Chapter 171 Heavenly Wings Seed Jeephril! The Queen’s Confession!!

After giving these determined people an external power, that is, your power. 】

The sixteenth human race in the sixteen races has finally begun to act. 】

[You didn’t interfere too much with Rick, interfering with the teenager who created a miracle in the original book and even almost got the Star Cup.] 】

[You know that since Rick has found you, he must have his own plan in mind.] 】

[As their gods, it is also the duty of the gods to believe in the race of their choice and the human beings they choose, right?] 】

[It doesn’t matter if you fail.] 】

Everything has you in your pocket for them. 】

[Just do it again.] 】

[You stand on top of the palace, looking at the back of the unwavering departure from the kingdom in the hearts of all people, and think so in your heart.] 】

[The breeze blows the cloak on your body humming. 】

“White Night, can we win?”

Huby stood next to Kitahara Hakuaki.

Also looking at the figures of the people leaving, he looked up at Kitahara Baiqiu and asked.

“Hahaha, nature can win.”

Kitahara responded to Huby with a smile, rubbing her cute little head and saying, “Even if you don’t win this time, you will win sooner or later, although the process will have some twists and turns, but the ending is actually already doomed.” ”

“The meaning is unknown.”

Huby looked at Kitahara Hakuaki, his cute face full of doubt, shook his head and said.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, Huby just needs to know that you will stay with me for a long, long time, and will always be with me.” 」

Kitahara smiled.

For the first time, he did not answer Huby’s doubts, but said so.

Who knew that Huby shook his head again and said, “According to calculations, according to the life expectancy of human beings, Huby still has 892 years to live now, so Huby can only accompany the white night for 892 years, and cannot accompany him forever.” ”

Look at Hughby’s face with a serious expression.

Kitahara laughed loudly, pinched Hubi’s little face, and said, “Are you ready to accompany me in 892?” That’s really touching, but I won’t be satisfied, so Huby is still ready to accompany me to the earth. ”

“The meaning is unknown, Huby’s lifespan as a machine is limited, and your lifespan as a god in the white night is infinite, Huby can’t understand it.”

Hughby Road.

“If you don’t understand it, you don’t have to think about it, not everything in this world has to be figured out, so why not have one or two things that you can’t understand?” And, when the time comes for Hughby, you’ll understand. ”

Kitahara Hakuaki said, “Hmm. ”

Huby nodded, then looked at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Slowly, he reached out and shook Kitahara Baiqiu’s hand and said, “Although I don’t understand, but if there is a day, Hubi is willing, willing to be with you all the time.” ”

Hearing Huby’s confession, Kitahara Baiqiu also smiled, and also shook Huby’s small hand.

[Human race, nature soon began to cause a huge sensation in the world.] 】

No one thought that human beings would progress so fast! They are getting stronger again! There are even a few who have reached the level of superior races. 】

Human life expectancy is short, but less than a hundred years, which in a way, also limits their infinite possibilities. 】

Originally, all races thought that even under the leadership of the God of Wisdom, human beings would need to develop from generation to generation, and it would take a long time to reach a terrible point. 】

[No one expected that the God of Wisdom would actually bring them another surprise]

[After showing his strength, Rick did not start to get carried away, but led the Terrans and began a series of arrangements.] 】

[He wandered among the races in order to unite with them!] Fight against the strongest Celestial Wing Species together and fight against their Saint Emperor’s greatest enemy together! 】

【God of War Altexiu! 】

[Rick firmly believes that as long as the God of War is destroyed, then their Holy Emperor will definitely become the final winner!] 】

[And under Rick’s lobbying, the major races are also very impressed.] 】

[There’s a reason for Rick here.] 】

But more than that, the god of war, Artexiu, is too strong. 】

He is also an insurmountable mountain for other gods. 】

Even for the gods, the god of war, Artexiu, is invincible and is their biggest competitor. 】

[As the embodiment of the concept of ‘war’, Artesha also carries the concept of invincibility. 】

Because it is the strongest, it is the strongest. 】

No one even knows where the real limits of his power are. 】

He is like a haze that lives on the heads of all the gods. 】

[At Rick’s efforts.] 】

[Goblin Breed Creator Forge God Okan, Sen Sperm Creator Kainas, Goblin Breed Creator Eros God Arram.] 】

[Promised to unite with the god of wisdom of the human race, the god of war, Artejo:]

[Among them, they are either confident that as long as they destroy the God of War, they will be able to get the Star Cup, or they feel that after eliminating the God of War, the chances are undoubtedly much greater.] 】

[The union of the four major races and four gods directly caused an uproar in the world]

[As a human being, when you learned that Rick had actually done this, you also smiled slightly.] 】

[After receiving the news and reporting to his own god of war.] 】

[When the god of war, Artexiu, heard about the union of the gods, he even raised a rare interest and set his sights on the battlefield.] 】

[He is looking forward to it, to what you can do, to see you bring him down.] 】

[This day.] 】

[The outer individual of the Heavenly Wing Species, Jeeplier, actually rushed to the human kingdom alone.] 】

[Excited screaming to duel with you, she wants to kill God!] 】

[You slapped the heavenly Jeeplier down, directly making this beautiful angelic girl embarrassed.] 】

[But just when you’re ready to put the mushrooms stewed in the little black room for tuning]

[All the Celestial Wings appear, panicking to rescue Gypsyllil, you can also hear the voices of the Celestial Wing Maidens accusing Gypsylle.] 】

[You watched this scene and did not stop it.] 】

[The ability of the Sky Wing species to escape is extremely strong.] 】

The other point is that you can feel the gaze from beyond the void. 】

[That’s God of War Artejo!] 】

[This invincible deity seems to have begun to pay attention to the battlefield now, and has begun to pay attention to you.] 】

[In the original work, because humans are too weak, Artexiu has never paid attention to the battlefield, and even he has been lonely for too long. 】

[In the end, it was more in line with the trend, and finally let the god of the game, Tetu, pick up a leak and become the only god.] 】

Now, because of your reasons, this god of war, this invincible god, began to pay attention to the battlefield and began to get serious. 】

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.] 】

[But!] No doubt! 】

You don’t think that’s a bad thing! 】

[Defeating an invincible god Artexiu who was in his heyday and full of war intentions was naturally better than defeating a god of war who was already tired of everything.] 】

After the union of the four major races, the situation on the battlefield is also becoming more and more tense. 】

[It didn’t take long for the final battle.] 】

【It’s finally coming!】 】

[Before the war.] 】

You originally wanted to keep Huby in the human kingdom, but Huby said that he would go with you. 】

[Looking at the stubborn expression on Huby’s face, you have a bitter smile on your face, and you always feel that if you don’t agree, Huby may sneak like the past.] 】

In the end, you can only reluctantly agree to Huby. 】

[After you agree to Huby.] 】

[Two figures, one big and one small, also came to your side, and their faces were full of anxiety.] 】

“Holy Emperor!”

“Brother White Night!”

Colony and Ina learn that the showdown is about to begin.

It was also at the same time that they found Kitahara Baiqiu together.

His face was full of worry, anxiety, and anxiety.

“How did you get here?”

Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the two little beauties, one big and one small, and also asked with a smile.

“Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, they say that the decisive battle is about to begin, is it true?”

Colony Dora.

The queen of all mankind today.

At this moment, his face was full of anxiety, and he asked anxiously in front of Kitahara Baiqiu.

“Well, yeah.”

Kitahara Baiqiu nodded, looked at the sky, and said with emotion: “I have to say that what Rick did was already a bit unexpected by me, and now is the best time.” ”

Kitahara praised Rick.

But at this moment, in Colony’s heart, there was some resentment against Rick, blaming her brother.

She knew she was making a fuss.

But……… She really didn’t want to, didn’t want the showdown to come so quickly.

She was scared.

I am afraid that the figure I look at every day will disappear in front of my eyes one day.

“Brother White Night! You’re going to win, right? You’re bound to win?!! ”

Ina stood by and was also full of anxiety, grabbing Kitahara Baiqiu to get his hands on it, and constantly inquired.

Kitahara laughed and said nothing.

Honestly, he really doesn’t know if he can win this time.

Because he didn’t even know what the God of War looked like, let alone his strength.

Ina saw that Kitahara Baiqiu did not answer, and her face was suddenly anxious, and she shouted.

“I don’t care! White Night Brother you must win! We had an agreement! Brother White Night will be with me forever! I’m all about to grow up now! So Brother White Night must win! ”

The little girl who was once a little girl has indeed grown up a lot now, and she seems to be so tall.

Kitahara Baiqiu heard Ina slightly stunned, remembered the original agreement between the two, and replied with a smile: “Well, rest assured, as long as Ina does not regret it in the future, the agreement will definitely be counted.” ”

“Well, I believe in Brother White Night!”

Ina nodded and said seriously.

Then a red halo suddenly appeared on her face, and she glanced at the Northern Plains White Autumn.

Finally, I made up my mind.

He rushed to the front of Kitahara Baiqiu and kissed Kitahara Baiqiu’s lips.

In the past, Ina only dared to kiss Kitahara Baiqiu’s face.

It was Nonna’s first kiss.

After the kiss, Nonna also ran away shyly.

When she ran to the door, she did not forget to say to Kitahara Baiqiu, “Brother White Night! You must come back! Ina will always be here waiting for you! ”

With that, the little body ran out.

At the scene, only Kitahara Baiqiu and Clonie were left.

Colony looked at Inarik with some complexity on her face, and subconsciously muttered to herself, “I really envy Nonna…”

“Oh? Envy what? ”

Kitahara laughed softly and asked.

“Huh? Ay? Did I just say what I was talking about? ”

Cloni was stunned when she heard Kitahara Baiqiu’s words.

This woman

Lord Wang’s face was suddenly filled with redness at this moment.

“Oh, I hear it clearly.”

Kitahara said with a smile.

Colony suddenly whimpered, and the redness on her face became more pronounced.

Kitahara Baiqiu did not continue to stimulate the young girl.

Just next to her is to accompany her who is now in a complicated mood.

When Colony calmed down.

Her eyes were always fixed on the figure in front of her.

Look at the figure you have been watching all these years.

In her eyes, a hint of fascination slowly appeared.

“Holy Emperor, will you come back?”

Colony asked softly.

“Well, even if I lose this time, I’ll be back.”

Kitahara Hakuaki nodded.

He could guarantee that.

Colony nodded.

Then between the two, there was silence again.

Colony looked at Kitahara Baiqiu, and the expression on her face blushed from time to time.

By the end it was directly filled with a red glow.

At this time, she still couldn’t help it, summoned up her courage, and said to Kitahara Baiqiu: “That, that, Saint Emperor, you, do you know?” Actually, I like you. ”

Clooney’s voice was muffled.

In her opinion, the confession of human beings and gods is still too bold.

It’s just that the decisive battle is coming.

The future is full of unknowns, and Colony can’t stand it anymore and doesn’t want to leave regrets.

Kitahara looked at her with a smile and continued to listen to her.

“In fact, I have liked Lord Saint Emperor for a long time, but I know that Lord Saint Emperor is a god and I am a human being, so I can’t be together, so I have been suppressing this relationship.”

“Lord Saint Emperor always says that I am very good and excellent, although I don’t know if I am excellent or not, but I know that I have come to this step through countless efforts.”

“Because even if I’m really good, there aren’t many people in the world who are as good as me.”

“Only when I become more excellent and the best can I stay with the Holy Emperor and stay by the side of the Holy Emperor, and the Holy Emperor is the driving force for my efforts.”

Clonnie spoke slowly.

She remembered the days when the major villages were integrated, and the people around Bai Qiu in the Northern Plains changed batches one by one.

She was actually very nervous during those days.

She was afraid, afraid that she would be eliminated too.

After the elimination, he had to leave Kitahara’s side of Bai Qiu.

So all the time, she has worked very hard.

Trying to become the queen of today, in order to stay with Kitahara Bai Qiude for so many years.

The people around Kitahara Baiqiu have long since changed and don’t know how much.

It was only her and Rick who never changed.

“I like Lord Saint Emperor, and it doesn’t matter if Lord Saint Emperor doesn’t respond to me, I just want to tell Lord Saint Emperor what I have always wanted.”

“Thank you, Holy Emperor, without you there would be no human race now, and there would be none… Now I. ”

Colony said seriously.

This beautiful queen, in the hearts of countless human races.

It is also the most noble existence besides the Northern Plains White Autumn.

She possesses excellent leadership skills and superior wisdom, and seems to be full of intellect and smile from beginning to end.

Petite and slender, bright hair and blue eyes, shining with the brilliance of life.

She was perfect.

As queen, she is also perfect.

“Confession? So, then, Clooney, how do you want me to answer? ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at the queen in front of him and asked with a smile on his face.

“Huh? Me, of course I thought…”

Colony’s face was suddenly panicked, and she looked at Kitahara Baiqiu in disbelief.

The face was full of surprise, but also full of trepidation.

“I like you too, Colony.”

Kitahara no longer sells Guanzi, said with a smile.

Colony only felt her head buzzing, and she almost fainted in happiness.

She didn’t think of anything at all.

Lord God actually responded to her heart.

It’s simply… It’s like dreaming.

Clooney was dizzy, and subconsciously said, “Holy Emperor, can you leave a child?” ”

When Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, the whole person was stunned.

Colony reacted, and she was also stunned, her face flushed.


Kitahara looked at the shy girl, but replied in this way.

And then.

Under the girl’s nervous gaze, Kitahara Baiqiu slowly extended his hand to the queen’s dress worn by the girl.

Children of Man and God?

While the girl was nervous, she couldn’t help but think in her heart, and then slowly closed her eyes.

[You played poker with Colony.] 】。

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