Chapter 194 Eros Arram! A god born out of love!!

[Before the results come out, no one knows who will be the first.] 】

[And now.] 】

[Shinku Nirbarian was undoubtedly the first, ahead of Huby and Gibriel.] 】

[Gibriel gritted his teeth angrily, and stared viciously at Shinku Nirbaren, as if he wanted to eat her.] 】

[Shinku Nilbarien, on the other hand, looked at Gibril with some pride, because whether it was a misunderstanding or not, she was ahead of Gibriel.] 】

[You know. 】

[Between Shinku Nirbarian and Gibriel.] 】

[Once, there was a grudge.] 】

[Previously, when Jeeplier passed by the Mori Seizu, he launched a ‘Sky Strike’ attack on the Sen Seizu Capital on the grounds that he had been affected by flying obstruction magic and fell and caused a swelling of a bag.’ 】

[As a result, the capital of the Mori Seizu was directly destroyed, and all the magic books of the Mori Seizu were swept away by Jeplier (handed over to you)]

Although Xinku Nirbarian is a beautiful elven girl, she is naturally vengeful, and even the rumor that Sen Jingzi likes to remember revenge can be said to have spread from her.] 】

[For herself to be able to walk in front of the ‘enemy’ Gibriel, she was proud at the same time, naturally full of joy. 】

[Round strength I can’t compare to you, but I can’t do it in other ways!] 】

[It’s just that Xinku Nirbarian hugged you, her face was full of redness, and she didn’t expect that you who looked small would be so powerful.] 】

[In fact, this is also after you killed the forest god, the strength god personality was once again enhanced, and you returned to the appearance of thirteen or fourteen years old, otherwise you would really have a weak heart.] 】

[Huby looked at you expressionlessly, she didn’t say anything, she just looked at you expressionlessly.] 】

[At noon, Xinku Nirballian proposed that he hope to take you to walk 400 of the Sen Essence Seed and get familiar with the situation of the Sen Essence Species.] 】

[You agreed.] 】

Along the way, you have encountered many Sen Essence species. 】

[For your intimacy with Shinku Nirbaren, all the Sen Essence is nothing but consternation:]

But you can also feel that their hearts are relieved. 】

[As the new god of the forest, the new master of the Mori Seizu. 】

[Everyone of the Sen Essence Breed is actually not very familiar with you, and their hearts are also extremely worried.] 】

[However, they know Shinku Nirbarian and are familiar with Shinku Nirbaren.] 】

Seeing that their leader, Shinku Nirbaren, is so close to you, and has a happy smile on his face, they naturally put their hearts at ease, and a smile appeared on their faces. 】

[You looked at the reaction of the entire Sen Essence Breed in your eyes, and when you looked at the Xinku Nirballian who was surrounded by Lan Xin Hui, you couldn’t help but feel some emotion in your heart.] 】

[As the leader, Shinku Nirbarian was really thoughtful.] 】

[Notice your gaze, Shinku Nirbarian also playfully winked at you.] 】

[After reassuring all the forest essences, you have not forgotten your purpose]

[That is the strongest weapon possessed by Shinku Nirbaren, the Void Zero Protection.] 】

[Over the years, the Celestial Wing Maidens have brought you a lot of knowledge and books from all races.] 】

[But where is the real hole card and strength of the various races so easy to reveal?] Before the hole card was used, the clans did not even know of his existence.

【”Void Zero Protection”】

[It is undoubtedly the bottom card of the Sen Seizu, the secret weapon.] 】

[In the original book.] 】

[The ‘Void Zero Protection’ of the Forest Essence Species, the ‘Pulp Explosion’ of the Goblin Species, the ‘Divine Strike’ of the Heavenly Wing Species, and the All Machine Kai Species.] 】

[The four races work together, but they once destroyed the god of war, Artexiu!] 】

[Although there is the reason why the god of war Artexiu released water, but to be able to destroy the god of war, these cards of all races are undoubtedly desirable, after all, the god of war Artexiu only released water, but not suicide.] 】

[Shinku Nirbarian was surprised that you knew the ‘Void Zero Protection.’ 】

[But the young girl who has entrusted her body and mind to you naturally has no reservations, and has informed you of everything about the strongest weapon of the Sen Jing. 】

[Shinku Nirbarian also told you that among the warlocks who created the Void Zero Protection, there was actually the help of the goblin species.] 】

[The Forest Essence is a race of elves in the forest.] 】

[The goblin species are a race of flowers in the forest, created by Arram, the god of love.] 】

[As guardians of the forest, they have always maintained a friendly relationship with the forest essence nature.] 】

[The two clans often work together to develop magic styles.] 】

[Hearing the words of Shinku Nirbaren, you remembered the last simulation of Arram, the god of love who had fought side by side, and decided to go to the goblin breed for a walk. 】

You went to the goblin species alone, without taking anyone with you. 】

[The whole goblin species is full of solemnity for your arrival, a riot.] 】

After all, you have just finished killing Kainas, the god of the forest. 】

[As the ninth goblin species of the Sixteen Races.] 】

Although they usually do not show their faces, they are not weak at all. 】

[They have a kind of interference with the spatial phase realm, which can replace the actual space with the space phase realm, called the ‘Fallen Garden’ killer skill.] 】

[In the original book, they used this ability to eliminate all four hundred and thirty-seven machines of the double-digit Celestial Wing Species and the Old Ouruto Linkage of the Machine Armor Species.] 】

[Even by the end of the Great War, many races had not found a way to restrain the ‘Garden of Fall’, which could not be said to be strong.] 】

[Eros Alam with all the members of the goblin race, is also waiting for your arrival.] 】

[And you, under the gaze of the god of love, Arram, and all the goblin races came to their eyes.] 】

“Sword God White Night! What have you come to us goblin breeds! ”

The beautiful face of the goddess of love, Arram, was full of solemnity, and asked the sword god, the sword god, to the north of the white autumn.

Because I don’t know what the concept of Kitahara White Autumn is.

Kitahara’s sword that killed Kainas was too amazing.

Therefore, the gods gave Kitahara Baiqiu the name of the sword god for the time being.

After the god of love, Aram shouted out.

All the members of the Goblin Clan looked at Kitahara Baiqiu with the same vendetta.

Eros Alam is not a rammer like Kainas.

If Kitahara Hakuaki is looking for trouble.

Eros Aram feels.

Big deal with all the goblin species to fight!

Even if you die, you can bite down on a piece of meat, and you don’t even have to lose.

“Arram, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

Kitahara Baiqiu laughed softly, and greeted everyone with no care in the face of everyone’s vigilance.

Arram, the god of love, was slightly stunned by Kitahara’s familiarity with Baiqiu.

And then.

After Kitahara Shiaki threw a ‘you think of your grandfather’ talent to Arram.

The vigilance on Arram’s face slowly began to fade and become softer.

“It was you.”

Arram said softly.

Recalling everything, she finally understood why you wanted to kill Kainas.

She let down her guard against Kitahara Hakuaki.

“Do you have anything to do with me?”

Arram asked curiously.

Not only was she curious about the arrival of Kitahara Baiqiu, but there were many other things she was curious about now.

“Are you sure this is where the conversation is place?”

Kitahara did not return, but asked rhetorically.

Eros Alam was stunned, and then glanced at all the goblin species that were still vigilant behind him.

Coughing dryly, he said, “Disperse, disperse, everyone, this is all a misunderstanding.” ”

After saying that.

Arram also looked at Kitahara Bai Qiu and said, “Sword… Wisdom……… Forget it, you come with me. ”

Kitahara laughed lightly, and also kept up with Arram. The two of them just disappeared in front of all the goblin species. Many leprechaun species.

At this moment, they were all stunned.

This……… What’s going on? Still can’t fight? Misunderstand? What misunderstanding?

“Our God… Did you know the Sword God before? ”

“I haven’t heard of it, why would our god be so reassured by the sword god?” The Obvious Sword God had just killed the God of the Forest Spirit Species, hadn’t he? Shouldn’t it be super dangerous? God and this dangerous god alone should also be super dangerous?!! ”

“But God seems to have a lot of trust in him.”

“That’s why I said strange, is it to say… Yes, is it love? ”

“God is already in love without us knowing?!!”

“Sizzle! I feel likely! Otherwise, why would the gods be so reassured about him! ”

Among the goblin species.

Suddenly, a commotion began to come.

As a race created by the god of love, Arram, they are the most loving race in the world!

Commonly known as! All love brains!

His own god was in love.

This is a really big thing for them to come! All the goblin maidens were flushed at this moment.

Excitedly, I began to imagine how my own gods and Kitahara Baiqiu met, knew, loved, and finally came together.

Heated discussion.

Suddenly, it came from the mouths of the maidens.

Arram, the god of love who had not gone far, heard the discussion of his own race.

His face was flushed.

Almost broke the defense.

Arram, the god of love, secretly glanced at Kitahara Baiqiu and looked at Kitahara Baiqiu’s face full of smiles.

Suddenly, it was even more panicked.

Arram cried out in his heart.

But there is no way, she is a god born from the concept of love.

The goblin species she created longs for sweet love.

As a deity, she naturally longs for sweet love!

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