Chapter 190 Decided to Leave! The Celestial Wing Maidens Remain!!

After all, you were created by Artexiu, the god of war. 】

[You are also special to Artejo, the god of war.] 】

[He has great expectations of you.] 】

[You stood where you were for a moment of silence, and finally decided to go back to Abonte.] Heim made a trip. 】

Although your strength has been improved again under the guidance of the God of War. 】

[But you know, with what you teach the God of War, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the God of War!] 】

[Because of the strength of the God of War, in addition to his own strength, there is also the concept of his invincibility as the God of War!] 】

[If you want to defeat the God of War, you are still not enough, you need to go through other efforts.] 】

You know this, and the God of War knows this. 】

[So neither of you has mentioned the current confrontation.] 】

[You are waiting for yourself to grow up to be able to really fight him.] 】

He is also waiting for you to grow up to be with him. 】

[When you return to Abant Heym, many Celestial Wing maidens naturally come out to greet you.] 】

[They are very happy to see your return, and they cheer one by one.] 】

[For them, the time you left this time, in the God of War Artejou is actually a little long.] 】

After you returned, the Celestial Wing Maidens all showed you what enemies they had killed, and won the first rank of whoever was who.] 】

[You can’t laugh at this.] 】

[Worthy of the race created by the God of War, it is obviously a group of beautiful and moving angelic maidens, but they all have a kind of combat freak essence.] 】

The Angel Maidens bring you to a place and show you the knowledge that has been plundered for you during this time. 】

[Looking at the thousands of books in the room, looking at the sincere smile on the face of every Celestial Wing Maiden in front of me.] 】

[Your face is undoubtedly frozen, and a warm current rushes into your heart.] 】

[You have not lived up to the expectations of the girls, and you have read all these books, or the efforts of the girls, even if these books are actually of little use to you now.] 】

[After reading all the books.] 】

You propose to the girls that in order to become stronger, you must leave Abonte for a while. Heim did. 】

[However, this moment. 】

But the girls were all silent. 】

“Just must… Want to get stronger? Lord White Night? ”

The leader of the Celestial Wing Race, Azriel.

In the past, she had a big grin, no face, no skin, and no majesty.

At this moment, it is rare to be serious.

A pleading expression appeared on his face, and he looked at Kitahara Baiqiu sadly.


Kitahara nodded lightly and answered Azriel’s question.

It also made the little fluke that remained in Azriel’s heart, that little bit of hope, completely shattered.

She lowered her head, and no expression began to appear on her face.

But she didn’t speak.

The many Heavenly Wing Maidens next to them were twittering openings.

“Why! Lord White Night! Why do you become stronger in persistence? ”

“That is, Lord White Night, in my opinion, you are the strongest god and the strongest being in the world besides Lord Artexiu!” There is no need to get stronger anymore! ”

“Lord White Night! Isn’t it fun to be with us? If you like to read, we can always help you! ”

“Yes! Whether it’s a forest species, a goblin species, a machine species, or even a fantasy species! Divine Species! As long as the White Night Lord you need, we can help you snatch the book back! ”

The young girls of the Heavenly Wing Species were all anxious and uneasy on their faces at the moment.

Even they were now vaguely aware of something.

The White Night Lord was already so strong.

But he still has to get stronger, what is it for… The Celestial Wing Maidens didn’t want to think about it, nor did they dare to think about it.

They looked at Kitahara Baiqiu expectantly.

Hopefully he can stay.

For books, for knowledge, or… For them.

“You guys… What are you doing! ”


At this moment, Jeephril was speaking.

She blocked in front of Kitahara Bai Qiu, glared at all the Heavenly Wing Maidens, and said, “What’s wrong with Lord White Night wanting to become stronger!” You want to stop him!” ”

“Jeephril! You’re over four hundred years old! You know what! ”

There was a Celestial Wing Maiden who said loudly.

Gibriel replied unceremoniously, “Why don’t I understand!” I know everything! ”

“I don’t care what Lord White Night’s purpose is to become stronger!” As long as the White Night Lord wants to become stronger! I support Lord White Night! ”

“Lord White Night! If you agree, I’m willing to go with you! ”

With that, Jeephril also looked firmly at Kitahara Hakuaki.

Her words.

It also made countless Heavenly Wing Maidens froze.

One by one, they stayed where they were and didn’t know what to say.

“It’s worthy of Xiao Ji…”

Azriel’s voice sounded again, and began to tremble a little: “It seems that what we said at the beginning has been reneged, and only Xiao Ji is true.” ”

With that, Azriel looked up at Kitahara Baiqiu.

Although the face was still smiling as always, two lines of clear tears had already crossed his cheeks.

“Lord White Night, you go.”

“Lord Azriel!”

Next to it, there was a Celestial Wing Breed Maiden who exclaimed, wanting to say something.

Azriel shook her head.

Then, she looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and continued, “No matter what, when that day has not yet come, Lord White Night, you will always be the god of our Heavenly Wing Species, and also my god.” ”

“As a race under the gods, there is naturally no reason to stop the gods.”

“But… When that day really comes, we are the enemy. ”

“Thoroughly! Undead enemies! ”

“Please White Night Lord make up his mind!” Be sure to consider this! ”

When Jibril heard this, her face was full of anger.

I just wanted to say something, but I was stopped by Kitahara Baiqiu.

Kitahara Akira faced Azriel, just nodded, and said calmly, “Good.” ”


Kitahara Hakuaki also left with Jibriel under the complicated gaze of all the Celestial Wing Maidens.

After Kitahara Hakuaki and Gibriel leave.

The god of war, Artexiu, also appeared here, looking in the direction in which Kitahara Baiqiu had left.

“See Lord Althushue!”

When all the Celestial Wing Maidens saw Artexiu, their hearts were shocked, and they quickly knelt down on one knee to show their respect.

Their hearts are very worried at the moment.

Artexiu’s face would be calm, and he glanced at the Celestial Wing Maidens.

Then he set his sights on Azriel and said, “Azriel, you did something wrong. ”

When Azriel heard this, her heart was even more worried.

Did it wrong……… Could it be that she shouldn’t have let Lord White Night leave?

“I’m not saying you shouldn’t let White Night go.”

Artexiu seemed to see through her thoughts and sighed.

This is the earliest creation of the Celestial Wing Species, and it is also the current leader of the Celestial Wing Species.


At the same time, he is also the Heavenly Wing species that knows him the least about him today.

“Think about it, Azriel.”

“Think about why Jeephril would be willing to leave with the White Night.”

Althusher said this and disappeared into the same place.

Azriel heard.

But the look in his eyes was even more dazed.

Why, will Xiao Ji leave with Lord White Night forever? She actually didn’t understand it.

All she knew was that Xiao Ji was the most special of them.

It is the final number of the individual, and it is the individual outside the sequence number.

The potential is also the greatest among them, and the future will surely become their strongest existence.

But if you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it.

She serves as the original number individual and Xiao Ji final number individual.

The difference is too far… Gentleman.

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