time among the God Kings, there is no Last King.

And the God of God Killing is stronger than last time!

The fighting continued until the fourth day.

That’s finally the end.

Odin, the god king of the Norse gods, was wounded.

After returning to the Norse God System, it was directly announced that the Elegant God System was the strongest God System in the God Domain!

The three-phase gods of the ancient Hindu gods were wounded.

After returning to the ancient Indian god system, it was also directly announced that the elegant god system was the strongest god system in the god domain!


The nine-pillar god of the Egyptian god lineage, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Buddhas of the Buddha’s Gate.

After the injury appeared, the matter was also announced.

This makes the heavens full of gods and Buddhas, many gods.

It was all an uproar.

Because it represents the strongest god lineage ever.

Norse gods! Ancient Hindu gods! Egyptian gods! Buddha! At this moment, all of them were sincerely under the elegant god lineage!

Acknowledging the strongest ——— the strongest of the Elegant Divine Lineage! How not to shock them!

The outcome of the battle seemed self-evident at this moment.

However, as the god of victory!

After the battle, no one saw him, and I don’t know where he went.

But soon.

The gods and Buddhas in the sky know the answer.

Destiny Realm, this is a very peculiar place.

This area, made up of countless lines of destiny, is the embodiment of the destiny that this world has.

At this moment, Kitahara White Autumn.

There is no doubt that it is in the Destiny God Domain.

Looking at this embodiment of fate, Kitahara Baiqiu’s heart was full of peace.

With the power of destiny, he can naturally see the contents of these lines of destiny.


There is also the fate of the god-killer and the disobedient god.

In the world of the God Killer.

Either you kill the god who doesn’t obey, you are the god killer.

Instead, you are the one who kills the gods yourself in order to kill the so-called gods of disobedience.

This is destiny.

But Kitahara was completely dismissive of this.

The so-called fate, where is it so easy to grasp? Not even the gods!

He has broken his destiny and fulfilled his destiny!

He defeated the god of disobedience head-on and became a god killer, which undoubtedly broke his destiny

He helped Athena become the queen of the elegant gods, and overthrew Greek mythology, which was undoubtedly the fate of fulfillment.

His appearance is undoubtedly to destroy all fate, so that everything becomes unknown.

The so-called fate.

In the view of Kitahara Baiqiu, it is not static.

Can’t see through, can’t guess.

This is destiny.


The invisible thread of destiny began to vibrate.

As Kitahara Hakuaki approached step by step.

He saw it too.

I saw a maiden sitting on the throne in the void.

In terms of appearance, she looks very young.

He seemed to be less than ten years old, and his face was delicate, like a doll.

This is the goddess of fate in the Temple of Destiny.

The compiler of all destiny.

Unfortunately, although she is the goddess of destiny, she herself is only an empty shell.

Like a machine, there is no spirituality to speak of.

She is the bridge between the gods and the last king.

Her combat strength was not even as good as that of a divine beast, but she had a special ability.

“The gods who have formed a cause with the man who kills the gods, please come here.”

Sensing the threat of Kitahara Hakuchoto, the Goddess of Destiny’s self-defense system is activated.

With the advent of the spirit of speech.

One by one, the gods began to appear in the Temple of Destiny.

Like dumplings, countless gods descend at this moment.

The gods who have come, not only a million!

All the gods looked at everything in front of them in amazement, not understanding what was happening when they saw Kitahara Hakuaki and the goddess of destiny.

They finally understood.

No wonder the winner was not seen after the battle!

It turned out that the winner had actually come to the Temple of Destiny! At this moment, the millions of gods fell silent.

There is no doubt that they are all beings that Kitahara Baiqiu once killed. According to the reason, nowadays, they should all guard the goddess of destiny.

Not to mention, the gods who came here.

It’s a million!

And the enemy, there is only one person! However……… Such an enemy is such an enemy.

There were gods and Buddhas in the sky, millions of gods and goddesses.

All fell silent.

They just watched Kitahara Baiqiu step by step closer to the goddess of destiny.

Come to the goddess of destiny.

A sword, directly decapitate it.

Full of gods and Buddhas, millions of gods.

The whole time was extremely silent, without any resistance.

This scene.



One man suppressed the gods.

Suppressed the whole myth… Under.

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