Chapter 174 Three Daughters Meet! Alert snow under the snow is no!!

At the end of the simulation.

The time for two classes soon passed.

Kitahara Hakuaki and Miko Yotsuya walked out of the classroom side by side.

The people in the class are not strange, and those who are used to it can no longer get used to it.

But this time.

Kitahara Shiraaki and Yotsuya Miko did not go to the ministry together.

Instead, first let Yotsuya Miko go to the ministry first.

He himself walked to the floor where the senior high school was located.

“Student, please ask, how should the ministry go?”


In the third year of high school A class.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu knew that Kitahara White Autumn would eat at the ministry at noon.

After class.

I also asked the female classmates on the side.

The female classmate was also stunned by Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s sudden conversation.

After reacting, I wanted to answer.

Before she could answer, there was a commotion outside the classroom.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu subconsciously looked away.

As a result, she saw the figure of Kitahara Baiqiu at the door of the classroom.

A beautiful smile appeared on Kasumigaoka’s face, which made the female classmates on the side look stunned.

After nodding to the female classmates and thanking them.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu walked towards Kitahara Baiqiu without scruples in full view of everyone.

“How did you get here?”

Kasumigaoka asked.

“Of course, I came to pick up our teacher Kasumiko~”

“When Teacher Kasumi first arrived, how could she bother Teacher to go to great lengths to find the Ministry of Service?”

“As a local, Kasumiko’s boyfriend, if the hospitality is not good, then I will feel very guilty.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu saw the situation and also laughed directly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu blushed and glanced at Kitahara Baiqiu.

However, she was also very happy that Kitahara Hakuaki could come to her class to pick her up.

The two of them talked and laughed like this.

You walked out of the senior A class one by one.

Directly put everyone in the third year A class of high school stunned.

Be aware.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu is a super beautiful girl who has just transferred to school.

The arrival of Kitahara White Autumn.

But it is undoubtedly to tell everyone that this super beautiful girl has a name and has a master, and now it seems that……… It seems to be true.

After Kitahara Hakuaki and Kasumigaoka Shiba came to the ministry.

Except for Miko Yotsuya.

Under the snow the snow has also arrived early. Kasumigaoka Shiba and Snow Under Snow are meeting for the first time.

The two women were also slightly stunned.

But they all nodded calmly at each other.

Until under the snow, Snow Nai took out the bento box prepared for Kitahara Hakuaki today.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn’t help but laugh, “No wonder Bai Qiu never prepared a lunch box at noon, it turned out that there were beautiful girls making you a bento every day.” ”

“The first beautiful girl in school makes you a bento every day, what a happy thing, in exchange for me I have fallen.”

That said.

Under the snow, Xue Nai’s face directly showed a red glow.

She knew Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Today I transferred to the senior high school student of the General Wu High School.

She used to be the first beautiful girl at the private Toyonozaki School.

At the same time, it is also the first existence of the age.

It’s just that the snow under the snow is not expected.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu turned out to be related to Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Envy, huh? This is what Snow Nai did for me, but it will not be given to you. ”

For Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s teasing, Kitahara Baiqiu also responded with a smile.

Directly provoked Kasumigaoka Shiyu to glance at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Worthy of being a crumb.

Think so.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu also glanced at the snow under the snow.

I just think the other person is indeed as beautiful and touching as the rumors, cute enough to foul.

Even if she was a girl, she was a little moved to see the snow under the snow, not to mention her own white night teacher?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu had expected it in her mind before this.

So it’s not surprising.

As for Miko Yotsuya.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu had already seen it in the morning. This is also a cute girl to the extreme. Moreover, from the perspective of Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

This lovely young girl named Miko Yotsutani.

Although the surface looks pure and shy, as if she is a leading girl, everything is not revealed.

But actually.

It’s different from snow under the sky.

Kasumigaoka Shiba felt that Yotsuya Miko’s figure should be quite astringent.

The figure is wonderful and exquisitely small.

Everything is just right.

Three teenage girls.

Three different temperaments and styles.

But none of them are very beautiful and lovely.

After introducing themselves to each other.

It is also harmonious to stay in the ministry and begin to enjoy their respective bento.

Snow under the snow suddenly thought of something, and said softly to Kitahara Bai Qiu, “By the way, Bai Qiujun, there is one thing I want to tell you, my sister, since she learned about you from my mouth, seems to be very interested in you, you have to be careful.” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu was stunned when he heard this.

Snow under the snow Snow is the sister of Snow No? Is it sunny under the snow?

“Your sister is very interested in Bai Qiu?” And Ti sister flowers? ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was also stunned and said subconsciously.

The snow under this change of snow was stunned.

Under the snow, Snow Nai didn’t expect that Kasumigaoka Shiyu would actually say this.

Subconsciously retorted: “How can it be, my sister is a very terrible existence, can make her interested, but it is easy to be played.” ”

“Being toyed with? Who? White Autumn? ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the snow under the snow with a look of doubt on her face that you thought was possible.

Under the snow the snow was suddenly stunned.

Well, it seems so.

No matter how strong her sister was, she couldn’t have played the Northern Plains Baiqiu Student’s.

And, at the time of the previous conversation.

Her sister also obviously knew the special nature of Bai Qiu’s disciple.

Is it because of the special nature of Bai Qiu that he became interested in Bai Qiu Xuedi? So why did my sister do this?

I didn’t think about it before.

However, under the reminder of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, under the snow, Xue Nai suddenly became vigilant.

“Cough, Shi Yu, what do you mean, I’m a pure boy, I can’t play big sister, and it’s normal for her to worry about me.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu coughed twice and said sternly.

“Ah yes yes, you are the purest.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Kitahara Baiqiu and swung directly.

Pure impurity, can she not know?

Yotsuya Miko’s face was flushed as she listened, and her head was about to be buried in the bento box.

She is truly pure.

And Ti sisters spend something……… She didn’t hear it! Kitahara Baiqiu’s face was full of smiles.

And yet this is the very time.

His phone suddenly rang.

Kitahara Bai Qiu paused, subconsciously picked it up and took a look, and found that it was Fujiwara Chika who sent him a message.

【Fujiwara Chika: Lord Hakuaki!】 Lord Bai Qiu! Something big has happened to our school! It’s true! I didn’t lie to you! 】

[Fujiwara Chika: Wow! There are a lot of strange people coming! Would you like to come and have a look? 】

When Kitahara Baiqiu saw this news, his face was suddenly stunned.

Go straight back.

[White Night: Okay, come. 】

Then, Kitahara Baiqiu looked at the three girls in front of him and said to them, “I’m sorry, I have something to deal with first, you eat first.” ”

The three women were stunned at the same time.

Then he nodded towards Kitahara Hakuaki.

Kitahara Baiqiu simply disappeared in place.

At the scene, there are only three daughters left.

After a moment of silence.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said to Yukino under the snow, “Tell me about your sister, I’m interested.” ”

Snow under the snow was stunned at first, and then nodded, “Good.” ”

Yotsuya Miko was also attracted to attention, and her face was full of curiosity.

The sound of conversation.

Then it rang again in the ministry.

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