Chapter 182 Challenge the Gods! Autistic Esthers!!

“Bai Qiu, what are you looking for us?”

Called out of the room by Kitahara Hakuaki.

Hestia and Fallen Ji both had confused expressions.

These two guys.

Now it’s really a dry thing girl.

Blinded by the bustling life of this world.

Artemis’s head swung and swayed, and she also looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with doubt.

She’s fine.

Although he likes light novels, he has strong self-control.

And she has always been responsible for controlling Hestia and Fallen Lady.

As a result, Hestia often dissatisfied with her mother’s child god.

“Nothing, just introduce two people to you to meet, Artemis, Hestia, and you come out too.”

Kitahara smiled and said to them.

Hear the words of Kitahara Hakuaki.

The Godkiller World Artemis and Hestia also emerged from the other of their own bodies.

Hestia saw Kitahara White Autumn.

His face was slightly red at the same time, he also smiled at him.

Everyone has arrived.

Kitahara Hakuaki also began to introduce: “This is called Esther, and he will also be a member of the family in the future.” ”

With that, Kitahara Baiqiu also pushed Esther, who was hiding behind him, in front of everyone.

“Wow, what a cute girl!”

Hestia looked at the elf-like girl with a beautiful face and a petite body.

My eyes lit up and I sincerely appreciated it.

Cute girls can always make people instinctively feel good, even if they are also women.

Hestia, who was familiar with herself, directly hugged it, revealing a look of excitement.

She herself is a lovely goddess.

The two lovely beings are pasted together, and both have a different flavor.

Beside them, Artemis, Artemis, and Hestia couldn’t help but show an expression of admiration to Esther.

The girl is really cute.

Only Esther himself.

It was somewhat unnatural for Hestia’s familiarity to show a look of help to Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Baiqiu smiled, but did not stop it.

Until Hestia accidentally let Esther escape.

Esther fled directly behind Bai Qiu of Kitahara, grabbed Hakuhara Bai Qiu tightly, and said softly, “This body is Bai Qiu’s sword, and this body will be with Bai Qiu forever.” ”

Hestia was a little sorry to see Esther escape.

Hearing Esther’s words, he was stunned and subconsciously asked, “Sword?” ”

Kitahara Bai Qiu heard this, smiled and touched Ester’s beautiful silver hair, and said, “Well, Ester is not only one of us, she is also a holy sword, the highest sword elf, and also the sword of my choice.” ”

Hearing that Ester was really an elf or a sword elf.

Hestia’s face was also a little amazed.

For Hestia, there were very few swords that could transform into human form.

No wonder it’s so cute.

After introducing Esther.

Kitahara Hakuaki naturally also began to introduce Esthers.

He said, “This one’s name is Esthers, and she will be our family’s royal maid from now on.” ”

Several people heard the words and looked at Esther in a maid costume.

This is also a big beauty.

It’s just different from the cute Esther.

Esther is a perfect sister type.

Guan is looking at the face and body, as if it has the infinite charm of hooking the soul.

Several people nodded kindly at Esther.

Until they listened to Kitahara Bai Qiu say.

“The main purpose of calling you out is to let you have a fight with this Estes, and only when she defeats her will she admit that she is your maid.”

Kitahara White Autumn Road.

Several young girls were stunned at the same time.

Corrupted by the game, Ji Ji didn’t think about it and asked doubtfully, “Is it the kind of pet in the game that will be subdued after being defeated and then follow him?” ”


Esther’s face froze.

“No, no, compared to this, it’s strange that the maid now has to be defeated by her master to be able to accept it, right?” When the master is so demanding? Is there really such a game? ”

Hestia had a blank look on her face and thought seriously.

If there was such a game, she suddenly wanted to play it.

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed lightly and said twice, “It may be because this maid will not need a salary after receiving it, and will serve the master wholeheartedly, so the requirements for the master are higher.” ”

“That’s the way it is!”

Hestia’s eyes lit up.

If that’s the case, that’s really acceptable.

Hestia glanced at Estes.

I just think the quality of this maid seems to be very good, if it is in the game, it should be SSR super rare level.

That made her interested.

Estes’s face was already stiff and could not be stiffer anymore, and there was endless anger in his eyes.

Anyone who is treated as a pet and a rare maid will be angry.

Not to mention Esther, the Queen of Ice.

Although she knew these people might have been deliberate, they had deliberately provoked her anger.

“Since that’s the case, then I agree!”

Hestia said without hesitation.

Fallen Ji nodded excitedly.

These two people actually didn’t want to be angry with Estus at all, they were completely playing games.

Artemus, Artemis, Hestia.

These three goddesses actually looked at Kitahara Baiqiu. Kitahara Shiraaki smiled at them and nodded.

They agreed.

“Well, since you all agreed, I’ll create a space for you.”

Kitahara said with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, the whole world seemed to be turned upside down, and everything around him began to change.

Mirror space.

This is a skill that Kitahara Hakuaki has long learned.

Fighting in this space, no matter what happens, will not affect the real world.

“Well, here you can let go of the beating, even if you beat people to death, I can resurrect people.”

Kitahara said casually.

But it also determines the fate of Estus next.

“Good! Good! Then I’ll go first! ”

Both Hestia and Fallen Ji were eager to try.

Finally, Hestia preemptively said and went straight up.

And the other side.

Tall and tall, graceful, long blue hair hanging down at will, Estes, dressed in a maid costume, also walked up silently.

She didn’t speak.

Just looked at Hestia with wariness.

She didn’t believe that there were so many people in this world who were better than her! Kitahara Baiqiu undoubtedly admitted it.

But the woman who wants her to recognize Kitahara Hakuaki! Then you have to show strength!

For Kitahara Bai Qiu respected her wishes, and was willing to solve it with a fight.

Esther is still in a good mood, and his heart has also changed a bit about Kitahara Baiqiu.

The battle between the two sides.

It started soon!

Estes did not hesitate to show his terrible ability to operate above the ice and snow.

The Essence of the Devil freezes everything and shatters everything! However………

Hestia was undoubtedly stronger than her.

Don’t look at Hestia as a waste goddess.

Others are also the oldest and holiest goddesses in Greek mythology.

Don’t think of the goddess as a goddess!

The power of the gods directly ravaged the entire space.

The Endless Divine Fire directly melted Esther’s at this moment.

“How is this possible… This level of flame?!! ”

Esther’s pupils were filled with shock and disbelief.

In her cognition, she had never seen a flame of this level, was this really a mortal fire? Who the hell is this guy?

The mood flickered extremely quickly, and Estes’s expression became solemn, but the movement did not slow down in the slightest, and he rushed straight up, ready to fight with Hestia.

Hestia’s flames were too restrained for her! She simply could not exert the power of the Demon Essence.

But that’s okay.

In addition to his ice and snow abilities, Estes also has extraordinary sword skills.

It’s just useless! How can the power of the gods be just flames?

In the end, Estes was suppressed to the limit and used Mokopo Temo.

But under the influence of the Holy Fire.

The Mokoba Temo effect is not played! Crush! It’s a crushing from start to finish!

Hestia was already stronger than Esthers, not to mention that the flame had such great restraint on Estes.

Looking at Estes’s sight, terrifying flames descended from the sky, instantly burying him.

Esther is dead.

And then.

Kitahara Shiroaki smiled slightly.

The figure of Estes reappeared on the other side.

“Won! Hahaha! I won! ”

“Well, it feels good to move a little.”

Hestia was happy after winning the battle against Esthers.

According to the game, she has now taken over this SSR ultra-rare maid.

Whether or not a maid does something is another matter, the key is that sense of accomplishment.

Hestia of the God Killer World smiled slightly and said, “Then let’s change me.” ”

Fallen Ji shrank her head at this time. No comments at all.

Through the spectators just now.

She felt like she couldn’t beat Esther at all.

This maid… Don’t do it!

Hestia of the God Killer World slowly stepped forward.

At this moment, Estes’s face on the battlefield was full of terror.

She just now……… Dead once!

Then, it was really resurrected.

This left Esther’s heart filled with confusion, consternation, and disbelief.

In this battle, the whole ability has been controlled to the death.

It made Esther feel extremely depressed, but helpless.

Such a battle.

It’s a psychological shadow for her.

It can be compared to when Esther almost killed her with one sword.

“It’s all right… It’s just that that person is just capable of restraining me, and the rest of the people are not necessarily. ”

Esther took a few deep breaths.

Looking at Hestia walking towards him, he adjusted his mentality and prepared to fight again.

Then Esther found out.

This person is as capable as a person! All are used with strong flames that cannot be stronger!

This made Esther almost autistic! No doubt.

She died again at the hands of Hestia.

Esther was going crazy.

She didn’t believe, didn’t believe that all people’s efforts were the flame.

The battle was brought up by her!

How could she give up so easily!!! Both after Hestia.

Artemis of the god-killing world was also excited.

Power is really not the power of the Holy Fire………

But the gap in strength.

No doubt let Ace

Des was suppressed from beginning to end.

Defeated again and beaten all the way. Dead again. Autistic.

This time I was really autistic.

Esther began to doubt life.

Everyone here is really better than her.

No wonder Kitahara Hakuaki agreed to her request at first.

“What’s wrong? Don’t fight anymore? ”

“There are two people on the scene that you haven’t played, by the way, there is another one in the family who is not at home now going to school, if you want to fight, I can arrange it at night.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu looked at Estes with blank eyes and was struck to the point of doubting the appearance of life.

Not only was it uncomfortable, but it was even more excessive.

Estes was full of excitement, and when he heard that there was another person, he shook his head in horror and hurriedly said, “Don’t fight, I don’t fight.” ”

“From now on, I will be the maid of Lord Bai Qiu’s house.”

This once proud queen.

After dying three times, he was completely successfully taught: undoubtedly chose to give in.

Kitahara reached out to touch Esther’s silver-blue long hair.

They both frightened Esther to death, but he still restrained himself from dodging.

“Well, don’t be so nervous, I know that the character you have become like this is not entirely to blame you, it has something to do with what happened to you when you were a child.”

Kitahara Bai Qiu touched the long silver-blue hair, looked at the rare weak look on the queen’s face, smiled and said, “Rest assured, as I said, as a little punishment for your chaos, you just need to do your job as a maid, in this home, other things, no one will force you.” ”


Esther looked sheepishly at Kitahara Hakuaki.

He nodded softly and responded in a low voice.

Weakling……… Ben is attached to the strong…

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