Chapter 153 I seem to have given it for free!!

The next day, early in the morning.

Artemis of the wrong world wakes up from his bed.

Look out at the rising sun.

I yawned, rubbed my eyes, and there was still some sleepiness on my face.

Because I haven’t seen Hestia for so long.

Last night the two of them also got into a bit late.

Of course.

Except for the initial fight.

The two goddesses talked the most, in fact, about the Northern Plains White Autumn.

From the mouths of the two Fire Goddesses.

Artemis also heard a lot about Kitahara Hakucho.

Countless things have surprised her when she first arrived.

It’s like listening to a hero’s story, and your eyes are full of color.

At the same time, it also made her have a lot of curiosity about Kitahara Baiqiu in her heart.

“Are you awake?”

And just as Artemis was getting ready to get up.

A pleasant female voice.

But it suddenly rang in Artemis’s ear. Artemis turned his head to look at it, and his face suddenly froze.


In the next second it sounded directly.


Hestia’s screams.

It directly startled Hestia, who was originally asleep.

He woke up Hestia and sat up in a panic and said, “What? What’s wrong? Could it be that Bai Qiu has finally come to attack me at night? I’m not ready, and Artemis is still around, so it doesn’t seem good…”

Artemis heard Hestia’s words and his face froze.

This goddess.

What the hell is going on! And then……

Hestia also saw the maiden sitting in front of their bed, looking at them curiously.

Suddenly, it was also a scream!


Hestia’s voice.

At this moment, even bigger than Artemis.

Hestia, the Fire Goddess of the God Killer World, heard the movement and also emerged from the body of Hestia.

After she saw the girl in front of her.

Although they did not react as aggressively as the two, they also showed a surprised expression on their faces: “Artemis, how did you come?” ”

That’s right.

The person who came was Artemis, the moon goddess of the god-killer world! Artemis of the wrong world.

It was in the early morning that I woke up at the bedside to see the moon goddess of the same origin as herself.

Will be full of shock, directly scream out loud.

“Two, two Artemis?!!”

And Hestia was completely asleep, and her face was full of shock when she saw the two Artemis react.

“The king brought me.”

Artemis of the God Killer World was like a young girl, constantly looking at everything around her with curiosity, and replied, “This is the world of kings, hey, I am the second!” Even Lord Athena and Aphrodite were behind me! ”

Artemis, the god of slaying, said with a beautiful look on his face.

As for the first one, nature refers to Hestia.

Hestia was the first goddess of the world of the Executioners to come here, and she Artemis was the second.

“The king brought you?”

Hestia was stunned for a moment, and then he understood and sighed, “It seems that the king has gone to our world again, and a lot of things have happened.” ”

“Yes, yes, now the Elegant Gods of our world have a high status in the God Domain, and the king is completely married to Lord Athena.”

Artemis, the god of swordsmanship, nodded.

The beauty and innocence of the goddess of nature and the goddess of the moon make her look incredibly cute.

She didn’t actually need to be called Lord Athena, but there was no way, who called Athena now the Queen of Heaven?

After saying that, Artemis, the god of killing, had no intention of elaborating.

Instead, he looked at Artemis and asked curiously, “Are you me from other worlds?” It’s just me, as beautiful as I am. ”

Artemis was a little dizzy.

She felt that the direct speech of the other world was so straightforward, as if it was a straight face.

Still, Artemis replied, “Uh-huh… I am Artemis of another world, and you just call me Artemis. ”

Artemis understood in seconds.

Artemis is naturally her name, so it is for the sake of distinction.

“All right, Artemis.”

Artemis had a big smile on his face and answered cheerfully.

“Artemis, why did the king bring you here?”

Hestia was still a little confused and asked doubtfully.

“Of course, that’s because the battle is over, the king has solved everything, Hestia you didn’t appear, this is too strange to think, naturally attracted the attention of our elegant goddess.”

“Then we learned from the king’s mouth that you had come to the king’s world, and I asked the king to bring me here.”

“Hey, there was a group of people who wanted to come with the king, and there was even Lord Athena and Aphrodite, Hera, but in the end the king chose me.”

Artemis, the god of swordsmanship, smiled, and the expression on his face was very cute.

And it is.

As the oldest and most sacred goddess.

The Goddess of the Flame, who was once one of the twelve main gods, has never appeared.

Even the return of the king did not appear, how this did not attract the attention of all the goddesses.

Just when they were worried about whether something had happened to Hestia.

They learned from Kitahara that Hestia had sneaked away and had run to the king’s world.

One by one, they were no longer worried at all, but their faces were black.

At the beginning, countless goddesses asked Kitahara Baiqiu to take them back with them.

But Kitahara Baiqiu simply couldn’t bring so many people.

As the Queen of Heaven, Kitahara Hakuaki was absent.

Athena is the backbone of the Mother Earth Gods, and it is naturally impossible for her to leave.

And the beauty goddess Aphrodite, that is, Athena’s strong refusal to let her pass in the end.

Kitahara Hakuaki considered that there was still an Artemis in the house anyway, so he took Artemis with him.

“That’s the way it is…”

Hestia understood.

She could imagine how many sisters in the Divine Family were now complaining that she had sneaked away, which made her smile helplessly.

There was a smile in his eyes that had been missing for a long time.

Sneaking away is sneaking away, what can they do with her?

“What about Bai Qiu?” So where is Bai Qiu now? ”

Hestia of the Wrong World understood everything and asked with wide eyes.

“King? The king is out of the house, you are up too late, the king can’t bear to disturb you. ”

Artemis, the god of swordsmanship, looked at the goddess of fire with great interest and replied, which was very different from his impression.

“Up too late…”

Artemis’s face turned red.

“Now, I say you, are you going to be one with me?”

Artemis, the god of killing, looked curiously at himself in the other world and asked.

“Two into one……”

Atymis was stunned.

Then looked at Hestia and Hestia.

I understand that this is the pattern of these two people now.

Artemis thought about it, and a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she replied, “Well, I am also the goddess of the moon.” ”

The two are originally the same root.

There is only the meaning of closeness, and naturally there is no resistance.

Artemus thought about it for a moment and then agreed to Artemis.

She actually always felt it.

Hestia is really good to have another self.

Artemis heard Artemes’s words and immediately smiled.

Then came the presence of Artemes.

Suddenly, the bodies of the two of them also began to emit an endless glow Hestia and Hestia watched this scene from the sidelines.

Both men were deliberately merging.

It didn’t take long for Artemis of the god-killing world to naturally merge into the body of Artemis of the Wrong World.

Artemis closed her eyes at this moment.

They were one and the same as Hestia had been.

The divine power and divinity of the body have been greatly enhanced.

Moreover, Artemis also knows all the memories of the other herself through oneness.


Another scream came from Artemes’s mouth.

At this moment, Artemis did not know what she saw, her face was full of redness, and the shame in her heart exploded.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? ”

Hestia was startled again and rushed to care for her friend.

Hestia’s reaction to Artemis was also full of surprise.

Artemus ignored them.

Instead, he said angrily and ashamedly to his other self, “Why didn’t you tell me!” You and Your Excellency Kitahara have entered into an eternal contract?!! ”

“Huh? This kind of thing doesn’t matter, why should it be? ”

Artemis’s voice came out of Artemus’s body and asked in surprise.

“It’s not irrelevant! You and him……… I have an eternal contract with him, and now that we are one, don’t I also have an eternal contract with Your Excellency Kitahara?!! ”

Artemis suppressed her shame and complained loudly to the other self inside her.

That’s right!

Because of the fusion, she and Kitahara Baiqiu also began to have an eternal contract! If yes.

Hestia of the God-Killing World did not initially sign an eternal contract with Kitahara Hakuaki, but only through Hestia of the Wrong World.


Artemis is the other way around!

At the beginning, she did not have an eternal contract with Kitahara Baiqiu! Instead, it was through Artemis of the God-Killing World that he had an eternal pact with Kitahara Hakuaki!


“I thought you knew, besides, that you and the king both lived together, wasn’t that kind of relationship?” Who wants this. ”

Artemis was full of innocence in Artemes’ voice.

She is indeed quite innocent.

She didn’t expect it either, so I can’t blame her, hmm

“Who said living together is that kind of relationship? I stayed here because of Hestia! ”

Artemis blushed and retorted loudly.

How does she know, how can she know…?

You know, even Hestia of the God-Killing World didn’t know that all the goddesses of the Elegant God System had signed an eternal contract with Kitahara Hakuaki before that.

Hestia of the god-killing world had never paid attention to such a thing because Hestia had already made an eternal contract through the Hellish world.

Artemis listened to Artemis.

She knew it might have been a misunderstanding.

But, however, this misunderstanding.

She put herself in it!

“Ah, no matter what the reason, don’t care, don’t care, since you are willing to stay with the king, it means that you are not resistant to him.”

“Aren’t you at all curious about the king?” Don’t lie to me, you are me, I am you, and now it is even more integrated, but I know you. ”

Artemis followed

Continued to speak inside Artemes.

She felt that it was really just a small thing.

Because she could feel Artemis’s curiosity about her own king, and… Silk admiration.

With the charm of the king.

Artemis did not find it strange at all.

It was said to be broken.

Artemes’s face was even redder, and the shame had exploded in her heart, and it seemed as if smoke was about to begin to rise on her head.

She gulped, “Well, even so… We must also know each other for a long time, and only after we have become acquainted with each other can we sign this kind of contract. ”

“How, how can it be so sloppy? You know, I’m a virgin, a virgin, and I’m very, very strict about this kind of thing. ”

“Virgin goddess?” Me too. ”

Artemis’s voice said rightfully in Artemis’s body.

Artemis was dumbfounded.

Truly…… The same is Artemis, and the other is also a virgin goddess.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s common to determine the relationship first and then fall in love, and you also like the king, you can’t deceive yourself.”

Artemis appeared in his own form this time, hugged Artemis directly, and said softly.

Artemis froze in Artemis’s arms.

First determine the relationship and then fall in love, is this really the kind of thing that happens…? Artemis was indeed curious about Kitahara Hakuaki.

But like… She didn’t feel like she was reaching that level.

If you insist on liking, it is definitely one with Artemis, accepting all the memories of the other self, and being influenced by the other self!!!

Artemus cried.

I didn’t expect it, just promised to merge with myself, there were so many accidents.

She looked at her friend Hestia.

Even directly crying, Baba said to the neighbor: “He, Hestia, I, I seem to have given it in vain, whew…”


Hestia didn’t care.

He even gave her a thumbs up and returned her with an incomparably sunny smile.

“It’s all right! Artemis! It’s all destiny! ”

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